Round Five, Act One
Mewtwo's feeling tricksy once again and almost immediately decides it'll go and greet the newcomer. The legend floats down to meet Lurline with a broad and toothy grin that only grows wider as the stoic sableye begins to show signs of discomfort. No doubt she'd hoped to avoid the legends' attention for at least a little while longer. Mewtwo spreads empty hands and says,
Welcome to the battlefield, little one. Such a shame that I'm going to have to end your life today.
Lurline hisses but shrinks back a bit, wobbling slightly as she works to keep her new levitation under control. Mewtwo shakes its head sadly and says,
It doesn't have to be that way, you know. In fact, what do you say we make a deal? You just agree not to use that nasty little expert belt of yours, and I'll pretend you aren't even here. What do you say? A fair trade, isn't it?
Lurline shakes her head and chatters angrily at the legend, but Metwo won't be deterred. A flourish of its hand and a scroll unrolls from nowhere. Mewtwo casually presses a three-fingered hand against it.
There. I've already signed. Won't you do the same? The scroll floats down to float in front of Lurline, who tries to evade it but finds it quite persistent in following her around.
Come now. All I'm asking for is that you not bring any unfair advantage to this battle. The three of us are fighting empty-handed; why shouldn't you? And think of what you earn--one fewer legend to worry about. I am a mon of my word, little one. Think of your trainer; shouldn't you be doing everything you can to protect him?
Lurline glances down at Skylark, who is unfortunately prevented from giving his opinion on the matter by a subtle psychic hold from Mewtwo but is wearing a rather strained smile, if nothing else. The sableye glances back at the scroll, its close-fitting ranks of unown and, below, the three circles that mark Mewtwo's signature. Next to them... is an empty space.
The sableye tries reading the text of the document, but she knows she doesn't really have time. It seems too good to be true; she knows she shouldn't trust one of the legends. All the same, if there's a chance she might be able to avoid Mewtwo's attention, shouldn't she take it? Agreeing not to use her item--well, it's not great, but it's no blood sacrifice. Hesitantly, the sableye reaches out and presses a hand against the scroll. It turns black where her ectoplasm touches, and a sudden jolt of dark energy races up her arm to her brain, where it silences the expert knowledge imparted on her by her belt. And, as the scroll rolls itself up with a snap and vanishes in a puff of purple smoke, Lurline realizes she's missing something else, too. Just how did she get up here, anyway? Sableye can't fly!
Mewtwo chuckles to itself as sableye and trainer plummet from sight, then turns back to the battle proper and floats up to join its legendary comrades. Darkrai, which had been watching the exchange with intense interest, joins in Mewtwo's laughter and raises its claws towards the sky, a tiny ember forming between them. It soars up higher into the atmosphere, and within moments the sun beating down on the arena intensifies, growing almost oppressively bright and warm. The legends stretch luxuriously beneath it as it warms their frosted limbs, rapidly undoing the work of Monopole's icy winds.
Aries' demeanor brightens with the sun, and the sun stone buried somewhere in his fluff grows warm, slowly starting to feed him energy, but he can't afford to stop and enjoy the situation now. Ventus is waiting on him, and the swellow's impatient circling suggests that the delay is grating on the swift pokémon's nerves. Aries clears his throat, then begins singing in an uncertain voice, thin and lonesome in such a huge battlefield. Ventus joins in almost immediately, though, the swellow's voice loud and confident if not overly melodious, and Aries takes heart, raising his voice and letting its strength join with Ventus'. The magical song redoubles and batters at the legends' eardrums. Mewtwo, only just rejoining its companions, isn't able to resist covering its ears, its wicked grin turning to a snarl. Darkrai is even worse affected, shuddering with the force of the song, its angry howl drowned out by the defenders' continued singing. Giratina, on the other hand, merely looks annoyed by the distasteful noise.
The blaring duet would be enough to rouse the dead, and it's certainly enough to wake the two fitful dreamers remaining on Team Asber. Ptah returns to the waking world with a gasp, still shivering with the lingering effects his nightmare, and Chief Zackrai rouses as well. The disoriented trainer doesn't even have a chance to get his bearings before Ptah, recognizing the urgency of the situation, makes a sudden dive, fading as he goes as he melts over into reality's shadow. As he did before, he soars on through the perpetually shifting plane and rematerializes inside Giratina's stomach, ramming a black-edged claw into the flesh in front of him.
He's not the only one bound for the dragon's stomach, either. Once Lurline gets over the immediate panic of her fall, she reaches out to grab Skylark, then turns her downward momentum to her advantage, using it to give her the energy to plunge through into the dark plane. Here, she is not bound by the laws of physics that govern reality, and so is unhindered in her flight towards what she recognizes as the form of Giratina projected through into the shadow world. She breaks into reality next to Ptah, pitifully thankful feel something solid beneath her feet and not at all bothered by the dankness of the beast's stomach. She reaches out to punch the same place that Ptah did, and Giratina cringes, then lashes its body bad-temperedly. Well, it can't be sure exactly who's hanging out in its insides, but it can only see three of its opponents, and the sableye isn't one of them. It's a reasonable bet that Lurline's one of the unwelcome guests, and in any case the dragon is eager to lose its lunch. It swears it must be getting one heck of an ulcer.
Giratina twists into a barrel roll, fading from view as it rotates and the cells of its undead body disperse. As sunlight encroaches on the dragon's stomach, Lurline leaps at Ptah, jabbering with fear, and throws her arms around the gliscor's neck. Skylark grabs his torso, heedless of Chief Zackrai's yells not to, and as Giratina dissolves into the air, Ptah suddenly finds himself supporting over double the burden he was earlier. The gliscor lurches in the air, fighting to keep his flight stable; as a glider more than anything, he was having enough difficulty with just Chief Zackrai to deal with. Still, he can't on good conscience dislodge his two new, plainly terrified hangers-on, and so he's forced to undergo a grim struggle against gravity, cursing his ephemeral foe all the while.
Only Mr. Wonderful has yet to act now. The spiritomb, awake at last, moves doggedly, if very, very slowly, towards his target. He had been hoping to take refuge in Giratina's stomach as well, but his fellow ghost has thwarted that plan for now. Instead, he soars towards Darkrai. He doesn't even glance back when the yells of the humans indicate that the telekinesis holding Monopole aloft has given way and metagross and riders are now accelerating towards the earth. Mr. Wonderful rises above Darkrai, gathering energy as he goes. The ghost's keystone glows white-hot, a whirling vortex of orange energy appearing around hi as he readies his attack. Then Mr. Wonderful pulls his head back into his keystone and lets it drop. The heavy rock plummets onto Dakrai's head with spectacular force and a blast of energy, and the legend, which had been trying without luck to dispel the high-pitched whining in its ears, is slammed downwards by the incredible impact.
Team Legend
Safeguard in play: 2 more actions
Kratos Aurion (O)
Giratina (X) <Prankster>
Health: 827
Energy: 953
Used: Phase Out
- Comfortably insubstantial. Phased out. -1 Speed
Pathos (O)

Darkrai (X) <Bad Dreams>
Health: 796
Energy: 947
Used: Sunny Day
- Deafened. -1 Speed
Kusarigamaitachi (O)

Mewtwo (X) <Prankster>
Health: 964
Energy: 941
Used: Embargo @ Lurline
- Pleasure doing business with you! -1 Speed
Team Asber
Safeguard in play: 2 more actions
Derpy (O)

Aries (M) <Pressure> @ Sun Stone
Health: 86%
Energy: 72%
Used: Round
- Singing with gusto. +3 Defense
Chief Zackrai (O)

Ptah (M) <Hyper Cutter> @ Life Orb
Health: 90%
Energy: 78%
Used: Faint Attack @ Giratina
- Gaaaah, get
blazheirio889 (O)

Ventus (F) <Guts> @ Life Orb
Health: 94%
Energy: 79%
Used: Round
I hate singing.
Wargle (O)

Mr. Wonderful (M) <Pressure> @ Expert Belt
Health: 91%
Energy: 98%
Used: Giga Impact @ Darkrai
- Geronimooo!
Skylark (O)

Lurline (F) <Keen Eye> @ Expert Belt
Health: 100%
Energy: 97%
- Don't let me fall! Embargoed (4 more actions).