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The CoD Monotype Challenge

Poison type mono is ftw. So I'm leveling up, and I grab a Weedle to see what the big deal about Beedrill is. Weedle is such a pain to level up I almost put him in a box and just trumped everything with my Bulbasaur. But then he leveled into Beedrill, and I finally saw why everyone likes him; HE DOMINATES.

Rival is a bit of a problem, however. Had to use some clever fighting to get his Pidgeotto and Chamander down. His Abra is going to be a pain as well went it evolves, especially since I won't be able to get a Gastly until after two(!!) more fights against him. Hrmm.


level 17

level 17

level 17

Nidorino is Louie because he's gonna be Nidoking Louie. OH HOW I AM CLEVER.

Thinking about doing a Ground mono in Saphire if I can find the bugger.


Proposed Dudes:

Mightyena Absol Sharpedo Crawdaunt Shiftry Cacturne

Yay it's going to be incredibly difficult.
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And now, for another exciting installment of...

+Flarginsnarf's Ground Beef!+
(I really gotta work on this title thing!)

Name: Zemlya
Money: ¥125320
Badges: 6
Play Time: 25:31

||Kurmaraja] Adamant
Earthquake | Bite
Razor Leaf | Curse

||Teryrm] Calm
Dig | Slam
Rack Throw | Screech

||Onkólithos] Relaxed
Earthquake | Rock Blast
Rollout | Explosion

||Drakharias] Adamant
Earthquake | Dragon Claw
Aerial Ace | Toxic

||Ostschleim] Relaxed
Surf | Body Slam
Mud Bomb | Hidden Power

I got badges! Whee!... Enlisted some new members too; they're pretty cool guys.

Going over to the north lake to see if my Rival-Bud is still alive. Hoping to catch a nice Swinub to finish off my team.

Quick Note: Gastrodon's 'Hidden Power' is flying type (that's why it's blue); It's not terribly useful, so it will more than likely be replaced in time.
I'm starting either a dark or psychic monotype on Emerald. Which would be harder? I need a challenge. :D Question - why aren't Steel monos allowed? Just curious. :)
I'm starting either a dark or psychic monotype on Emerald. Which would be harder? I need a challenge. :D

Presumably Psychic, for the simple fact that if you plan to use Ralts, the first Psychic you can access, you don't have access to any non-Psychic moves before the Aqua Grunt in Petalburg Woods, who has a Poochyena. If you don't plan to use Ralts, the earliest you can get your next Psychic type is either Abra in Granite Cave (which means that as soon as you get it you should dump your starter, something out of the question for raising an Abra) or Solrock/Lunatone in Meteor Falls, by which point you've already beaten three Gyms so your mono has lost a bit of steam. :/

Question - why aren't Steel monos allowed? Just curious. :)

Not enough available Steel types in the game to get. You could always do your own Steel mono anyway, but be warned that you won't have six Pokémon for a very long time. x3
Thanks. :) I just ran into the grunt problem... XP I'm going to horribly over-level Ralts then use up its moves, hoping that struggle will take care of my problem.
So I terminated my Ground mono on Ruby & the Fighting mono on Emerald. ;D
{note: the new monotype is on SS}
Now to introduce...
[size=+3]Gary's Poison Ivy[/size]
My proposed team:
Crobat Beedrill Gengar Nidoking Tentacruel
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Welp. Finally beat Lance.

... it was my most expensive battle. Around four revives and one max revives were needed.

In any case:

[Reaver] Scyther (M) Swarm Lv58
- Wing attack, X-scissor, Night slash, Swords dance

[Vice] Pinsir (M) Hyper Cutter Lv53
- Swords dance, Brick break, X-scissor, Superpower

[Shellshock] Forretress (M) Sturdy Lv49
- Iron defense, Payback, Bug bite, Explosion

[Sanguine] Beedrill (F) Swarm Lv52
- Poison jab, Endeavor, Bug bite, Pursuit

[Margarine] Butterfree (F) Compoundeyes Lv50
- Psybeam, Bug buzz, Stun spore, Gust

[Psilocybin] Parasect (F) Effect Spore Lv51
- Slash, Spore, Poisonpowder, Giga drain

You can tell who my main attacker was.
Welp, this isn't a monotype challenge, but it is a sort of hard mode. I'm doing a Nuzlocke run of Ruby right now. If you have no idea what that is, it's basically a playthrough where once one of your Pokemon faints, it's considered dead and has to be released, and you can only catch the first Pokemon you encounter in an area. If you don't catch it, tough shit.

My current team:
[Lansing] taillow (M) Lv 13
[Trenton] shroomish (F) Lv 14
[Atlanta] mudkip (M) Lv 14
Stone Badge GET

[Hartford] seedot
Currently planning a grass monotype in Sapphire, mainly because I am suddenly hit with a strong urge to replay a Hoenn game. Yes, I know I never finished my last monotype project. >:|




  • I used a Cradily on my main Emerald team, and while I love them, I may decide that I'm not up to training one again (because iirc they level up really fucking slowly and you're stuck with the shitty attacks it learns at low levels for a really long-ass time). In the event that happens I may switch it out for Vileplume or something - although the Rock type would probably be more useful to have.

...sweet, they're all third-gen too!
Doing my first monotype - Ground type in Emerald (unoriginal, I know.) since I've recently discovered how I like the designs of most ground-type Pokemon. Poison types too, but I had a new Emerald cartridge so...

Already reached Mauvile, though \o/ Haven't gotten around to beating Wattson though.

Current Team:


(No name) Marshtomp; Male, lv. 28 (Overleveeeelled~!)


(No name) Nincada; Female, lv. 18 (Will be ditched/regulated to HM Slave when she evolves :|b)


Planned Team:


Donphan or Sandslash... haven't decided yet. I can't get either Golem or Steelix, since I don't have a GBA. While I don't mind Onix's appearance... I personally can't stand any of the Geodude line save Golem, so uh. No rocks with arms ; ~;

Eonrider's Flea Market

The exotic garden's gone. I accidentally deleted in in place of a Nuzlocke Run. But on the bright side, my bugs beat the E4!

Level 61
Leech Life-Gust-Psychic-Poisonpowder

Level 62
Return-Aerial Ace-Slash-Swords Dance

Level 60
Slash-Spore-Poisonpowder-Giga Drain

Level 60
Tackle-Poisonpowder-Silver Wind-Psybeam

Level 60
Twinneedle-Rock Smash-Pursuit-Pin Missle​

So yeah, Giovanni was no problem, died to Giga Drains from Hilton. I managed to crawl through Victory Road, then wiped on Lorieli. Then I megagrinded to Level 60 and took her out with Hilton. Bruno was no problem, Onixes died to Hilton, and the rest died to Mothra's Psychic. Agatha also was defeated by Mothra. Lance was trouble. I put Gyarados to sleep with Hilton's Spore, then switched to Stormblade and Swords Danced twice. Gyarados and Dragonite the were beaten a Aerial Ace. For Aerodactyl I poisoned it with Mothra then stalled it until it died with Full Restores. Dragonairs were beaten by Stormblade. My Rival's Pidgeot was no problem, Rhydon was Giga Drained by Hilton. Arcanine posed a problem, but Stormblade Full Restore stalled it until it ran out of Flamethrower PP. Swords Danced 3 times then swept.

Sorry for massive wall of text. I'll update when I get my next team member.
Methinks Sapphire Run? Yeah!

HM Slave

Blaziken "Charcoal" Cos of fire, get it
Breloom "Bouncer" Bounce bounce bounce
Hariyama "Goron" The Gorons in LoZ: TP like to sumo
Medichan "Hyper" Hyperfocus...get it?
Herracross "Abacus" It learns Arial Ace, Brick Break and Close Combat.
Machoke "Horizon" It can punch foes over the horizon!
I want to try a bug mono in SS, so here I go. Haven't thought it all the way through, but it's probably more fun that way.
Just restarted my Ruby version, since I had pretty much Pal Park'ed away everything in that file, and decided that I'd try one of these things for the first time.

Took me a while to decide on which type to use, but eventually figured I'd go with Ground since one of the starters gets it as a second type (and I don't have a Mudkip on my SoulSilver version yet, so when I'm done I can breed them and Pal Park one over.)

Right now I'm in Dewford Town; haven't gone to the gym or very far into the cave yet, though.


My (very incomplete) team so far...


Thuggian ♂ (Lv. 8)
Just caught him in the cave, which is why his level's so low. I haven't trained a Geodude since G/S/C, so I'm not sure how he'll turn out... though unfortunately I won't be able to fully evolve him, since I don't have a GBA link cable.


Sasuke ♂ (Lv. 12)
Yes, I'm using an unevolved Nincada. XD I generally don't worry too much about natures and such, but I got pretty unlucky with this one--he's Modest, so he gets a penalty to the stat he needs most and a boost to the one that he doesn't need at all. Of course, that doesn't make him any worse at using Cut or Flash out of battle...


Muckdippe ♀ (Lv. 17)
She's horribly, horribly overleveled--she was level 16 before I even fought Roxanne (which, because of the overleveling combined with two type-advantages, was the easiest battle I've ever had with her... the Nosepass only managed to do six damage), and the only reason she hasn't leveled more than once since is because I've been trying to catch Sasuke up and giving her as few fights as possible.


EDIT: Five hours later, I've gotten past Brawly and Wattson (by far the easiest Wattson battle I've ever had...) and am just about ready to go after Team Magma on Mt. Chimney. Almost doubled the size of my team, too; I'll probably end up dropping Sasuke off the list once I get access to the desert so I can catch a Baltoy and a Trapinch.


Tikal ♀ (Lv. 20)
The newest member of the team. She's named after an obscure Sonic the Hedgehog character I know nothing about (other than name and species) because I already used the name "Amy" for a female Sandslash I have in SoulSilver, and I don't like reusing the same names too often. Probably the weakest member of the team at the moment, but should be able to keep up with the others pretty well once she evolves.


Osama ♂ (Lv. 24)
Another recent addition. I had him carry the Macho Brace around for a while so his stats would catch up with the ones I caught at lower levels. Seems a little weak compared to Thuggian and Muckdippe, but I'm guessing that will change once he learns a better Fire-type move than Ember (or evolves, whichever comes first.)


Thuggian ♂ (Lv. 24)
Probably the second-strongest member of the team at the moment, now that he's learned Magnitude. Also Selfdestruct, though I haven't actually had to use that one yet.


Sasuke ♂ (Lv. 24)
Surprisingly, this isn't the highest level I've ever had an unevolved Nincada at before; I got one at level 32 from SoulSilver's bug-catching contest a while back. Hopefully he'll learn a better attack than Cut or Leech Life sometime soon, because he does really badly against pretty much everything other than Poochyenas, Abras, and Shroomishes.


Muckdippe ♀ (Lv. 25)
She's not quite as overleveled now that I have something closer to a full team to train. Still seems to be the strongest one on the team, though I'm guessing she'll fall behind a bit once the others start evolving.


EDIT: Another day, and now I'm past 6 badges and on my way to Team Magma's hideout. Norman was pretty tough (as usual), though the second Slaking was pretty easy once I realized that he'd always try to use Focus Punch if I brought in a Pokémon that was weak to Fighting. Winona was surprisingly easy, mainly because I got really overleveled by accident (I wandered around a bit and ended up going all the way to Lilycove, fighting all the random trainers along the way.) I ended up being several levels higher than any of her Pokémon before I fought her. Whoops!

Anyway... my team's starting to get fully-evolved now. Sasuke the Nincada has been gone ever since I added the Trapinch and Baltoy to the team, of course.


Muckdippe ♀ (Lv. 35)
Still keeping up with the rest of the team surprisingly well, despite not being fully evolved quite yet. Surf probably helps... and the fact that she's just about the only one I have who doesn't have at least a single weakness to Water. She now has a blank slot for some new move, since I got rid of Rock Smash as soon as I found the Move Deleter's house.


Thuggian ♂ (Lv. 35)
Still exactly the same as the last time, and still pretty strong compared to the others even though the rest of the team has started evolving. I considered replacing Rock Throw with Rock Tomb for a while, but then I noticed that Rock Tomb actually has lower accuracy than Rock Throw... and the worst part about Rock Throw is the low accuracy.


Osama ♂ (Lv. 36)
Now that he's evolved, Osama might be one of the strongest members of the team. The fact that I replaced Ember with Overheat (and he learned Rock Slide on his own) probably helps. Also has Strength, which I haven't actually had any use for yet... I think I may have skipped an area you get to by pushing a boulder somewhere.


Tikal ♀ (Lv. 36)
Back when she was a level-20 Sandshrew she was the weakest on the team... and now she might be the strongest. Taught her Sandstorm, Dig, and Aerial Ace from TMs, since Sandslashes don't really learn a whole lot by leveling up (except Slash, of course.)


Ooga-Booga ˚ (Lv. 36)
Just evolved from a Baltoy literally ten minutes ago, so I haven't had a chance to try the new-and-improved Ooga-Booga out in a fight yet... but even as a Baltoy he (she? it? ZXQY? it's always hard to tell with those "unknown gender" Pokémon) usually did pretty well, and he managed to handle Winona's first two Pokémon by himself with only a little bit of help from some Super Potions... so I'm guessing he'll be even more powerful now.


Rashid ♂ (Lv. 36)
Also recently evolved, though I've actually used him in a couple of fights. I was surprised to find out that Vibravas can learn Fly; I figured Flygons could, but I wasn't so sure about the middle stage of the evolution line. Kind of missing the high Attack he had as a Trapinch, though the every-other-stat-doesn't-totally-suck-anymore thing is nice.
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El Garbanzo, your team is shaping up into the exact same team as I had in my Emerald mono. xD Out of curiosity, which of your team members do you think is the worst? Mine was either my Flygon when it was a Trapinch or my Sandslash before I taught it Dig (which was near the end of the game).
Worst was definitely that unevolved Nincada I was using before I was able to catch a full team of decent Ground-types. XD

Not counting the Nincada, though... my Trapinch before evolving was definitely the weakest of the team, and might still be the weakest overall even after evolving once (though being able to paralyze stuff with Dragonbreath seems to be helping out a lot.)
My Graveler seems to be dragging behind a bit now, too... though that's probably just because I've been fighting tons and tons of Water-types lately.

Kind of funny that we ended up with such similar teams, though. Maybe I'll throw in Groudon later just to mix it up a little.


Didn't really do a whole lot yesterday... except beat the psychic twins (who were sorta-hard, but not enough that it took more than one try like Norman or Brawly) and catch Groudon.

Today, I beat Wallace (with some help from Sandstorm and a couple of Hyper Potions the second time around; he took two tries to beat.) He was actually easier than I was expecting, considering that two-thirds of my team is weak against Water (and one third has a double weakness.) Muckdippe and Tikal did most of the work, though Ooga-Booga exploded on his Whiscash.

Now that I've wandered all the way to Pacifidlog (though I skipped the ocean current route) and replaced Dive with Waterfall, I'm about to head towards Notreallya City. I can't remember much about the Victory Road in the 3rd-gen games, but I figure there's a Victory Road, since every other generation has one.


Rashid ♂ (Lv. 41)
Pretty much the same as last time. Tried to learn Screech recently, but there's no way I'm wasting a move slot on that. I hope he evolves pretty soon (I can't remember what level Vibravas evolve off the top of my head), because he just lost to an Azumarill not too long ago.


Osama ♂ (Lv. 41)
Also pretty much the same as before, though now he knows Earthquake instead of Magnitude.


Ooga-Booga ˚ (Lv. 41)
Have actually used him/her/it/whatever in battle now; seems to do pretty well most of the time, though it's really hard to tell against all these Water-type things. I should probably replace Hyper Beam with something, but I'm not sure what. I'm guessing he'll probably seem a lot more useful against later, non-watery trainers than he is now.


Thuggian ♂ (Lv. 41)
Had to learn Rock Smash for the Seafloor Cavern, since for some odd reason they mixed some Rock Smash rocks in with the Strength rocks. He forgot it shortly afterward, so he's still got a blank spot where Rock Smash (and before that, Tackle) used to be.


Tikal ♀ (Lv. 41)
Still probably one of the strongest members of the team; she did surprisingly well against Wallace (though the Sand Veil+Lax Incense combination probably helped, since a bunch of those Water Pulses missed her.) She's one of the only three members of the team to have a stat over 100 (not counting HP), and the only one to have both Attack and Defense over 100 so far.


Muckdippe ♀ (Lv. 41)
Now that she's fully evolved, she might just be the strongest member of the team (again.) Her HP shot through the roof; it was pretty high before, but now it's a good 20 points higher than anyone else on the team. Really helps against Water-types, since she's not weak against them and actually has decent Special Defense now. Also, has Waterfall instead of Dive now.
hrm... doing a run on Sapphire where I only use four pokemon. Not mono-type, but restricted. I didn't find a more appropriate thread.

Projected team:
Name: I forget...
Leaf Blade
Rock Smash

Name: Volume (he's adamant and it kills me!)
Brick Break

Name: Anubis
Dragon Claw

Ice Beam
Blizzard/Sheer Cold/something random.

Actual team:
name: I still don't know...
Rock Smash
Leaf Blade

Name: Volume

I have three badges :)

Edit!: I recently learned that Exploud can't learn surf in gen3...
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Alrighty, It's time for

Pichu's Punching Bag!

Male - "Charcoal" - 17
Peck - Ember - Cut - Double Kick

Male - "Bouncer" - 17
Mega Drain - Leech Seed - Stun Spore - Bullet Seed

Male - "Sumo" - 14
Arm Thrust - Vital Throw - Sand Attack - Focus Energy

I was gunna name Makuhita Goron but I forgot and named it Sumo instead. Tried against Brawly but Karate Chop crit'd twice, first OHKOing Sumo then Charcoal, and he managed to Potion-stall Bouncer
Sorry for the double post but its a double update so


Charcoal - Level 27

Lassie - Level 25

Bouncer - Level 25

Sumo - Level 25

This team is going good, I have my latest member, a female Machop named Lassie, and managed to grind her up to scratch easy. At Mt. Chimney ATM, fighting the Aqua Leader. Dang his Golbat is annoying.


Shatter - Level 20

Quake - Level 10

So I go to the mine, find the gym leader, destroy him, and suddenly I remember Onix. I run into the mine, spend ages looking for one and catch it on the third Pokéball. I head back to Jubilife now, during which point Shatter (Who is gunna be renamed Sandgem) got to Level 20. I decided that was enough for now and set Quake up front. I destroyed some dude with a Zubat and a Wurmple, went on, fought a few trainers and saved oustide the cave south of Floroma.
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