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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

The Decaying Forest

I'll take the Shellos, and continue on the other two. Which colour is it?

It's pink. The same one that Green passed up.

Thicket: You pay just enough attention to the Weedle to not step on it and move on. All of a sudden, you feel a heavy push on your back and fall to the ground. You look back, but there's nothing there. Some thing must have knocked over your copy in the bog... Before you can get to your feet, a Bidoof strolls out of the bush and makes itself comfortable on your back.
Take the female Bidoof, or move on?

Bog: You continue to slop through the bog, being careful not to step on the Shroomish. You carry on for about ten minutes when you stop to take a break on a log.


"Watchitouttamywaycominthrough!" the vaguely human-shaped blur shouts as it runs straight over you in several pairs of the boots that were offered at the main desk. You peek over the log to get a glimpse of what they were running from.
What luck! Take the male Seviper, or move on?

[warning: the following tale contains high levels of awesome. not recommended for those with heart conditions, asthma, or women who are pregnant or may become pregnant]
Verne: You hand the man at the desk your $4. Well, not so much hand as throw, but hey, at least you paid him. On your way out you grab all the boots you can because, you're just that awesome. You even manage to fit them all on your feet!

You step out into the bog, confident in your ability to fight off any Croconaw with your bare hands. On your way, you hear the distinct call of a Seviper.

'Hell yeah,' you think, readying your Safari Ball. 'Those things are pretty rare.' You turn around to actually see the snake Pokémon, which is in actuality much bigger than it seemed on that Animal Planet special.

'Well shit.'

You turn and start running as fast as you can, losing about three or four pairs of your boots in the process. The Seviper is just starting to gain on you when you see some poor sap sitting on a log right in your path. No time to go around, you at least try to give some warning before trampling them.


Too late. By the time you open your mouth, you're already ten or so feet past them. Oh well, you'll mourn for them later once they've found the bones in some Seviper droppings.

You can see the headlines now, Human Remains Found In Safari Zone, Still Safe?

You've been running for almost twenty minutes now. You're nowhere near tired, but that monster probably is, so you decide to stop. You realize now that you've been a bit... careless in your escape. Shrubs are torn through, low-hanging branches snapped, tiny Pokémon stomped on... No wonder there's nothing but a brave little Ekans anywhere in sight.

Okay, so it's not there because it's brave. It's there because it just hatched. Same difference, right?
Take the female Ekans, or move on?
Green: You're feeling especially cruel today, so you put out your oar just in time for the Buizel to ram its throat into it. You don't pay attention to what happened to it after that. As you row, you notice a glint at the bottom of the pond. Feeling adventurous, you dive in to get the object, ignoring previous warnings of what lurks below.

You bring it to your canoe with no incident. Once you wipe off some mud, it's clearly a Heart Scale. In good condition, too!
Keep the Heart Scale, or keep going for $2?

Tsunami: You shrug off the Bidoof and get up. You're the last copy still looking now. As you walk, you're reminded that you've just used your last free continue. The sudden announcement over the PA startles several Pokemon. However the only one that runs in your direction is a rather dim-looking Zigzagoon...
Take the female Zigzagoon, or move on for $2?
falling for the no mini-rp trap here

Tsunami: Take the male Ekans, or move on?

Green: Take the male Wooper, or move on?
oh yeah i almost forgot

Eonrider: You slog out into the bog, which is an even more miserable task today because it's raining, and you've no rain jacket. You really think they'd rent those out, given how often it pours down here. You try to stick to the drier parts of the bog, but this proves difficult.

Eventually you spot a Mudkip off on the other side of a flooded area and run after it. What you don't spot, is the submerged root of a tree. You trip over it and land face first in the mud. Once you get back up, the Mudkip is long gone. Oh well, there's still that Shroomish over there.

Take the female Shroomish, or move on?
Aww, I wanted Mudkip... But at least Shroomish can be my Feared Fungi Fighter! I'll take her!
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ultraviolet: You walk through the bog for a long time, but you don't see much. Probably because of the dense fog from the 2-day-long downpour that finally let up last night. Eventually you trip over a very confused-looking Psyduck playing around in the mud. Honestly, why is it that people keep tripping over Pokemon in my swamp?

Take the male Psyduck, or move on?
The Thicket: Quietly borrowing the toll collector's "multiple-places-at-once-gizmo" while he's asleep, you create two more of you to explore all the sections. The original goes into The Thicket with a clean, new machete that has hardly any blood stains on it at all. As you slash your way through, you think about how little the man that let you in kissed up to you.

Perhaps I should have him fired, you think. It would be easy to replace him, just head over to some backwater Hoenn town with a couple twenties. As you complete that thought, a dim-looking Bidoof wanders in front of you.

Take the female Bidoof, or move on?

The Bog: Your clone thinks along similar lines, but with more swearing at the end because she stubbed her toe on something hidden in the mud. Upon looking closer, she finds the Safari Ball of some ill-fated explorer...

Oh well, she thinks. They did sign the waiver.

You've found an extra safari ball! You now get eight continues, and can catch two Pokemon instead of one.

The Overflowing Creek: Your other clone is slightly less fortunate, but hey a Wooper jumping out of the water onto your canoe isn't exactly nothing.

Take the female Wooper, or move on?

all glory to the overwatch
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