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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
Into the room you go. You're a bit busy examining something on the desk when you feel a presence behind you. A Female Gastly. Catch it or keep going?Higher-up's room one, please.
You enter. You feel a slight spark as your foot nudges something on the ground when you pass a table. It's a Thunderstone. Do you want it?Grass King said:I'll have a go in the lab please.
Screeches can be heard as you continue through the room, and when you've finally had enough of the annoying sounds, you turn and come face to face with an annoying Male Zubat. Catch or pass?I want to continue in the same place please~
After you shoo the Pokemon away, you spot a shiny object on the ground. You reach down and find that it's a Magnet. Take it?I'll pass and continue on.
You pass up the item, but not without hearing some rustling. A few more steps reveal a cute little Female Plusle blinking up at you. Catch?No, I'll continue on.
You catch the adorable little Plusle.I want. It's so cute!
Hmhm, what's this? You spot a tattered page on the table next to you, that looks as if it were torn out of a book. You start to read it, but some of the words are faded away.Please, I would love too.
After you pick the objects up, you feel a slight pull on something metal clipped to your waist. It's a Magnemite that's doing it. Do you want to catch it?I'll take the upgrade please! Can I also continue searching around as well?
You reach down as you see what looks to be a Pokeball... only to have the Voltorb you disturbed suddenly jolt you. Catch it?Grass King said:I'll ignore it & continue searching.
You hear a... crinkling, under your foot. When you look down, you see a piece of paper. There are many across the floor in here, but this looks important.Kai said:I'll continue.