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The 'Dex Registry

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Aaand now I'm made to think about it, Pokémon carrying weapons about is strange as well. Though I could probably do away with them and say that it uses its hook for slashing attacks, if that helps. (And firing stuff like Flash Cannon and Hydro Pump from a gun is quite surreal anyway.)

Maybe you can merge one of its arms with a gun or something, so it can fire projectiles or something from its gun-hand.

I'm going to stalk this place until Cappun gets approved.
Yeah, I'm afraid this design just isn't very pokémon-ish at the moment. Pokémon rarely carry any kind of weapon, and when they do it isn't recognizable as a piece of human technology, and they don't wear any kind of elaborate clothing. There's nothing wrong with the idea of a pirate pokémon, but it would need to be more along the lines of this than what you have now in terms of design. As previously mentioned, the steel typing seems odd (and water's edge habitat rather than ocean?).
Would some clothing (say, a pirate hat/bandanna and maybe an eyepatch) be tolerable? I mean, it's not as though rudimentary clothing is unheard of amongst the official Pokémon (e.g. Hitmonchan and Jynx). If so, I could just leave it at that and maybe just make its fur/skin/whatever colouration mimic a pirate costume (blue upper body and black legs or whatever), and/or obscure its torso with a nice big piratey beard.

Not sure how I missed the ocean habitat; I'll make sure to change it to that, and I'll change its type to Water/Dark as well (and modify its movepool to reflect that).
Yeah, a small amount of clothing is fine, but breeches, boots, coat, etc. is going a bit far. Eyepatch and/or bandana should be okay.
Right, I'll try again then~

Name: Cappun
Type: Water/Dark
Height: 5'9" or 1.75m
Weight: 180lbs or 81.6kg
Habitat: Sea
Ability: Keen Eye/Pickup
Base Stats: 70/120/80/75/60/90

Level-Up Moves

1 Scratch
1 Leer
8 Water Gun
11 Scary Face
18 Metal Claw
24 Thief
29 Slash
37 Night Slash
45 Hydro Pump
53 Trump Card

Egg Moves

Crush Claw
Aqua Ring
Sucker Punch

Tutor Moves

Sleep Talk

Fury Cutter
Last Resort

TM/HM Moves

TM45 Attract
TM78 Captivate
TM32 Double Team
TM58 Endure
TM42 Facade
TM21 Frustration
TM10 Hidden Power
TM83 Natural Gift
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM44 Rest
TM27 Return
TM43 Secret Power
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM90 Substitute
TM87 Swagger
TM06 Toxic

TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM31 Brick Break
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM49 Snatch
TM03 Water Pulse
TM65 Shadow Claw
TM75 Swords Dance
TM68 Giga Impact
TM84 Poison Jab
HM07 Waterfall
TM66 Payback
TM79 Dark Pulse
TM41 Torment
TM80 Rock Slide

Rarity: r8

Physical Description: Cappun is a humanoid Pokémon roughly as tall as the average human. It is dressed somewhat like a pirate, with a large black skull-and-crossbones hat and an eyepatch over its left eye. Its right hand is missing (perhaps having been lost fighting a white Wailmer) and replaced with a large, very sharp golden hook. It also has a very large, very bushy brown mustache and beard that extends below its knees. Its whole body apart from its hand and face is covered in fur, which is blue above the waist and black below. Shiny Cappun have red upper bodies, a blue hat, dark grey legs and a black beard.
Drawing by moi; will try to get some sprites arranged as well.

Pokédex Data: 1: In the olden days, Cappun were a very common site around docks, where they would look for ships to steal. They are the sworn enemy of Ninjask. They are infamously villainous creatures and often use underhanded tactics in battle.

2: Cappun often form close friendships with Chatot. They are very skilled at finding treasure, and often steal or find large quantities of it and bury it on remote islands. Nobody is quite certain why they bother with the last bit.

Notes: uhm, I think I got everything. If I missed any problems (or even created more somehow), yell at me; if not sorry for the trouble so far.
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Rock slide seems like a rather odd pick (trump card and last resort, too, though since GameFreak's method in assigning pokémon those attacks appears to have been the tried-and-true dartboard method, that's okay). Other than that, it should be good once you get finalized artwork.
Rock slide seems like a rather odd pick (trump card and last resort, too, though since GameFreak's method in assigning pokémon those attacks appears to have been the tried-and-true dartboard method, that's okay). Other than that, it should be good once you get finalized artwork.

I'll replace Rock Slide with Ice Beam/Blizzard, then, since I completely forgot that almost every Water Pokémon seems to have to learn Ice moves as well :p

I assume the 2 battles that you need to finish to get new species approved doesn't include ones that end in DQs, right? If so it may be a while before I can get this thing done.
A DQ'd battle should probably be okay as long as it lasted a reasonable amount of time before the DQ--a good three full rounds at least, I'd say. Don't quote me on that, but I'm pretty sure they're allowed.
Oh. Well, mine was DQed before the other person even sent out ^^" I wasn't really betting on it being counted in any case, just thought I'd make sure instead of stretching this out needlessly.
My two complete battles
Name: Chlorocat
Type: poison
Height: 1' 5"
Weight: 35 lbs
Habitat: Urban
Ability: water absorb
Base Stats: In the format HP 35/Attack 70/Defense 117/Special Attack 135/Special Defense 70/Speed 35/Total 462

Level-Up Moves
1. poison gas lv 1
2. poison sting lv 1
3. discharge lv 1
4. poison fang lv 5
5. smog lv 17
6. poison jab lv 35
7. toxic lv 40
8. cross poison lv 50

Egg Moves
1toxic spikes
2. gastro acid
3. sludge
4. charge beam

Tutor Moves

TM/HM Moves
TM32 Double Team
TM58 Endure
TM42 Façade
TM21 Frustration
TM10 Hidden Power
TM83 Natural Gift
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM44 Rest
TM27 Return
TM43 Secret Power
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM90 Substitute
TM97 Swagger
TM08 Toxic
TM81 x-scissor
TM73 thunder wave
TM55 brine
TM79 dark pulse
TM75 swords dance
TM24 thunderbolt
TM41 torment
Loco Mocho

Nowhere near enough information, first of all. Copy and paste the form that Negrek used in the first post and fill out everything. Specifically, you're missing things like a description, Pokédex entries, rarity, etc..

And since there's no description or further information given, there is absolutely no way to tell whether the moves and other attributes you've given it make any sense. Why does a Poison-type get Charge Beam as an egg move, of all things? Why is its ability Water Absorb? Why does it learn Brine and Discharge? It looks completely illogical without any sort of explanation to tie it all together.

And I'm willing to bet that whatever it is, it can learn a lot more TM and tutor moves than you've given. If you only want that tiny amount then fine, but if you can actually explain what it looks like and how it behaves then you'll probably find many more viable options.
thats what i get for being sloppy i have more information
here is the wole thing ^^'
and its still in complete >__________>
EDIT: i amtrying to get more of the information out of him but its taking longer than I thought
My two complete battles
Name: Chlorocat
Type: poison
Height: 1' 5"
Weight: 35 lbs
Habitat: Urban
Ability: water absorb
Base Stats: HP 50/Attack 90/Defense 136/Special Attack 153/Special Defense 80/Speed 45/Total 554

Level-Up Moves
1. poison gas lv 1
2. poison sting lv 1
3. poison fang lv 10
4. smog lv 17
5. poison jab lv 26
6. toxic lv 35
7. cross poison lv 42
8. discharge lv 51

Egg Moves
1toxic spikes
2. gastro acid
3. sludge
4. charge beam

Tutor Moves

TM/HM Moves
TM32 Double Team
TM58 Endure
TM42 Façade
TM21 Frustration
TM10 Hidden Power
TM83 Natural Gift
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM44 Rest
TM27 Return
TM43 Secret Power
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM90 Substitute
TM97 Swagger
TM08 Toxic
TM81 x-scissor
TM73 thunder wave
TM55 brine
TM79 dark pulse
TM75 swords dance
TM24 thunderbolt
TM41 torment

HM01 Cut
HM05 (Dppt) Defog
Evolution: Water stone
Rarity: R7

Physical Description: Due to the chlorine ingested, a Chlorocat's skin and fur appears green. A chlorocat also has completely red eyes, and two green fangs which flow Chlorine into its prey. A Chlorocat can sometimes be seen with a green cloud of Chlorine eveloping it. Due to the chlorine ingested, a Chlorocat's skin and fur appears green. A chlorocat also has completely red eyes, and two green fangs which flow Chlorine into its prey. A Chlorocat can sometimes be seen with a green cloud of Chlorine eveloping it. At birth, Chlorocat fur is grey. It does not become green until it has accumulated enough Chlorine in its body. Chlorocat also has the chemical symbol for Chlorine imprinted on its head.


Pokédex Data:

Chlorocat, is a species that tends to live near salt water. It can sometimes be seen emitting Chlorine vapors from its body.
Their varieties of attacks include the use of poisoning the foe, and sometimes discharging the occasional electricity that builds in its body.
Chlorocat depends on the chloride ion for survival. Therefore it is imperative that it be given a solution regularly. It is also wise to avoid a Chlorocat that is emitting excessive amounts of Chlorine vapors; In order to avoid poisoning.

Notes: Chlorocat was made by crashbmewtwokbuu a (good friend of mine) and submitted with his approval.

Name: Acidocat
Type: poison/water
Height: 3' 7"
Weight: 63 lbs
Habitat: Urban
Ability: water absorb
Base Stats: In the format HP 35/Attack 70/Defense 117/Special Attack 135/Special Defense 70/Speed 35/Total 462

Level-Up Moves
1. poison gas lv 1
2. poison sting lv 1
3. poison fang lv 1
4. smog lv 1
5. discharge lv 51

Egg Moves
1. toxic spikes
2. gastro acid
3. sludge
4. charge beam

Tutor Moves

TM/HM Moves
TM32 Double Team
TM58 Endure
TM42 Façade
TM21 Frustration
TM10 Hidden Power
TM83 Natural Gift
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM44 Rest
TM27 Return
TM43 Secret Power
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM90 Substitute
TM97 Swagger
TM08 Toxic
TM81 x-scissor
TM73 thunder wave
TM55 brine
TM79 dark pulse
TM75 swords dance
TM24 thunderbolt
TM41 torment
TM03 water pulse
TM13 Ice Beam
TM36 Sludge bomb

HM01 Cut
HM03 Surf
HM05 (Dppt) Defog

Rarity: R7

Physical Description:

Pokédex Data:

Notes: Acidocat was made by crashbmewtwokbuu a (good friend of mine) and submitted with his approval
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I realized Terrabbit and Laissure's sprites were pretty much ancient, so I revamped them. Enjoy.



(Suggestion to Loco Mocho: drop the -cat and get something less obvious for the name. Chlorline and Acivet, perhaps?)
Loco Mocho

Still not enough info, especially for Acidocat. I don't know why you even bothered posting it if you weren't completely finished--the Dex Registry isn't going anywhere and of course we're not going to approve anything if it isn't done, so there was really no point in doing that.

Does Chlorocat evolve into Acidocat, or is it the other way around? Chlorocat says "evolves with Water Stone" or whatever, but you never say what it evolves into; either you meant to say Acidocat, or you were in the middle of saying that Acidocat evolves into Chlorocat with the Water Stone. And why is Acidocat larger than Chlorocat and yet has fewer moves and lower base stats? Did you make a mistake and switch them, or is it supposed to be like that--and if so, why? You haven't given any explanation as to why it might become weaker and less diverse upon evolution. If Acidocat is the lower stage, why did you list Chlorocat above it?

Stop trying to rush this. There's no reason to hurry or feel like you have to get the first half of the data in now or something bad will happen. Take your time and fill out everything that is required and make sure that it reads logically and clearly, because right now that is still a jumbled mess.

Involuntary Twitch

That's fine. If you haven't already, it would be nice if you could edit those into the Sheebit line's original post so that people will be able to find the sprites more easily.

Also, I believe he said that these were his friend's ideas. I don't know whether his friend would want him changing the names, although I do agree they're a little groan-worthy as they are.
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Would it be possible to create a Pokemon with multiple formes (like Rotom)? Because I have a really good idea for a fake that I'd like accepted, but I'm not sure if it would be allowed due to this.
I don't see why not as long as there isn't an obscene number of formes, although it would probably depend on how one gets those formes and what their similarities and differences are--Castform just changes type, Cherrim just changes appearance and Rotom just gets a few extra moves (and new stats, but half the refs ignore that anyway), so something along those lines is probably okay, but the four Deoxys formes are practically four different Pokémon and so are probably too over the top to be approved. Go ahead and give it a try, I guess.
Um, it's Rotom-type formes where the forms get diffrent moves and altered stats. The idea is a bit crazy, though. If you need further details, I'd prefer you ask through PM, since I don't want to reveal the idea until I have it finalized.

Am I really spelling forms the European way now?
Well, I'd like to wait for Negrek to confirm that a Pokémon with formes really is okay before taking it any further--I don't see why not, as I said, but I'm not the boss lady so I can't be sure. I can't think of any other questions off the top of my head, although if you think it's "too crazy" and would like to know whether or not it needs to be toned down beforehand then you can PM it to me or whatever.
Alright, I'm assuming 5 formes, all with their own abilities and exclusive moves would be too much. Ah well.

I guess that once I get some sprites up, I can make Embeluga's stats and such.
An evolutionary family is limited to having four members--while formes aren't related by evolution, the basic idea is "no more than four Pokémon in a set," so yes, five formes would be too much.
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