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~The Eeveelution Club~

Would you like Umbreon style to be just light blue and dark or have yellow/gold as one of the colour

  • Just light blue and dark blue

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Dark blue and yellow/gold

    Votes: 11 78.6%

  • Total voters
What did you do to your first Eevee?

Oh god Red version. <3 I remember this.

I got the Eevee and decided it was cute. (Have you seen the Red sprite? cute city.) I already knew how Eevee evolved, so I used a Water stone on it. The Vaporeon (Named Silver. I've taken to naming Vaporeon that since then) was on my final team. The movest was something like Bite/Surf/Blizzard/Double Team. It helped destroy the E4 >D

As a seven year old, I had no idea about it's evolution. When I found out that some pokemon could evolve through stones, I tested it out on my eevee with a thunderstone.

Whenever I replay, I usually choose Flareon.
Would I be able to use my Uspreon I drew on page 6 as my Eeveepersona?
If I can, I like a few changes, first the tail should be shorter to eliminate the tip heaviness and I'd like to change the colours, the body should be a dark purple, the rings a shiny gold and the eyes and orb on it's head should be green. Thanks.
OK WW, added to first post. I can only work on it on Sundays as Saturdays are Chinese school till 5pm and then Chinese homework. Weekdays are of course school and we aren't having any holiday soon. And I can't do it at night on weekdays because I'm not allowed GIMP on my second computer which is the only one I can use on weekdays *breath*.

An Eevee, with glasses, furiously typing away on a computer, so with sweat beads and maybe his tongue sticking out a bit. Probably should be drawn from the side, so people can actually see him. Desktop or laptop doesn't matter, just whatever fits better on the final picture.

All subject to change.
Can I use my avatar as my Eeveesona? Maybe it could be the female Eevee with peridot earrings and red chest fluff and tail-tip, listening to a purple I-Pod Shuffle. If not, just an Eevee with peridot earrings and red tail-tip and chest fluff reading sucking on a lollipop(since that's what I usually do). She also has hazel-ish green eyes and braces. Her name is Lili.
For your Eeveelution-sona you can draw me a rough copy of it or describe it in words or in any way to let me know what it's like. But if it's in words then tell me everything not just 'normal Espeon with a diamond' let me know where to put the diamonds, if to replacew the emerald with a diamond etc...

For the lineart it WILL take years because I can only work on GIMP in the Weekends and I have Chinese school on Saturdays[plus Chinese school goes to 5pm!] so I only have Sunday to do it.

Uh... Mine's pretty much Erindor. A shiny Espeon (green, lightish) with Salamence wings (Though I like them more realistic dragon-y) and a blue head gem. Pretty simple, right?
^ I dunno, it's your Eeveesona but Shiny Espeon are awesome, Salamence are awesome and blue is my favorite colour.

Edit: I sorta need people's Eeveesona's to do the pic...
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Um sorry I died here. >.< I sort of forgot about this club.

Anyway, my eeveesona is really simple. It's an espeon with a blue jewel. I usually add a silver bracelet with a blue jewel on her right leg to make it seem less simple.

Members list [26 members]
-EeveeSkitty [Owner]
-Dark Butterfly
-Kriisa Scorcher
-Hikari Nijino
-Jewel Espeon
-Erindor the Espeon
-Drifloon Rocks
-Full Metal Cookies
-Amazing Sparkz
-Flora and Ashes
-White Wolf

Edit: Umbreon text.
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Whoo, haven't been here in a while~

My eeveesona... let's see... she's an Umbreon with square glasses and blue eyes, and her rings are a little darker than those of normal Umbreons.
I guess I'll dig around for my Eevee persona, but I've had many. Basically my favorite's a white Eevee with a star on its forehead named "Star Angel", and has a ribbon with a "de-evolution stone" embedded into it. (Without the ribbon, she evolves into an Eeveelution I made called "Starveon".)

Also, my first Eevee was in Gold or Silver, but alas, I cannot remember what happened to it. (I got those games on the same day.) However, I named several Eevee "Eve" or "Even". (Now I like the name "Evera".) I recall wanting an Espeon really bad, too.
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