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~The Eeveelution Club~

Would you like Umbreon style to be just light blue and dark or have yellow/gold as one of the colour

  • Just light blue and dark blue

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Dark blue and yellow/gold

    Votes: 11 78.6%

  • Total voters
Re: The Eeveelution Club~

I wantz to join this club. My fav eeveelutions are Espeon and Umbreon but lately Espeon is getting more and more to my favorite. Of course Eevee Rox...I mean Eevee Rocks! So can I joinz this clubz?
Re: The Eeveelution Club~

Yes you can join, Lavia.

Members list [24 members]
-EeveeSkitty [Owner]
-Shadowstar [Co-Owner]
-Dark Butterfly
-Kriisa Scorcher
-Hikari Nijino
-Jewel Espeon
-Erindor the Espeon
-Drifloon Rocks
-Full Metal Cookies
-Amazing Sparkz
-Flora and Ashes
-White Wolf

Now a new member's came...don't ditch this place because there's a new member :D

Edit: As always this place is dieing because a new member has come. Why...why? *cries*
Last edited:
Re: The Eeveelution Club~

Well, I came just in time. Now...what? Can I start I new topic? If I can then

What Eeveelution has your favorite type?
Re: The Eeveelution Club~

Glaceon. I love Ice types. Even my TCG deck is ice (well. water. but the Pokemon are ice types - Articuno, Glaceon, Weavile, etc - in the games)
Re: The Eeveelution Club~

ESPEON FTW! It has recently become my favorite Pokemon tied with Eevee and Skitty and Delcatty. It depends if I'm in a cute mood or an elegant mood.
Re: The Eeveelution Club~

Hi Eeveelution Club people, I just started working at Mewtwo's new Sugimori splice shop and the first one I did was an Espeon spliced with an Umbreon with icy blue colours and here it is.
I call it Uspreon

What do you think?
Re: The Eeveelution Club~

Thanks, it took about 3-4 hours to complete as I was using a new style which turned out to work very well. It looks alot better than my previous attempts at Sugimori style drawing. Thanks again.

EDIT: I didn't see that post (post ninjaed), it's only my second Sugimori splice and this is much better than the first but I'm still learning to do it. Plus it's what was requested at Mewtwo's Sugimori Splice Shop.
Re: The Eeveelution Club~

I've never tried Sugimori splices. But FMC, yeah I see what you mean, the tail end does look too heavy.
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