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~The Eeveelution Club~

Would you like Umbreon style to be just light blue and dark or have yellow/gold as one of the colour

  • Just light blue and dark blue

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Dark blue and yellow/gold

    Votes: 11 78.6%

  • Total voters
Re: The Eeveelution Club

Members list [21 members]
-EeveeSkitty [Owner]
-Shadowstar [Co-Owner]
-Dark Butterfly
-Kriisa Scorcher
-Hikari Nijino
-Jewel Espeon
-Erindor the Espeon
-Drifloon Rocks
-Full Metal Cookies
-Amazing Sparkz
-Flora and Ashes

Updating of members list. Welcome Ruffledfeathers.
Re: The Eeveelution Club

3. You must be a fan of Eevee and it's evolutions,
you don't need to be mad about them, just like them.

er.. I can still be mad about them, right? ^^;
Yeah count me in, i'd likes to join. ,,>3
Re: The Eeveelution Club

Nice um...bold lettering of Eevee Rocks. At first I thought you were pointing out a typo or something but then I remembered I check the first post for typos. Accepted anyways.

Members list [22 members]
-EeveeSkitty [Owner]
-Shadowstar [Co-Owner]
-Dark Butterfly
-Kriisa Scorcher
-Hikari Nijino
-Jewel Espeon
-Erindor the Espeon
-Drifloon Rocks
-Full Metal Cookies
-Amazing Sparkz
-Flora and Ashes

So...why is it everyone leaves after someone new joins?
Last edited:
Re: The Eeveelution Club~

Members list [23 members]
-EeveeSkitty [Owner]
-Shadowstar [Co-Owner]
-Dark Butterfly
-Kriisa Scorcher
-Hikari Nijino
-Jewel Espeon
-Erindor the Espeon
-Drifloon Rocks
-Full Metal Cookies
-Amazing Sparkz
-Flora and Ashes
-White Wolf
Re: The Eeveelution Club~

Steel Eeveelution? Probably would have a lot of silvery white fur with a black mane that looks shiny... Then maybe some kind of "helmet" or "hat" that's obviously metal.

I can actually picture it now, but I stink at those kind of things.
Re: The Eeveelution Club~

That picture is epic win. Umbreon is so cuuute~
((if anyone is wondering, I left a comment as LiliUmbreon, I know I have nothing in my gallery))
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