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The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

So we are talking about different things.

Note that both pages I've linked to state the existance of a penpal of Jade's who turns out to be her grandson and who made the robo-bunny.

I am not talking about Jade's grandson. I am talking about Jade's grandma.

Who doesn't even exist, unless I've failed to understand a part of the paradox slime event..

But, indeed, ZILLYHOO.

Jade's most recent note pretty specifically says "I borrowed this technology from my grandmother..."
That's what he's talking about; she may or may not exist, and may or may not actually be some "other" person via paradox shenanigans, but a grandmother of some sort is in fact mentioned. The grandson came up in an earlier discussion; presumably he helped Jade build Liv Kiser from technology she borrowed from this grandmother.
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Jade's most recent note pretty specifically says "I borrowed this technology from my grandmother..."
That's what he's talking about; she may or may not exist, and may or may not actually be some "other" person via paradox shenanigans, but a grandmother of some sort is in fact mentioned. The grandson came up in an earlier discussion; presumably he helped Jade build Liv Kiser from technology she borrowed from this grandmother.

FINALLY someone gets it...
I think I had a dream about Homestuck last night... and it involved Zillyhoo!
Jade's most recent note pretty specifically says "I borrowed this technology from my grandmother..."
That's what he's talking about; she may or may not exist, and may or may not actually be some "other" person via paradox shenanigans, but a grandmother of some sort is in fact mentioned. The grandson came up in an earlier discussion; presumably he helped Jade build Liv Kiser from technology she borrowed from this grandmother.
But where does the assumption that Jade wrote the most recent note come from? If her grandson wrote it, then the "grandmother" mentioned would again be Jade. And, again if memory fails me not, Jade retained her typing quirk on the note we know for sure she wrote, whereas the most recent one actually capitalizes properly and only uses more than one exclamation mark at one point. Furthermore, the following was said of the grandmother in the note: "had quite the way with manipulating space. Legend tells she was something of a witch with the stuff". This is a reference to Jade being Witch of Space, as obvious as can be.

Also, on the most recent update, looks as though John is headed for a big sad event and the ship he friendleads is headed for a lot of confusion.

Guys why am I crying in the latest flash? And why does Gamzee have a hammer too
You're crying because you're basking in the glory of ZILLYHOO, and Gamzee has a hammer because he fucking can. Jokerkind abstratus and all.
But where does the assumption that Jade wrote the most recent note come from? If her grandson wrote it, then the "grandmother" mentioned would again be Jade. And, again if memory fails me not, Jade retained her typing quirk on the note we know for sure she wrote, whereas the most recent one actually capitalizes properly and only uses more than one exclamation mark at one point. Furthermore, the following was said of the grandmother in the note: "had quite the way with manipulating space. Legend tells she was something of a witch with the stuff". This is a reference to Jade being Witch of Space, as obvious as can be.

I suppose that's true, yes. It was a bit silly to just make an assumption like that, especially given what we're talking about here, but in my defense I've been so tired and busy lately that I can't really think critically about a comic, heh. I see green writing and cryptic comments and I can't think of anyone else it could've been.
I suppose that's true, yes. It was a bit silly to just make an assumption like that, especially given what we're talking about here, but in my defense I've been so tired and busy lately that I can't really think critically about a comic, heh. I see green writing and cryptic comments and I can't think of anyone else it could've been.
Well, Homestuck really is a complex read; I doubt nobody had themselves a stumble.

I, for one, had a lot of trouble wrapping my head around the wall-scribbling's implications.
One big airhead.


EDIT: Looks like now John's discovery of Rose's grimdarkness won't ensue as I predicted. But it might be equally interesting/amusing/sad.
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"John: See ominous cloud of grimdark"

First thought? "Maybe it's Dad! :D"

Such a derp.

Also, guess this explains how Bec Noir ends up with Dad's wallet without killing John. This could mean that the blood on his hand is CD's.
Also, guess this explains how Bec Noir ends up with Dad's wallet without killing John. This could mean that the blood on his hand is CD's.

noooooo :(

(Not that it's likely to be anyone else's, considering who his other traveling companions are, but... maybe it changes hands again before Jack gets it. :( )
noooooo :(

(Not that it's likely to be anyone else's, considering who his other traveling companions are, but... maybe it changes hands again before Jack gets it. :( )
Then again, if it were to change hands again, would it fall into less disposable hands than those of CD?
Hi, I am a fan of Homestuck too! But I'm still catching up, and I'm only at the part where Jade has just entered. I guess I'm behind, since I hear a lot of interesting stuff happens.... but I will catch up!!

Too bad I shouldn't read those spoilers. It's kind of hard to resist the temptations.
Hey look a new person to the group.

Several things about the past few updates. I like how John acknowledges that he's talking to her like a dog but doesn't do anything about it (and incidentally I had this wierd thought about her using Pesterchum to talk frmo now on) and can't make the connection between the grimdark Rose and the big black raincloud, and does anyone else think it's astoundingly morbid that you're leading John to his dead parent?

Also, D: for those black and white guys who I can't remember the name of, who had their hope for a few brief seconds but then were torn to shreds.

EDIT: Oh yeah. Anyone else think that that burning chunk of meteor will come in handy later?
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What I found most amusing was how John was completely unfazed by Rose's going grimdark. To the point he started making SBaHJ references. Then again, now that he has been led to his father's corpse, unless Jack Noir did something that won't let John see it, this unfazedness is unlikely to last.

Also, I'm probably not the only who noticed Jack spared the Space banner when he thrashed the room with the frog statue on it. What a good boy. Somebody throw him a bone.
Also, I'm probably not the only who noticed Jack spared the Space banner when he thrashed the room with the frog statue on it. What a good boy. Somebody throw him a bone.

Oh yeah, I noticed that.

...Incidentally, in the room with the decapitated frog statue, the bookshelves - did anyone else read this one? Because now I cannot get those words out of my brain.
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