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The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

I feel a bit late to the R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTY going on here, but I'd like to join, especially in light of the thematic changes going on here at TCoD. On a side note: Legendaryseeker99, get that utter FILTH out of your signature! There are children on here! Have you no shame?!

No. I have no shame >:]
And I FINALLY get to play the latest flash.
Oh look, John would appear to be dead.
Funny, yesterday I was pranking two people saying Rose died in the last updated. And then the comic updates and Rose doesn't die but John does instead.

However, we should know, for a fact, he's not gone for good. Karkat's first conversation with him hasn't happened yet and all.
Maybe some Grimdark magic will bring him back to life
Or maybe god-level players can't really die
Or maybe something else will happen
Or maybe god-level players can't really die
Rose and Doc have already discussed that issue. To boot: God tier players are immortal unless the game considers their deathes heroic or just. John's death just now was certainly not just, but whether it can be counted as heroic, that would be for Sburb to decide.
When was this?

Or, for quicker reference, the exact bit:
TT: You mentioned immortality.
TT: Godhood makes one immortal?
TT: A god tier will live forever, with no caveats?
One will live forever, unless killed.
The death must be either heroic or just.
TT: How are those terms defined?
Broadly, mysteriously, and according to the case of the individual.
One may be killed by opposing a corrupt adversary and die for a just cause, as through martyrdom, for instance. This would be heroic.
Or one may be subject to corruption, and slain by a hero. This would be just.
TT: Which sort of death will you have when I destroy the sun?
Neither. I'm not a god.
I'm a guardian, a servant, and a weapon.
I have power and knowledge far surpassing a god.
But I am not one.
Waaaaaaaaait - the first from Karkat's perspective? Didn't that happen here?
Yes. And that hasn't happened yet.

To boot: John is on LOHAC, and we've yet to see him get there. It might also imply he'll ultimately cause The Scratch. Also, he's wearing lunchmuffs, which he was never stated to obtain before. In Jade's one-sided conversation with John's hilariously unaccounted-for laptop, she claims she's going to make him some lunchmuffs so he won't forget the importance of always having a computer handy. Furthermore, he's wearing his God Tier attire; he first showed up in it in Skaia, and has yet to leave Skaia.
Looks as though the reason for the relative slowdown on updates is Hussie is moving to a new place.
I have a question for all of you:
If you were in sburb, what would be your first-tier prototype?

I would do weeds or something, so I could light them on fire >:]
But are kernelsprites even flammable?

I don't know! I don't think I have anything especially interesting around here to prototype. Considering that dolls (sort of) seem to work, though, I guess I might try my plushie zekrom for the lulz. That'd make for some pretty terrifying Black Royals if it took, of course, but why not?
But are kernelsprites even flammable?
I think perhaps he was talking about the Royals. Prototype with something weak and easily destructible before entering, then prototype with something actually useful to get your completed sprite once you get into the Medium?

I don't know, it's traditional to make your first prototype something dead, but I don't have any urns full of ashes or convenient corpses lying around here. I might try my sceptile plushie, or... I don't know, my dead laptop or something. Second prototype I'd probably stick a book in there just to see what would happen.
In keeping with the tradition of prototyping dead things, I'd likely end up prototyping one of the countless bugs I've smashed.

My apartment wouldn't be a suitable place for a Sburb session, regardless. It's already cluttered enough as it is; there's absolutely no room for alchemiters and cruxturders and totem lathes and all that stuff I'm probably misspelling right now.
I found an awesome Homestuck/Team Rocket Motto thing on the interwebz.
Note: This was posted in RealityStuck, a fan RP in the MSPA Forums.

Prepare for trouble
And make it double
To protect the world from imps and ogres
To unite a few people within our session!
To denounce the evils of moirails and matesprites!
To extend our reach to Skaia above!
RS Cast!
Forum Posters!
RS forum update at the speed of dial-up!
Update soon, or prepare of shenanigans!
That is correct!
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