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Open The Founding

Reserved. And can't you just make up a last name? 'Tis required, I've said.

Oh and also, I think it seems safe to assume that nobody else is really going to apply. So we're starting. Reserved people, if you still care, you can still post your form when it's going on. And then me or Castycal (that's um, Zephyrous Castform, if you don't know) will check it and if it's accepted, you can join in. Besides, more people might join if this topic is more active with posts. So that's why I think it's a good idea to start now.

The dark starry skies of Ladragia blanketed the sleeping city. It was peaceful in Laisis, a state commonly unknown in the day. Some street lights flickered, and lit up the night skies. But the expansive blanket was still predominant.

Few shops were still open at this time, as it was quite dangerous when that blanket had come over all. That blanket was the signal when the nastiest pieces of work came out, to prey upon unarmed innocents. It was mostly out of desperation, as poverty plagued this capital like there was no tommorow. Their desperation would turn even what formerly was your neighbor into a scavanging creature of the darkness, that grabbed whatever he could find.

So most did not come out at night.

In one particular lonely alleyway, however, upon which rats and all sorts of animals made their homes within its large disgusting dumpsters, there was a figure that was not quite so rat and not quite so animal. And also, not quite so criminal.

Upon the dumpsters sat this young spectacled female, surveying the skies as if brooding rather than in any introspective manner. In the darkness of this alleyway, which was lit up neither by streetlights, nor the moon, her form seemed to blend in almost perfectly into the darkness. To ascertain any fine details of this form would be impossible to those of normal sight.

However, it was her voice that gave away her presence. Whom she was addressing, exactly, was not clear.

"I really don't want to do this... are you sure it's the only way?" There was no response and the female sighed.

This wasn't going to be fun at all.

Name: Typhelton Malty (Shortetened to Typhle, or more commonly Malt.)

Age: Just some kid (12)

Gender: She

Side: Rainbowperson.

Outfit: Malt usually wears a light blue wool coat, under which is a turtleneck black shirt, usually covering her nose. She wears a pair of green shorts that reach her knees, and what appears to be very dusty sneakers. Or shoes. We can't tell. Finally she has on a pair of black fingerless gloves and wiry glasses.

Appearance: Very short for her age, almost to being a 'dwarf', she stands at an unimpressive 4'5. Her hair is a reddish color and her skin is olive-like. Quite thin and at first looks like a pushover. Until you get a kick from her legs. When she talks, it's partially muffled by the turtleneck, but sounds halting and slightly low. She never can stay still, usually fiddling around with her fingers, or hopping every once in a while. Her eyes are brownish green.

Personality: Malt is a bit of a mystery to some people. Never one to talk to other children, she likes spending time alone. A lot of what she says sounds like non sequitors, but she knows what she's saying. Very smart for an 'addled' child. She does have a bit of an adventurous streak in her, and if it weren't for a lot of things, would be out fighting.

History: Malt was born in a little hut inside a village, and sheltered by her grandmother and mother after her father went out, never returning, and her elderly grandfather died. She didn't really mind, as she had an aversion to many people. Recently, the hut had to be rebuilt after an attack on the edges of the village in Arc destroyed most of their home. She does a goood deal of the work, as her grandmother is aging along with her mother.

Songbird- She can manipulate wave lengths to make a faint hum into a raging bout of static, unnerving quite a few people.

Le Magic Parkour- Malt, as a child, enjoyed climbing trees and the other various obstacles in the village. This has developed into an impressive knowledge of knowing where, what how to climb things, be it bulidings, trees or the side of an elephant, and how to land.

Flee in the Background- Malt can blend in with a good deal of enviroments. However, if surrounded by too many people, this becomes immpossible to do.
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Oh and since there's quite a few Rainbowpeoples applied, you guys CAN enter the RP. But you can't be in Ladragia or anything. You can all RP together, in the same village.
*no idea what to do*
So, er, sorry but I have no idea what to do. A little help for first-time RPer please?
The night suited him best.

The night... away from the prying eyes of the upper-class berks of Laisis. Where nobody could watch him in his... well, the only word for them was 'crimes'. But morally, were they crimes when he did them to keep himself and his friends alive?

Rone Tayal did not steal for the thrill of it. He did not steal from selfishness or from greed. He stole because it was all he could do.

And on this particular night, he could find nothing to steal.

There was a point where he paused before the brightly-lit display window of a bakery that was open twenty four-seven. He eyed a few of the freshly-baked loaves hungrily - just one of those could feed them all for a day! But no... it was no use. There were no customers inside, so as soon as he entered, the clerk's attention would be focused upon him, rendering stealing impossible.

So he moved on from the bakery and continued stalking, cat-like, through the shadows of shops, keeping out of the light of the street lamps which lined the roads.

It was then that he heard uneven footsteps behind him.

He turned on the spot, and found himself staring at a heavy-built man with a shaved head and bulging muscles. Staggering about where he stood and with a vacant expression on his face, the man was obviously drunk.

"Orrite kiddo... wha... woss doin' out late? Innit passyur... your bedtime or summin?" he slurred. Rone raised an eyebrow in exasperation.

"No." he said simply, and made a complex gesture at the man's feet - which were immediately covered in a thick coating of ice, rooting the drunkard to the spot.

Rone turned once more and silently sprinted away, skidding down an alleyway between two tall office buildings.

And there he saw the girl.

She was just... sitting there. Staring at the sky. Muttering to herself. And in the light of the moon, her half-illuminated silhouette gave a serene and rather beautiful image of... loneliness.

He took a step towards her and spoke.

(@Frank: You just write what your character is doing, in the setting of the roleplay. Here, it's Laisis, since you're a Refugee~ You write a response to what other characters are doing, so in this example, my character and Zephyrous Castform's is in an alleyway, so yours might happen to wander into that alleyway as well, and start talking to the both of them. I hoped that helped. ^^)

The girl jumped in complete startlement at hearing this voice, it had roused her from her immense reverie. It was young... male... didn't sound too threatening or like one of the Usual Sort. With their croaky voices who tended to prey upon targets such as her.

She turned her gaze to the source of it, but couldn't quite make out much except for a small human figure. It was very vague... and she felt cautious. Despite the youthful sounding voice... who knew what the intention was behind this one. Within this cold harsh streets, one could trust nobody. And she had learned that quite well.

So she did not respond, she merely kept gazing at the figure silently.
Coyote sat on the ledge of a building, gnawing on a piece of bread and sitting with his legs dangling precariously from the edge. The baker hadn't noticed him stealing a loaf, what with all the other customers early in the day.

Quickly finishing, he rose to his feet unsteadily, a little tired from all his working in the day, and started lightly leaping from rooftop to rooftop, skidding to a halt at the edge of one to look down on two people in an alleyway.

Leaning over the edge, he looked down on the two people standing there, feeling like eavesdropping a bit.
Frankus looked at his knapsack, pleased with the result of his two hours' labour. He only ever travelled light, and the only tool he had packed was a small, weathered pick. Otherwise there was an assortment of personal items and equipment, including rope, a lantern, a journal, a camel-skin canteen and his favourite comb. Frankus got up and surveyed the small room around him. It had provided sufficient lodging but now he needed to...

Brushing his thoughts aside, Frankus strapped his knapsack on and stepped outside for the last time. A cool breeze was blowing, and Frankus cautiously strolled through the streets. Night was not the time for anyone to be out, but Frankus could conceal himself at a moment's notice. Even then he was feeling edgy. Tonight, of all nights. He tried to ease his queasiness, and quickened his pace.

Then he heard the rustle. It sounded as though someone had halted suddenly. But it came from... Frankus looked upwards towards the roof of the nearest building. He could see a figure leaning over the edge, looking down into the alleyway at something. He cautiously went towards the alleyway and peeked around the corner. Although he couldn't see anything clearly from his view, he did make out two people. He decided to wait and see what happened.
Coyote looked to his side to see a third person make an entrance. Lightning sparked between his fingertips, only for a second, before he made it fizz out. He sat and waited, wondering what to do next.

Idly, he picked up some rocks from the rooftop and started fiddling with them, ready to throw them at someone as a distraction so he could electrify them, or saw them in half.
"Are you okay?" Rone asked, tilting his head and looking back at her, concerned. He took a step forward so that he could see her more clearly. "What are you doing out here? Aren't you cold? Is something wrong?"

He paused, and waited for a reply, but none came. Did she perhaps not speak Ladragian? Or was she perhaps mute? Maybe she couldn't hear him at all. Whatever it was, it was rather worrying that she wasn't replying to his concerned questions.

He stepped forward once more so that he was mere feet away from her, and gestured towards his pointed, pale face.

"My name is Thi-" he stopped himself. He wasn't so sure about this girl, so he decided that more formality was required for this stranger. "My name is Rone. Rone Tayal. What about you?"
So these two didn't know each other, thought Frankus. Merely two people bumping in an alleyway, nothing to worry about, he kept thinking to himself as he struggled to get a better view, his knapsack's buckles digging into his shoulders. He hoped nobody was noticing him. His thoughts returned to that strange figure on the rooftop. Must watch out for him, or her, too, thought Frankus, trying to catch another glimpse of the figure above him.
A small, gloved hand wrapped around a few branches. Malt looked back at the village for a breif second. She got all, or at least most of her work done for the morning, and after a few mnutes of pleading was allowed to hang around the grove. And only the grove, for that matter. Soldiers, always scampering about. Attacking.

She could do nothing, only rebulild. Maybe it's cause most people think she's addled? Or a mute, in more extreme cases? Shaking these thoughts from her mind, the girl leaped up onto the branch, scanning for another, leaping, another.

Almost like flying.
Greer watched the sky, dark, deep, and yet warm somehow. The stars were coming out of hiding, and the sun was but a vague memory of light on the horizon. The occasional bird flew by, its startling colors only just barely muted by the darkness. Frogs and toads chirped and belched, and the most flowers were almost closed.

Just another evening in Arc.

The tall, willowy young man pulled his colorfully woven straw hat off, wiping his forehead and the straight, brown hair that hung over it like a curtain. He heard something moving quite a ways away, but only ever so often.

A large flying squirrel, perhaps?
She blinked, still not responding to his queries. So many things she wanted to say... she really wanted to answer, but the answers felt all choked up. It was that same damned choked-upness that always seemed to strike her during her attempts to speak to strangers.

There was an odd feeling that others were watching... and she wasn't sure why. She could hear various sounds around her. So there was more than one...

Her body tensed up, as she felt quite nervous. What terrible things was he trying to do? He was asking questions... and didn't seem so bad... but what if he was going to lure her into a false sense of security so he could... she shuddered.

His form was hard to make out in the darkness, and not seeing him only made things worse.

Well... she supposed it wouldn't hurt to tell him her name. As long as she stayed still and made no sudden movements, he or the presence of the sounds in the distance couldn't reach her... she hoped.

"My name... is... Ar-arylett."
((*blows life into thread*))

Hmm. Must have been imagining it.

Greer pulled his hat back on and strode off, looking for something to eat. HE had food in the small pack on his shoulder, but he didn't want to waste the non-perishables.

A squirrell chittered on a tree, but the combination of its annoyingly fast language and the fact that its food sources wildly differed from Greer's led the towering young man to look elsewhere.

There was an apple, the color of dawn clouds, hanging from a high branch. Greer stretched his hand out, and, with a vaguely wind-like whisper, the tree bent slightly. It was enough for the apple to rest in Greer's considerably large reach.

Flicking his hair out of his eyes, the Rainbowperson bit into the apple.
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