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The "Fwee" Thread

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Target finnaly stopped being a butt and released Fashionably Late, so my friend got a DVD of Honor Society performing LIVE.

And she's letting me borrow it!

My entire week has been made.
my friend got a girlfriend that he's been wanting for a while! yay.

things are going okay for me, but i'm just generally glad about my friend right now.
Target finnaly stopped being a butt and released Fashionably Late, so my friend got a DVD of Honor Society performing LIVE.

And she's letting me borrow it!

My entire week has been made.

I lied; SEEING IT made my week!!!!!!!

they'reabsolutelyamazingfweeeeeeeee <333333333
I got an A on my Spanish quiz! Oh, and I can play this song called Arabian Dances by this guy named Brian Balmages on clarinet. It's a pretty neat song, starting out slow and then all of a sudden speeding up. The fast part is super hard to play because of the high range of notes. I made all of the older kids jealous!
Science today was epic, between our teacher cracking up as she read to us the note the substitute from yesterday left ("The students tell me [name] has Tourette's. [...] I almost believed them.") and our daily let's-take-advantage-of-the-fact-that-[teacher name]-can-never-stay-on-topic discussion, which happened to be about babies.

"I think my uncle needs a new hobby."
I was in class today and I saw one of the TA's who didn't have anything to do just sitting on a small couch in the corner. I sort of knew him, and knew him to be more on the 'cool' side of things, clique-wise. Almost kind of a 'tough guy' sometimes. And I saw a gameboy color in his hands. He was playing Gold.

It warmed my heart.

Oh, and I watched V for Vendetta for the first time ever today. It was very cool.
Okay so I was bored out of my wits and since my friend mentioned that Honor Society has a concert for December 31st, I'd look up all the concert dates. And I found this:

Dec 31 - Hershey Park Hershey, PA

And it's only about two hours away OH MY GOD I SERIOUSLY NEED TO GET MONEY REALLY BADLY.

EDIT: omigod I only need to pay park admission. wow.

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One, there was a thunderstorm here earlier. I like thunderstorms.

Two, my family has already started Halloween celebration. Puts me in the mood to draw a ghost Pokémon. Like Froslass! :D
I just got a new mouse! My old mouse was one of the old "ball-style" kind and it kept jamming up and made spriting a nightmare. Now I have an optical mouse and it works great.

I wonder if any read "I got a new mouse" and thought of the animal.
(I thought of the animal)

Just got Naruto volume 46.

Turns out the bookstore will have 47 by December. :D

Hinata's birthday
Ha, I just found a Shiny Tangela outside of Mt. Silver in Crystal. I was halfway paying attention to the game, so luckily I noticed it before I killed it.

It's this really good ice cream from Peru that you can barely *find* here, or anywhere in the US. As in, not in any supermarkets, usually on menus for desseerts in Spanist restarants.

and i now have three little tubs o it fff ilu uncle payo~
I've been reminded that my 13 year old sister is somewhat of a nonconformist in her music tastes. JUST LIKE ME! *tears up with pride*
Seriously, it's realy hard to teach a 9 year old cat that is aggresive because my father keeps slaping her really hard not to attack someone.
((I.E. That someone's my 2 year old brother))
I'm now a prefect and I got to go to a maths competition today. Didn't win but I got to ride a train. (I love trains)
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