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Open The Good, The Evil, and The Greedy


Take me to Wonderland
Once, long ago, a prosperous planet at the centre of the galaxy in the centre of the universe spun peacefully, the home of the Phoenix. She was the source of every drop of magic and power in the universe, the mother of life. She had a temple that was tended to by a lithe and beautiful cat-people. They cared for her, kept her safe.

Until one day, an evil man killed a child to try and win the Phoenix’s favour. Enraged, the mighty creature rampaged, destroying most of the planet. The scars of her fiery rage left half the planet a burned-out pit, the other a lush forest holding the Temple of the Bells. The Temple of the Bells held, as the name states, two Bells. The Dragon Bell contained the force of Chaos, and the Crane Bell the force of Order. A priestess was chosen to guard the Bells, the only surviving member of the Cat-People. She was made immortal, the task of guarding the Temple on her shoulders.

Unbeknownst to her, however, the two Bells were flung to the opposite sides of the Universe. They are said to rest on two planets covered entirely in treasure, but heavily guarded by powerful monsters. The tales of untold riches drew many Pirates to try and find them, but none have done so…

But the Bells hold more than treasure – they are the only way to restore the Phoenix’s power to grant magic over the universe again.

This Legend has been told to young and old for millennia, the tales of treasure and magic capturing the hearts of many. But much has changed since the days of this now forgotten world. The planets of the universe gave away to the ways of machines, trusting all their hopes and lives on them, only to have the machines take over and rule their planets and the people on it. In the Universe are seven core planets, called the “Mecha Planets” that dictate the lives of the humans that may still live on them. Each has a army and laws that their “followers” enforce on their terra firma. Many of the humans left the planet to search for freedom, only few escaped with their lives when the mecha planet’s army try to drive them back. These Mecha planets are controlled by a super computer, each named after one of the seven sins. These computer believe in the legend of the Phoenix, thirsting for the God’s power of the entire universe.

There are planets that live outside the Mecha Planet’s control, these run and controlled by humans with few machines, determined not to make the same mistake again. These are the planets that humans from the Mecha planets run to, seeking hope and freedom from the dictatorship of the Mecha Planets. These people live in peace with nature and try to re-new the old ways of their ancestors.

But the Humans are not alone. Living along side the Humans are “Aliens”, Some are decent people that share their planet with the Human refugees…But then there are the beasts that roam some of the more ancient planets, un touched by outside beings. These creatures roam their land and feed on anything that may be there. Each planet has something different living there, so be forewarned.

Then, there are those that take the tales of Treasure, Adventure, and breaking every known law to heart. These are the people that roam the universe in search for treasure, and skirting the laws of the Mecha planets with every chance they get. Humans and Aliens alike, band together for the thrill of Adventure and the lust for treasure. These are the Men and Women that explore all planets they cross…even those that should never been crossed. These are the Pirates.


-Usual RP rules.
- No Flamming
- No God Moding, except for me and FMC. We can because we control the story and the event you run into.
- Put moon beams in your sign up.
- You are a Pirate. Got it?
- No cat people. The only Cat person left is the Priestess.
- No Chat speak. Chat speakers are shot on sight
- No one liners. Seriously. I want content.
- If you break the rules three times, I will have you killed. Even if i have to have you sucked into space by putting you in the air-lock.


Name: (Name of your Character)
Age: (Uh..duh, it’s age)
Gender: (Unless you are Kusa, You kinda need one)
Species: (Human or Alien. If Alien, tell me what you are)
Appearance: (Uh..use your brain)
Bio: (Tis optional)
Personality: (Look above)
Other: (Take a flying guess)

This RP is in alliance with 'The Kirin's Treasure'


Ming ~ Moon-panther (Me)
Tanith~ FMC
~Reserved for Leviathan~
Dr. Ruby Lehrer ~ iphillip1
Fwak ~Crazy Linoone
Enivari ~ Kusa
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My Form

Name: Ming
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Species: Cat-People. Last of her kind
Appearance: She looks like a Human…just with fur, claws, Ears and a tail. She has long black hair tied back in a loose braid. Her eyes are Purple and silted when provoked. She wears a band of cloth over her chest and a short skirt. On her tail is a gold band with odd etching.
Bio: She is the Priestess. You will learn more as time goes on.
Personality: Silent, stern, and easy annoyed. Not much is known about her. But if you get to know her, she might show more.
Other: Don’t mess with her. She bites.
...Nyeeeeah, we must join, but we also must finish NaNo! D:
Reserve; maybe I'll be able to squeeze in the time to make a character over the weekend. If you want to start before then, I'll just drop out.
Name: Dr. Ruby Lehrer
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Species: Alien
Appearance: He has Roswell gray skin with short, webbed fingers. He has small feet and a large head, and is about 4 feet tall. He wears a holo-imaging device that makes him look like a human most of the time. When he is wearing his holo-imaging device he looks like a human that is 6'4", wears a Black suit with a white shirt and a black tie with a fedora. Brown hair, brown eyes, and muscular.
Bio: He was embarrassed by his alien appearance when he wished to go to a mainly human-inhabited planet to go to college and get his Ph.D, so he decided to purchase a Holo-imaging device and created his human alias, Ruby Lehrer. His name in his original language is Jondibuan Jomica. He never learned English, but uses a translator to translate from his language to English.
Personality: Usually very mild-tempered, but when angered he is dangerous to be around. He is VERY violent when agitated and will not hesitate to throw things and shoot you. He is nice and friendly when he is not agitated and will defend his friends no matter the cost, even if the cost is his life. H would take a gunshot to the head or cross the universe to save a friend in need.
Other: He enjoys looking up at moonbeams at night. He also has Telekinetic and Telepathic powers.
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Leviathan - Reserved

Philly - How many times do I have to say this? Content.

(Also before anyone asks, yes, I am the co-runner)
I'm here for my spot!

Name: Tanith

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Alien - ScreeWee

Appearance: Like most of her kind, Tanith is a large creature, about twenty feet long from nose to tail. She resembles a giant thick snake, with a crocodile snout and eight limbs. Four of said limbs are hind legs ending in three thick toes and dull claws, and the remaining four are arms, ending in thumbed, four-fingered hands with razor sharp talons. She has a ridge of short spikes along her back, starting just behind her eyes to her tail-tip. Her skin is soft and dry to the touch, and a dull golden-yellow colour, but it changes the shade depending on her mood. Her eyes are green and pupils slitted. She doesn't wear clothes, being a reptile, instead only wearing a leather strap that her guns and ammo are mounted on. Another leather strap is around her waist, and holds four medium-sized blades. She walks upright, on her four hind legs, and moves quite fast like this, although she can drop on all eight legs and run even faster.

Bio: Like all of her kind, Tanith was born and raised on a massive brood ship, barely seeing her parents until she could fight. Then she joined them in one of the fleet's battle cruisers. She took a spot as a warrior, fighting aside her brood sisters. Her brothers joined their father in more male-suited work - repairing the broken ships, treating the wounded, and raising the young. She was trained extensively in hand-to-hand combat, as well as gunnery, but preferred to fight with her claws, teeth, and blades. When she turned 18, she grew bored of the life in the ships, thirsting to journey to knew worlds. So she joined a group of other young ScreeWee and escaped to the ship ports to find work. There she joined the Pirate ship, her ability in battle quickly raising her rank. She quite enjoys her new life.

Personality: Strong-willed and smart, Tanith is a fighter at heart, driven by her blood to compete against those she is around for dominance. She is noble, brave, and kind-hearted, odd for a Pirate, but suits her well. She dislikes cold, as it slows her down, as she is a reptile. She adores birds, especially the few that she keeps in her quarters. This is a holdover from when her species were still swamp dwelling reptiles that required the bird's help to clean their teeth.

Other: moo.

So, moonys, how do you like your moonbeam banner?
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Name: Fkawqoiau'dvan (Fwak for short, since nobody can pronounce his name)

Age: 33 (which is rather young for his species, since they usually live for about 150 years.)

Gender: Male

Species: Alien

Appearance: Fwak is human-shaped bird-like creature. Three long red feathers stick out of the top of his head, and several long flight feathers, also a bright red, extend out from his forearms. Fully extended, they can barely touch the ground. The feathers can be used for short flight, but are usually stacked together like feathers a bird’s folded wing to avoid getting caught in things. The top half of his body is covered in feathers; however, the bottom half is covered in scales of the same bright blue as the feathers. His legs are rather like a (dinosaur) raptor’s: long, muscled, and clawed at the end. He also has a tail rather like a raptor’s, but it is covered with a few red feathers at the end for aerial control.

Fwak wears a plain yellow t- shirt, belt and light blue shorts. A few knives and daggers usually hang from his belt, sharpened and ready to use. He has a special dagger named Moon Beam that he is especially fond of, since it had saved his life in more than one occasion.

Bio: Fwak was born on a human-alien planet, where many different species of creatures coexist in harmony. He has, however, always lusted for adventure of the great beyond. One day, Fwak hitchhiked on a space ship and landed on a strange planet, where only robots exist. He learned about the Mecha’s plan to take over the universe. However, he was more excited to learn about the prospect of treasure. The space ship he was hitchhiking on got shot down by the Mechas, but Fwak managed to escape. He then stole one of Mecha’s spaceships and began his random wanderings around space, trying to find the legendary planet of treasures.

Personality: Adventurous, the only thing Fwak lives for in life is excitement. He loves sticking his nose into dangerous places and missions, especially if there might be a great reward at the end. Fwak is generally a fun-loving, easy-going fellow. However, he despises cowards and believes that only the best are fit to become a pirate.

Other: Fwak likes throwing knives, and is very good at it from his many years of experience. He is quite agile. Because he is very light, he can jump very high, fly for short distances, and glide for quite a long time. So don't expect him to die quickly if you throw him down a cliff. However, the down side to this is that his bones are very fragile, and they break easily.
Uh, I don't see the Word that needs to be there for you to pass.

And For all of you to know, You are all on thr same ship when we start this thing.
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