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The LGBT Club

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did I join this club? I don't think I did. Can I? :o
Well I'm bisexual (I think; I haven't had any experiencies with women but I think I'd enjoy it) and I have my boyfriend who's bisexual and we're just discovering ourselves for now. :o He asked me if I would be okay with him 'experimenting' with other men and I said that was fine (I only want him to be happy, after all), and I can do that with the ladies if I like, but I'm too shy to actually go and do anything so I'm not really sure exactly what to do so erm
we have a really cool relationship and it's great <3
I haven't told my parents that I am bisexual (last time I mentioned it my mum was like 'it's a stage') but I don't really want to that much. :/ I don't think it's really important that they know who I have sex with, considering they don't want to know and I don't want to tell them.
for a while I felt like I wanted to be male, but I don't think so much about it now so I'm not really sure. :/ I haven't really figured out myself that way yet, all I really think right now is that I'd enjoy stuff more sexually from a male perspective. I particularly enjoy the idea of having male parts and I don't really know why so
So I'm just confused a little is all. I know that's not nearly so horrible as other people trying to be themselves and they can't, and I think that's the saddest thing in the world. :c

My mum said exactly the same thing "It's just a phase you're going through". They reeeally don't understand xD

Then again, she says I need experience and I'm NOT telling her I've had the man-parts of 4 guys in my mouth ._.

P.S. This was before my boyfriend and I'm getting tested soon before he comes over. How I'll get tested without mum finding out is another question...*googles it* xD
^ say you're going to a friends house, go to the doctor instead? Legally they can't tell your mum anything.
"IT'S ONLY A PHASE" does my head in rrrrgh
it's a phase for bloody scene kids because it's so trendy to be queer woooooyay

I should post in here more

recently I've been thinking bout stuff and I've kinda realised that I see myself as both genders in a way... dunno how to explain it really
my dad's even reffered to me as a lad recently lmao
Yeah fairly certain you can be tested confidentially. Otherwise teesn would never do it.

jolty a bit genderqueer/androgynous? one or the other

oh god I just watched ultraviolet's sig for like five minutes crap
oh god I just watched ultraviolet's sig for like five minutes crap
then my job here is done. \o/

no actually I wanted to share this cool website with you guys. I know it kind of looks like a girl's magazine or something but it's actually got some really excellent advice (it's run by a few doctors and some psychologists I think) and it links to all these great organisations and stuff. :| Scroll to the bottom and search something, they have articles on pretty much everything (long ones, too).
Yay, my hair is cut!

I hate how it's all alt and trendy and shit to be bi or queer or something. It's certainly not helping the cases of people who aren't just going through a phase.

Edit: Holy crap, a sex ed website for teenagers that actually distinguishes between sex and gender. I am impressed.
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Queer is just a general term for anyone who doesn't fit within any of the terms or the normal sexual binary.

"meet your prostrate" Tell me I'm not the only one who imagined a tf2-style Meet the ____ video
Queer's just an umbrella term, like LGBT. Which is why I like LGBTQ instead because it's less WHICH ONE ARE YOU. Personally I prefer just saying I'm queer than anything else, makes things simpler in my head. AND it's an awesome word. <3

That Scarleteen site is awesome. Wow, actually down-to-earth sex ed. This is what schools need.
Queer's just an umbrella term, like LGBT. Which is why I like LGBTQ instead because it's less WHICH ONE ARE YOU. Personally I prefer just saying I'm queer than anything else, makes things simpler in my head. AND it's an awesome word. <3

That Scarleteen site is awesome. Wow, actually down-to-earth sex ed. This is what schools need.

Indeed. All I learned in sex ed was "Pl0X USE CONDOM =D"
I meant 'Q' for 'questioning', but that works too.

*actually learned stuff in sex ed =O*
All I remember from my sex ed was "boys get erections and girls get periods; now let's talk about how bad STD's/pregnancy are but not really say much about how to prevent them beyond holding up the packaging for various methods. Emphasis on abstinence, etc"
I never had a Sex Ed. course. :> Do I win?

Also that Scarleteen website is really good by the looks of it. Sex =/= Gender and all that but the articles are just well done and with -proper- and -full- information.
All I remember from my sex ed was "boys get erections and girls get periods; now let's talk about how bad STD's/pregnancy are but not really say much about how to prevent them beyond holding up the packaging for various methods. Emphasis on abstinence, etc"

We had to put a condom on 3 of our fingers. One guy put one over his whole hand XD
Sex Ed: This is what Herpes looks like, kids! (shows slide) also we had to put condoms on carrots. Then everyone was given a type of contraceptive to look at (dental dams, pills, condoms etc) and talk about, and then we did diagrams of everyone's parts and stuff. We did have the teachers kind of lean on 'you guys are fourteen, sex at fourteen is probably a bad idea but you know, we can't stop you' but apart from that it was pretty good. Although a year before that the girls watched a video of a woman giving birth. :x
Australia has pretty good sex ed, methinks. c:
Oh we had quite a sex ed course. I'm not sure whether if the syllabus could've extended beyond STIs and contraception (though, apparently, we were never trusted to play with sample condoms), though it could've covered a bit about 'psychological gender' (nothing outside of heterosexuality) in addition to all the physical stuff we learnt about.

So yeah.
We never got to even see a condom. Yeah. So my first experience with a condom was when the dog gleefully brought us a used one out of Jon's room.
nightmares, guys, nightmares.
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