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Requests Open The Most Original Sprite Shop Ever

Could you please make an UmbreonHoundoom/Mightyena splice? Pleease? :3 Thanks! ^^
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Evil scratch request is evil. D:

Aw, no Umbreon. :(

Doing Mini_Moonwalker's first. Sorry, scratches are hard.

Edit: I'm gonna redo this after the scratch. I just wanted to get it done real quick. :x
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Evil scratch request is evil. D:

Aw, no Umbreon. :(

Doing Mini_Moonwalker's first. Sorry, scratches are hard.

Edit: I'm gonna redo this after the scratch. I just wanted to get it done real quick. :x

AMAZING! :D And if you wanna use Umbreon you can. xD But still,that's amazingly fantastic! :D Amazing sprite is amazing. :D
uhh, not 100% sure about how to do this, but can you make me a clamperl with a trapinch on top/by the side? kthnx!
I see you have several requests, so don't worry too much about this one; call it "lowest priority". :)

Anyway, my request will probably involve a completely scratch sprite. Observe the following post:

See those pictures at the bottom of Franziska and Gumshoe? They're similar to how I picture Skye Namron (a Kirlia) looking as she bursts through the courtroom doors, brandishing a flashlight (her decisive evidence) and sporting a highly enthusiastic smile (perhaps with her mouth open, yelling HOLD IT!). She resembles a normal Kirlia, but she wears a small jacket; as she enters the courtroom, it flails behind her.

My request is for a large (doesn't have to be full-body) sprite of Skye, performing this pose. (Angle is up to you, but a front or a 45-degree-to-the-side shot are two views that look good in my head)

If you would rather not attempt this, or if you attempt it and find it too difficult, then by all means stop; I won't hold it against you. :)
Would you mind doing a couple of trainer sprites for me?

I'd like to use them in a hack I'm making :)

Anyway, a hero that's got a Dark theme and a heroine that has a Psychic theme would be great :D
And, if you don't mind, could you do the other sprites as well?
(Walking, Running, Biking ect)


That's everything that would need to be changed. I know its a lot of work, so, if you don't want to, don't do it :)
Could you do a splice of Eevee and Aggron, colored light blue please? It would be either A) placed in my sig as a king, or my avi, with credit of course.
Hey guys, I had gotten grounded, and I'm on my shiny new school laptop, which doesn't have paint, so I'm gonna have to find out someway to pry my bro off the home comp every once in a while. Soo, yeah, whoever still wants their sprite done, reply.
K, I'm gonna start a list. I'm feeling OCD right now.

Teacher9985--Eevee/Aggron-light blue
Teacher9985--Eevee/Aggron-light blue
RespectTheBlade--Altaria/Latias-Latias' shiny colors
Zackrinian--Gallade-flying like Superman

BTW, I actually have most of the Gallade finished from before I was grounded. I just hope it hasn't been accidentally deleted. :x
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