ASB Central Arena
Pre-Round Stats
The Omskivar xO

Fletcher (♂) <Keen Eye>
Health: 23%
Energy: 69%
Condition: Oh Arceus, oh Arceus, oh Arceus! Am I broken? I think I am broken. [Stat Boost: Att. +2, Def. +1, Spd. -1; Mimic replaced by Skull Bash]
Commands: Mud-Slap (plug ears) ~ Reversal ~ Reversal
Substitute: 15%
pathos xO

Malsh (♂) <Guts>
Health: 68%
Energy: 79%
Condition: Did you enjoy my a cappella? [Stat Boost: Def. +3; Confused: 10% chance of move failure]
Commands: Uproar/Work Up/Chill ~ Uproar/Work Up/Chill ~ Uproar/Work Up/Chill
Round Ten Start
The referee had laid down on the ground nearly a month ago, and hadn't woken since. A swift kick to the side from one of the battlers sent him onto his bum, and he dropped his flag to open the near ending battle.
Malsh jumped into action at the sight of the flags. He was due for an encore, and wasn't ready to disappoint. Malsh began squeaking, with every squeak echoing off the stadium walls. Fletcher pulled down his ears, wrapping his tail around his head and ears, and waited the chorus out. When felt pleasent with his work, he stopped and watched the frightened Sentret uncurl and begin scrapping at the ground. Unfortunatly for Fletcher, the ground had slightly dried since the mud had gone flying, and was able to get barely any more than a couple of small clumps per ear. Scrapping up dirt and dust, the packed that in around the edges as well, hoping it would do something if Malsh decided to preform for him again.
Malsh, not willing to disappoint, began another chorus of squeaking, this time louder than ever. The echos penetrated the layer of mud and dirt Fletcher had managed to pack in, and struck harshly against the Pokemon's eardrums. The referee and trainers covered their ears this time as well, the chorus seeming more rocking than ever. Malsh felt pleased when he finished with the rocking chorus, as he saw not only Fletcher laying on the ground, cringing, but the opponent's trainer as well. Smirking, the Rattata jumped around, waiting. Meanwhile, Fletcher had shoved himself up and had begun to glare at Malsh, who was gloating like he had already won. Fletcher knew better, however, and was growing angry. Running on his nubs, Fletcher ran a full head on tackle at Malsh, who wasn't able to stop jumping long enough to notice his opponent, who slammed into him at full force, sending the duo into a tumble. When the dust settled, both Pokemon were laying behind pathos, shoving themselves up and dusting off.
Ready to end the fight, Malsh glared at Fletcher as they stood again. Clearing his throat, Malsh prepared to give the final performance up-close and personal. Opening his mouth and showing his teeth, Malsh entered another chorus of squeaking right into Fletcher's ears. Not that it mattered too much, for within seconds of the final encore beginning, Fletcher collapsed back into the dirt, knocked out. Dropping his flags, the referee signaled the end of the battle, and Malsh finished his encore. The two trainers stepped up, shook hands, and soon departed with slips to give
the bank. Malsh trotted out beside pathos, completly gleeful, while Omskivar recalled Fletcher and gave words of praise.
Round Ten End
The Omskivar xX

Fletcher (♂) <Keen Eye>
Health: 0%
Energy: 55%
Condition: Fainted
Used: Mud-Slap (plug ears) ~ Reversal ~
Substitute: 15%
pathos xO

Malsh (♂) <Guts>
Health: 48%
Energy: 67%
Condition: My a cappella is deadly! [Stat Boost: Def. +3]
Used: Uproar ~ Uproar [Critical Hit] ~ Uproar
Damage/Energy Calculations:
Fletcher Health: 23 - 11 (Uproar) - 11 (Uproar) - 8 (Uproar) = 0
Fletcher Energy: 69 - 2 (Mud-Slap [Fill ears]) - 11 (Reversal) = 55
Malsh Health: 68 - 20 (Reversal) = 48
Malsh Energy: 79 - 4 (Uproar) - 4 (Uproar) - 4 (Uproar) = 67
Fletcher Sub: 15 = 0
- Let me know if I missed anything.
- Not quite a month... Excuse my absence, please...
- Confusion Rolls [Malsh] (need 10 or lower for Confusion): 49, 70, 100
- Critical Hit rolls [Fletcher] (need 10 or lower to crit): 46, 86, 56
- Critical Hit rolls [Malsh] (need 10 or lower to crit): 77, 8, 59
- Speeds - Fletcher: 13; Malsh: 72.
- Since the sun had been out since the water had been flying, Fletcher was able to get enough mud in his ears to weaken the Uproar's by 25%.
- Fletcher had 1% health when the Reversal came into play, giving it a base 200.
- Fletcher fainted in Action 3.
The Omskivar: $10 | Whoopi: 2 Exp | Fletcher: 1 Exp
pathos: $20 | tetris: 1 Exp | Malsh: 3 Exp
Zexion: $15