• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

The Place Where all REAL Writers Go


New member
So, you write? And you're not a member of Fiction Feedback?! -gasps in horror- Hm? What's that, you say? WHAT?! You've never heard of Fiction Feedback!? Well, you write and post your stories, and are given feedback! That's all, you ask? Good Lord, no! There's a chatroom, too! And forums for posting random nonsense! And books of the week! What's the link? You ask? fictionfeedback.webs.com! You'll be there, yes? Good! I hope to see you there!:grin:
The fact that you didn't actually create a link in your post says a lot.
*views page*
Deja Vu, I think I've seen that lightning image before...
Correct me harshly if I'm wrong, but, I think it was a free layout on some hosting site?

Well, I guess that's not all too bad. The one thing you forgot to mention is what kind of fiction it is. You found a Pokemon forum to advertize at, so I assume it's Pokemon fan based, but your talk about forums for posting random nonesense make me unsure, and I don't really want to search through the site at all to find out.

It's kinda after the fact, but I felt sorry for you since you didn't have any responses. And please don't take what I said about your free layout and lack of ability to use BB code too harshly.
You should put a link in your post instead of just the address. It saves people the trouble of copy-pasting it in a new window/tab and the such.

Also, you didn't really specify who will be giving back the comments. Might want to put that on the site somewhere.

I don't really like the way you organized the board. One, most people will be writing fanfiction, and, as we all know, fanfiction comes in many genres. The thing bothering me the most though is how you made separate boards for different chapters of a story. I don't think that's necessary. I think separating each genre into One-shots, short stories, and long stories would be a better way to do it, mainly because short stories come in many different genres, too. I don't think the separating the fics by genre is a good idea, either, since if some fics are more than one genre (say, is Sci-Fi and Romance at once), the author wouldn't know where to post it.

Try to answer this question while you're fixing your site: why would people go there instead of Fanfiction.net? What features do you have/you can add so that people will want to go to your site instead of ff.net, where there are way more people to review their fics?
I don't really like the way you organized the board. One, most people will be writing fanfiction, and, as we all know, fanfiction comes in many genres. The thing bothering me the most though is how you made separate boards for different chapters of a story. I don't think that's necessary. I think separating each genre into One-shots, short stories, and long stories would be a better way to do it, mainly because short stories come in many different genres, too. I don't think the separating the fics by genre is a good idea, either, since if some fics are more than one genre (say, is Sci-Fi and Romance at once), the author wouldn't know where to post it.

That's exactly what I was going to say. It also makes your board look much less active when there's so many empty boards. You'd have fewer empty boards if you combined them all.

Crazy Linoone's post pretty much summarizes my thoughts. xD
Deja Vu, I think I've seen that lightning image before...
Correct me harshly if I'm wrong, but, I think it was a free layout on some hosting site?

It is a Freewebs site. That pretty much speaks for itself.

At least it doesn't claim to be the place where real website designers go.
Win THE Awesome Prize in a Writing Contest!

Hey. So, my website is having a writing contest! =D

The contest is to write a short story based on a lyric from any song. Here's what I'm looking for:
  • Correct grammar and strong adjectives/verbs etc.
  • A storyline
  • The name
  • The lyric somewhere in the short story
So, there aren't many expectations. XP The deadline is Wednesday, May 20, 2009. There will be three ranks, and the winner will recieve a $10 gift certificate for Amazon! W00T! (YES, IT'S REAL MONEY AND NOT A HOAX!) Along with a gold ribbon with the winner's name and some other cool stuff on it to put in their signature. The second and third place winners will recieve silver and bonze ribbons with the winners' names and other cool stuff to put in their signature. Also, I'll need 1 or 2 judges, depending on how many people are interested. You can't be a judge if you are submitting. Oh, also, you can PM me on FF or email me your submissions at alikazam.fictionfeedback@gmail.com

If you'd like to participate, the link to my site is
Re: Win THE Awesome Prize in a Writing Contest!

Please don't make multiple threads advertising your site unless a month has passed since your previous thread was last posted in. I'm merging this with your other thread.
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