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The Pokémon Creation Game


An extremely equivalent exchange.
The Pokémon Creation Game

Hey! So. this couldn't be simpler. Just post suggestions for a Pokémon. It could be anything, from behavior to appearance to gender differences to names.At the end of ten posts, I'll create a fake Pokédex entry for it, complete with moves, type, a sprite and a dex entry.

No posting types. Types will be decided upon the appearance.

If more than one person posts a name, I will try to combine aspects of the names together.

Nothing insane. No 'Thousand Wings' or Ten thousand meter arm.

Once something is posted, it is set in stone. I.E, if player 1 says it has big, feathery wings, player two can't say it has no wings. This is to avoid contradiction and drama.

The eleventh post will be on an entirely different Pokémon.

I'll start.....

It has red bat wings.
Re: The Pokémon Creation Game

Oh gog I have to say this...

Its power level is OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!!!!!!

And by that I mean it's a legend.
Re: The Pokémon Creation Game

If we're still posting for the first one, make it have only one eye.

If not, then if I can start a second one, make it long-necked and intangible
Re: The Pokémon Creation Game

It has toy trucks for feet (im not sure if im starting or continuing)
Re: The Pokémon Creation Game

it can shoot popcorn lasers. like, a laser and popcorn being shot at you.
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