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The Prediction Game

Kinda wrong, kinda right. It's fun when you're with friends, scary when you're stuck with enemys. |P

I predict the next poster will have gone to Venice one in their lifetime! >:D
Not 100%, just don't care for it. ;3

I predict the next poster has seen all 11 movies released of pokemon in the U.S.
I has no clue what that even means. :3

I predict the next poster doesn't like Ash's new voice (as of battle frontier).
Who wants a car when your legs work just fine? |:P

I predict the next poster has rtead the thread about the LSD dream emulator.
And if you havn't go find it a read it. NAO.
Wrongo. I should, but the family is low on money. We can't really afford it.. |:P

I predict that the next poster thinks I'm a goober. |:D
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