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The Prediction Game

Correct ('cause my speakers are dead, and I'm too lazy to buy new ones)

I predict the next poster didn't understand the 7 8 9 joke the first time they heard it.
Depends on recently.

I predict the next poster's pokemon were at the level 50-55 range when they fighted the Elite Foursome.
Correct (and I won!)

I predict the next poster has beaten any of the main Pokémon games without using any healing items.
Fasle, I had to.

I predict that the next poster threw a party and invited their closest friends when he/she defeated Cynthia.
Correct. Once I kept getting Mewtwo over lv 150. It was very odd.

I predict the next poster hoped that Mewtwo would win the fight with Mew in the first movie.
Incorrect (my speed is 47 WPM.... J'ai besoin d'améliorer!)

I predict the next poster knows how to say 'hello' in at least ten different languages w/o consulting a dictionary or translator.
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