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The Rank-Up Thread

I am a Bu-tter-free! Ha haha ha ha ha ha!
I am a Bu-tter-free! Ha haha ha ha ha ha!

I made 1,000 posts! I never thought I'd see the day on ANY forum!
700 posts! yay!

I'm on the secong page of highest posts, but I haven't checked in awhile...
Congratulations everyone. Midnight, if you spend your life on TCOD and play lots of forums games and do lots of RPGs then you'll be a Fweefree very soon. Not that I'm I real RPG or forum games-aholic anymore. Now I use forums games only for rating sigs and ais to see how people like them and also to help my fav stuff in theHurt and Heal thread. OK, I'm going off topic now so...to cap off...

With this post I commend myself a Butterfree!*evolution scene plays*

Your Shadowstar obtained 1,000 posts! Good job!XD
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