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The Rank-Up Thread

For DarkArmour:

1. Darksong
2. EeveeSkitty
3. Cryptica
4. Mewtwo
5. Dragonclaw
6. Time Psyduck
7. Arylett Dawnsborough
8. Zim Del Invasor
9. Zephyrous Castform
10. Mike the Foxhog
11. DarkArmour
12. Flora and Ashes
13. shadow_lugia
14. Dragon_night
15. o_O

No. 11
A while ago I turned into a Metapod! :D
It only took me a week to get 200 posts...... Well more like 5 days because I was off for two of them......
Obbsesed much? O.O;;;
Ooh, I'm the 10th highest poster? If it weren't deemed inexcusable these days to attribute any positive feeling towards a large post count, Id be pleased about that. xD
i just noticed i became a metapod today. it took me eight months to accumulate 200 posts.

maybe i'll become a butterfree before the apocalypse.
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