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The Rocky Horror Picture Show


sorry, i'm never going to stop being mad about it.
Staff member
... Has anybody seen this? I really like this movie, it's hilarious (although if you haven't seen it, don't feel bad because it is from 1975).

Though, if you haven't seen it, you should watch this youtube vid. Be warned though, it contains Tim Curry in a corset.

I love this.
Tim Curry is fantastic. He can be my sweet transvestite from Transexual Transylvania any day of the week.
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I love this.
Tim Curry is fantastic. He can be my sweet transvestite from Transexual Transilvania any day of the week.
Isn't it Transylvania? I can't be bothered to look it up.

Welp, I guess we've got to fight to the death now, armed only with spears and lady's underwear.
Ooh. You better watch out; ultraviolet is pretty skilled with ladies' underwear.
Rocky Horror is my life.

It is my favourite thing in the whole wide world. I want life to be like the Rocky Horror Picture Show. That film is one intense orgasm. IT IS MY LIFE.

Incidentally I'm going to a fancy dress party as Doctor Frankenfurter. Woo corsets.
dude I will totally post pictures. I shall take LOADS but it will be awesome. HARLE in suspenders, fishnets, corset etc.

I adore the Rock Horror Picture Show. When I was a kid, Richard O'Brian used to be my hero XD

Fun story; a friend of mine and her family went to go see it when they were, uh, somewhere, and dressed up for the theatre, only to find everyone else in corsets and fishnets.

I really want to see it live D:
MD said:
Ooh. You better watch out; ultraviolet is pretty skilled with ladies' underwear.


I really want to see it live as well, but I'm kinda torn because Tim Curry wouldn't be the Doctor, and that would kinda suck...

I really want to dress up as Columbia for Halloween. :]

I love the part where Frank asks Janet what she thinks of Rocky and she says: "Well, I don't like men with too many muscles."
"I didn't make him for you!"
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