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The shows that should be brought back and/or re-created.


Happy 15th, Pokemon!
The title says it all.

I think they should revamp Match Game. The one from the 70's and 80's are funny (i get repeats on GSN).
The Pretender. That show was awesome, but got canceled right after the fourth season, which left off on a pretty big cliffhanger. There have been two TV movies taking place after the season four finale, and though TNT said there would be three, there still isn't one. If anyone's interested in the show, the first season's up on iTunes.
i would love it if some network brought maude back. i like dorothy on the golden girls, but i think bea arthur was better as maude. i'd rather have the opportunity to see that six hours a day over the golden girls.
I wish they would make a sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender, but I don't see how they could... At least they're making a movie.

Well....the ending of Book 3 felt rushed. Even with a total of 4(was it 5?) episodes dedicated to the final battle, the battle felt rushed and they didn't really tell us much after the ending. For example, what happened to Azula? Did Zuko find his mother? Will there ever be more Air Benders? If not, then what happens to the Avatar after the cycle starts again?

The movie is just a retelling of Book 1. There will also be movies of Books 2 and 3. Right now, I'm a bit disappointed with how the movie is turning out, but I hope it looks better when they release it.

Aside from the much needed Avatar sequel, I'm not sure what they should bring back. :unsure:
speaking of game shows, i would love to see a remake of press your luck. :) besides from the whole guy-memorized-the-board-pattern mishap, it was a really nicely crafted game show.
The Amanda Show.
Yes, it is kinda a stupid show, but I have very fond nostaligic memorys of it. I'm not sure if Amanda Bynes would be able to host the same way since she's much older now, but they could make it work. They could bring back all of the familer cast members too. The show would probably have to change a bit due to older acters, but that doesn't mean they couldn't stay silly and random like the originals.
Sorry, it's just that I think The Amanda Show was to kind of show you could watch and laugh about as a young child, but could still watch and enjoy as a preteen/teenager. Does anybody else feel that way? O_o;;;

I dunno. I liked the show a lot, but it stopped airing. :<

Edit: I just remembered somethuing else! INVADER ZIM.
Seriously, air it again. I'd watch Gir any day any time.
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Hustle. The *proper* hustle. I thought it lost most of its charm by ridding itself of two of the best actors, replacing them with kinda insignificant characters and setting themselves in the credit crunch with makes all of their cons less interesting and on a lower scale. But I think this is just my view. :(

Bring back the proper hustle with the old team. (Marc Warren forever)
speaking of game shows, i would love to see a remake of press your luck. :) besides from the whole guy-memorized-the-board-pattern mishap, it was a really nicely crafted game show
They had Whammy!The all new....Luck but thats all repeats. They should remake that too.

I agree with the Amanda Show comment; I could see it becoming a sort of SNL-like show.
I'd say Firefly, except if they brought it back it would almost definitely stop being good at some point and ruin the greatness of the show. :(
A new Mario and Zelda cartoon would be great--only this time, they could be more faithful to the games.

Oh yeah, bring back Jem, only rather than the heroines simply shape-shifting into their rock star alter egos, why not a full blown transformation sequence?
I like the idea of the new Mario/Zelda cartoons. It would bring a new meaning to "Saturday Morning Cartoons" for game lovers.
Animaniacs and Pinky and the Brain (preferably without Elmyra) . Or at least do some more Animaniacs spinoffs in the vein of PaTB.
The Amanda Show.

I'd say Firefly, except if they brought it back it would almost definitely stop being good at some point and ruin the greatness of the show. :(
and this.

I would also like them to bring back all the awesome cartoons from Nick and Cartoon Network, because they're just to awesome for the shit cartoons they have now. CatDog, Hey Arnold, Space Invader Zim, Dexter's Laboratory, you know, the old stuff. The old Toonami, or just a new, better than the previous Toonami maybe. <3
Figure It Out!
All That!
The Amanda Show
Little Britain USA (or Little Britain for that matter)
Whose Line is it Anyway? (either with Drew or Clive, I don't care.)
Monty Python's Flying Circus (I don't care if they have a new cast as long as Cleese and co. are writing the material.)

All That! was like SNL for kids and therefore it's awesome. Plus The Amanda Show. I still remember that "Dear Ashley" segment with the robber barging in. Nick today's just Spongebob reruns and idiotic sitcoms about kids. I wants me Ashley back.
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