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The shows that should be brought back and/or re-created.

Whose Line is it Anyway? (either with Drew or Clive, I don't care.)

Whoooooooose Liiiiiiiiiine <3333

They could just record every performance the Comedy Store Players do in London (which is essentially the same thing, often with former-WL people like Greg Proops) and air it twice a week. Sure, it's not as PG-rated as WLiiA -when they ask the audience for a movie genre, someone will inevitably yell "porn!" - which the actors will proceeded to act out on stage - but it's funny X3
....They cancelled Who's Line? :(

I never watched it on TV, but that show is awesome. That definitely needs to be revived.
Whoooooooose Liiiiiiiiiine <3333

They could just record every performance the Comedy Store Players do in London (which is essentially the same thing, often with former-WL people like Greg Proops) and air it twice a week. Sure, it's not as PG-rated as WLiiA -when they ask the audience for a movie genre, someone will inevitably yell "porn!" - which the actors will proceeded to act out on stage - but it's funny X3

I dare someone to shout out porn then Barney.
Years ago, there was this show on the BBC where they bring in a family and make them control a CGI army a la Total War. It was all historically accurate and everything, and they even had military historians telling us about how the original battle went. Sure, it probably had a core audience of five people and the computer graphics would look like shit these days, but god I loved that series. I'm really sad that I can't remember the name of it any more. ):
I everyone would agree that although it isnt a show, Veronica Taylor needs to return on Pokemon.

As far as shows, A show where the host goes behind the scenes of many shows.
Why do you guys want Invader ZIM to be brought back? Yeah, it was cancelled by Nick, but Jhonen was bored of it anyway.
Why do you guys want Invader ZIM to be brought back? Yeah, it was cancelled by Nick, but Jhonen was bored of it anyway.

And he clearly stated he would not go back to it if Nick brought it back....or something like that.

Shows I want to return: Animaniacs, Pinky and the Brain, Catdog, and Rocko's Modern Life.
Animaniacs and Pinky and the Brain (preferably without Elmyra) . Or at least do some more Animaniacs spinoffs in the vein of PaTB.
+ Any other fun internet lingo that you kids use nowadays.

Flareth, you never cease to amaze me. Never.
The Amanda Show.

that show has produced so much badly drawn mpreg art that I cannot unsee and obnoxious fangirls I cannot unmeet. I liked the show at first but for the most part I hate its fandom

I don't know about you guys but I want some more Thundercats.
I wouldn't mind seeing Animaniacs come back, but only if they bring Richard Stone back to life first, otherwise it would probably only be about ... 75% as appealing as it once was.
FUCK YEAH THUNDERCATS <3 best post (well best part of a post)

Why not best post :[?

I'm having a really hard time remembering what kind of stuff I watched as a kid... that I actually liked enough to go want to see again. I only remember the stuff I didn't like, like Cubix or something like that.
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