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The Silence Game #5

*Wakes up and unintentionally slaps Bakura*
*Seeing what she had done, says sorry over and over again*
*Says it's a reflex D:*

*Rubs now red cheek saying it's fine*
*Clears throat and states that we need to leave*

*Walks out the room with a shrugging Bakura following*
(Derp I gotta go anyway)

*Waves goodbye*

*Takes Arctica's hand and leads her out of the hotel*

*Thry leave Nikki Town~*
*Looks in the sky*
*Plops down on the grass and lies down*
*Gazes at the stars*
*Is bored*
*wonders if anyone else is here*
*wishes her boyf stayed up as late as she does*
*Blinks as they approach another town*
*Tells Arctica what he sees*

*Hopes there's some good food there*
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