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The silence game

*Had to do many timelines for English in the past*
*Was hoping the project would be something more interesting and hard, so I can help you with it.*
*Explains that I love English, grammar, literature, and everything that has to do with words*
*tries to imagine Hippy doing timelines for English*
*evil smile*
*ends up imagining that fluffball in the Handmaid's dress*
*Says that when I was your age, our English class was pretty lame...*
*can we PLEASE talk I mean THINK about HAPPY stuff?*
*thats what's on my mind now~~~good advice to follow :)*
*Says that I used to like Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and Disney's adaptation of Alice In Wonderland, even though that Disney's Alice In Wonderland also includes ideas from the sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, which is Through the Looking Glass.*
*Points out that above is a run-on sentence.*
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