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The silence game

Re: The silence game 7.0

*dissolves into darkness*

*smirks and pulls out a golden sword*

*the ground cracks open*

*My army of Houndooms rise out and attacks everybody*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*"Pfft", uses supreme agility and claw to quickly dispose of the nearest Houndooms*
*Fires a Northern Flame at CJ*
*Follows up with a Blade of Agility, slashing CJ*

*(Northern Flame= A small white flame flies towards opponent unsteadtily, loops and grows to a full pheonix of red, white and blue flames, crashes into and engulfs the opponent in fire. Elements: Fire, Ice and Spirit)*
*(Blade of Agility: Edge of sword glows with blue energy, this energy can be stretched and bent at will, basically, you can make the energy-edge spiral around you as an example. Element: None, just normal "magic/energy". I really should write a guide for this :/)*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*laughs evilly as the sword cuts through my body, but clears out the hounds. *

*mouths impressive, but not effective*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*Trips with Ebony Warhammer, and crushes skull with single swing*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*reminds Absol that he is a fire-type and cannot be harmed by fire*
*continues laughing*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*grabs the Warhammer*
*Another army of hellhounds comes forth*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*the water injured me a little*
*I growl in frustration*
*I order Amber, my female Houndour general to attack Absol*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*Chops Amber up*
*Asks if anyone wants fried Houndour*
*Starts running towards the ocean to get more water*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*Gaeru, young warrior of earth arrives*
*"Finally, where were you?"*

*"Well excuse me for sleeping after a hard days work, what is it anyway?"*

*"Be a sport and set up some earth walls for me, about 10 km radius*

*"Ugh, fine, but there better be some good fighters around here"*
*Closes eyes, raises hands, the earth itself forms walls and small mountains in a ring with aforementioned 10 km radius*

*Glances at Gaeru, while saying:"Oh don't you worry, I'll fight you if nothing else"*
*Pulls out scroll that becomes engulfed in a blue aura*
*Opens scroll, focuses energy, scroll catches fire*
*Shouts:"Great Flood", scroll is consumed, sky grows cloudy, emits aura of blue*
*Hydo Cannons start raining down, exploding in a cascade of water if touched*
*This destroys the Houndooms and creates a small ocean*
*"Soon you'll behold my true power"*
*(My solution is a lot more fun :D)*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*Runs at Nanab at extremly fast speed*
*Half a second later I am behind him and he has a sword in his chest*
*Says "That fast enough?"*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*"Look pal, I'm a battle mage, such simple things won't work on me"*
*Pulls sword out of chest, shatters it, traps Shiny with claw, electrocutes*
*Shatters Shinys arms and trows into water. "Traitor"*
*Heals wound*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*Rises out of the water*
*Regenarates arm*
*"Never trust Shinyabsol."*
*Eyes glow and Nanab explodes*
*Flies up, grabs an airliner and throws it at Nanab's remains*
*"Survive that."*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*Creates a spherical protection shield to avoid explosion*
*Dramatically catches airliner*
*"Abhorrent fool" sets airliner ablaze and throws it back*

*"Hmm, I feel an impure spirit here...No, not just impure, evil!"*
*Dibs on that one" points at CJ and walks towards him at pillars of earth rising under his feet*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*growls at Absol for finding out his weakness and killing Amber*
*raises up the Houndoom staff*
*decides to randomly start a Yugioh Dual*
*decides against it*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*goes into hades to escape the water*
*demands father to help me*
*Hades comes out of the ground*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*"And he doesn't even notice the inferno flying towards him" -_-*
*Traps Shiny in a waterfilled tornado, freezes it and then slashes til it's just a heap of icecubes*
*Grabs airliner, throws at heap, shoots a bunch of fireballs in a circle after it*

*"As I thought, demons. Well, hopefully they'll be somewhat tough"*
*Traps CJ and Hades in a dome of earth*
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