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The silence game

Re: The silence game 7.0

*Takes out twin pistols and taunts "NOT TODAY, BABY!"*

*Fires at Yami*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*Says:Oh yeah, get a load of this!". Rushes forward*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*eats cookies*
*wonders why everyone is ignoring him*
*yells "Ignore this then!!!*
*Launches a huge Ki Blast that blows up the entire field"
*becomes Super Saiyan 5 with entire body glowing in gold*
*smirks Vegeta style at his work*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*Jus hovers behind Blazer, before leaning on shoulder and mock admiring his work*

(The Neko doesn't like that picture much...)
Re: The silence game 7.0

*Sees Sparda attacking Yami. Says "I wont let you get all the glory, old man!" and continues to attack Yami*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*Randomly appears and looks at all the fighting.*
*Sighs and walks over to a random wall, leaning on it to watch.
Re: The silence game 7.0

*laughs at all the chaos*
*transforms into lord of Time form*
*begans blasting Chrono-blasts at everyone, freezing them in time*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*uses total hax and isn't frozen in time*
*sighs again*
*walks around everyone else in boredom*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*delves down into Hades to escape the roar*
*comes back fully revived and launches an Energy Bomb at Kronos using the energy of the roar*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*is the father of "Too cool and is also immune to time*
*gets ShinyUmbreonX3 a comfy chair to sit in since he's not battling*
*remembers that Hell Chocobo needs to be fed and summons it*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*flops into the chair*
*pulls a random remote from somewhere*
*presses a button and goes "Hmmm..."*
*Everyone turns into a Pokemon*
*is an Emboar*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*catches the Emboar*
*is upset that no one noticed that he returned*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*Turned into a Mightyena.*


*Turns into demonic Mightyena*
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