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Open The Sound's Specimens

Name: Aodie
Gender: Female
Species: Lopunny
Appearance: She is taller than most Lopunny, about five and a half feet tall. Her head fur is a shocking neon pink colour, and look something like a Mohawk. Her body is covered in spiraling tattoo-like markings, like ribbons. The fur on her feet is black, so it looks like boots. There is a gigantic intricate angel across her back. She also has sharp claws on her paws.
Personality: Aodie is... not someone you'd want to take on in a battle alone. She is quite capable of ripping faces off, and will gladly do so if annoyed. She is the type to party and hates to conform to gender roles. She often says that she ISN'T 'one of the boys', since, as she says, 'They boys are no fun'.
Song: U + Ur Hand - Pink
Abilities: She's very physically strong, capable of busting holes in walls, lifting dumpsters, ect. Beyond that, she can intimidate males just by being in the same area, and her Swagger attacks cause the target to get extra pissed off.
Other: I like this idea. ^w^

Also, if anyone can give me ideas for powers if she's skimping on them?
Wow this is turning out to be rather popular. I am pleased. ^w^

OK, we will start at 10:00 PM (GMT -6) tomorrow, and hopefully Icalasari will get his profile up by then. The RP will then be started, so whoever wants to join should do it now.

*Starts writing out application*

Name: Bakun
Gender: Male
Species: Typhlosion
Appearance: At first glance, Bakun may seem like a normal Typhlosion, but he really isn't. Sometimes, his body may turn completely black, or dark, if you wish, while his flame will also become darker. That's only when Bakun turns very angry, or irritated. His aura may also become darker.
Personality: In the beginning, Bakun will act nice and calm, hiding his true emotions, anger, hate and sorrow. But later, he'll release them on whoever is in the way.
Song: 3 Days Grace - Animal I have become
-When Bakun becomes angry, and turns all black, his type becomes Dark/Fire. He calls it his "beast" side.
-He will also be able to use some dark type moves, like Shadow Claw.
-Bakun, when he turns "beast", will become much stronger, and will not care if anyone is hurt in any way.
Here is the explanation, if you would like to read it.
Credit to LuckyBucket of Youtube for this, I only Copy Pasted it-
This video/song is about an individual who has long tried to hide his true emotions, his anger, and desire for revenge against all those who have done him wrong. Finally, he snaps, and becomes the side of himself he never let others see. Caught in a mix of his rage and concern, he doesn't know who is the real him: the one he pretended to be for all those years, or the animal he has now become...
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Name: Ziggio
Gender: M
Species: Zigzagoon
Appearance: Because of the song, Ziggio now has white and yellow stripes. His eyes and mask is gold.
Personality: PO?
Song: Pocketfull of Sunshine- Natasha Bedingfield
Abilities: Sunny Day, Flash.

I love "Animal I have become" x3 It's one of my favorite songs!

Can't wait for this to start.
Name: Eric
Gender: Male
Species: Chatot
Appearance: Surprisingly, a musical Pokemon CAN become more musical! All of his feathers are black, sans one, and his has a halo above his head. The area beneath is eyes is darker, as if stained with tears. The large, ornamental feather on his head turns grey at the scythe-like part
Personality: Withdrawn sometimes, he will gain sudden bursts of courage and will fight to the death for those he cares about. Very intelligent, he is also rash and is easy to distract
Song: Theif - Our Lady Peace
Abilities: Is Ghost/Flying type instead of Normal/Flying. Can induce panic attacks in others by maintaining eye contact. Also, he absorbs the bad feelings from those he cares about, causing them to maintain a positive outlook, as if things will be alright
-Ghost Typing - The Song talks about death occasionally
-Panic Attacks - The lyrics are dark and depressing. Horror and disgust is mentioned, so I presume that one would panic as my character represents the death in this song, along with the singer in some aspects
-Sucking Up Negative Feelings -
"I can't see that thief
That lives inside of your head
But I can be some courage at
The side of you bed"


Lyrics - Here
Music Video - Here
Accepted, Icalasari. So, now we start.

EDIT: Also soooorrrry >< *goes to fix*


What the...

Anseyu's eyes fluttered open slowly and she glanced around the room. Shattered tanks. Other Pokemon. But... they didn't look like they were supposed to, somehow. Some were significantly changed, others only had minor differences. She couldn't figure it out. What had happened to them all? But wait...

My body... I'm...

Jet-black. Her entire body had turned jet black. She brought her paws up to her face slowly. There to meet her were two appendages that looked like guns.

"Where are the spikes on my wrists...?" she whispered weakly. This was too much. And on top of it all, there was a song stuck in her head that her trainer liked to sing. She couldn't remember the title though.

"What... happened?"
Eric groaned and opened his eyes

"What the hell? Why is Thief playing in my head?" he said out loud in human, having mastered it (not difficult for a Chatot, mind you...). He always liked that song, and would constantly annoy trainers by changing stations to find it

He then looked in a piece of glass and gasped. "What the hell!?" he shouted out, this time in Pokemon. "What the fuck happened to me!?"
Defarge slowly opened his eyes. His face felt as if it was burning. Hell, his entire body felt as if it was burning. Literally. And yet, for some reason, he wasn't feeling any pain. He slowly stood up, and looked at the glass in front of him with horror.

He was red.

His entire body was red.

"What the hell is going on here?!" he shouted, turning around to all the other Pokemon, his temper boiling over. "Who the hell did this to me?! If this is some sort of sick prank, I am SO not enjoying it!" He looked around the room of unconscious Pokemon. It infuriated him. Couldn't they hear him? Wake up for him? Show some freaking emotion?

Why was he so angry? He never got this angry so easily. What the heck was wrong with him? Defarge turned back to the glass.

The glass was a thick red, as if it had been burned.

"What on earth...?"
Balia shuddered, feeling faint. So cold... why was she so cold? Where was the usual, comforting heat? The Ponyta opened her eyes and gaped. There were so many Pokemon, all looking weird. "What's wrong with all of you?" she asked, voice rather quavery. With a snort, she tried again, and was relieved when her voice didn't tremble as much. "Why are there so many freaks here?" Oh yes, rude as always. But then, after staring hard at an ink-black Lucario, she slowly looked down. Nothing. Nothing seemed change when she examined her body until she turned her head and saw -

Wings. Black-feathered wings, sprouting from her shoulders as if they belonged there. And - her flames! They were white, and they weren't as warm as they used to be. What happened? I can't - I can't remember anything... I'm a freak too! This is horrible - I'm just like them! Repulsed by this sudden change, Balia got to her feet and backed away, tossing her head. "No. No. This can't be - this isn't real! I'm not like this!" The artificial light was shimmering on her fur too, as if it wasn't its usual colour.
Firaga's eyes fluttered open.

"Where am I?" she moaned.

She looked down. her body was steel.

"What the crud?" she yelled.

Suddenly, something flew out of her hands. It landed a few feet away.

"A hammer." she mused.
"What the...?" Bakun opened his eyes slowly. What had happened? Then he remembered a song... A song he liked. Wait a minute, where was he?

He laid on the floor. He saw a jet-black Lucario nearby. But, were'nt Lucario's supposed to be blue with black striped and spikes? Some other, strange Pokémon laid on the floor. Some had other colours, some seemed ghostly, and some even had added features, like wings! Bakun stood up.

Bracing himself for the worst, he looked down on his body. His back was blue, and his front was beige, he didn't feel strange at all, except for this rage inside. Why was he angry? Why did he feel depressed without reason?

"Hey, Lucario?" He said towards the unusual Lucario, "Do you know where we are? And why are you that colour? And, do I seem different from a normal Typhlosion?"
"You think you're f*cking different than normal?" Defarge bellowed at the Typhlosion, who was a few feet away. "Look at me! I'm red for one, I just melted glass without even knowing it, and I feel as if someone lit me on fire. AND I'M NOT EVEN IN ANY PAIN!"
Squish slowly got up, and started singing "Oh What a Beautiful Mornin'". He opened his eyes, and suddenly noticed that he was in a dark, damp, and mostly empty cell. He stopped humming. Damn... Is this a headache? he wondered. He had a song that his old trainer who worked at a radio station played a lot stuck in his head.
"WHAT. THE. HELL," he said shocked. "What happened to my room?" He turned around, and saw himself in a mirror. "Why am I so... Dark?" he pondered. He looked around, and pointed out a glass window as one of the walls. "Maybe I can Screech this down..." he said. He walked towards the window, and noticed that he was dancing rather than walking towards it. "Dancing... Smooth," the Jigglypuff continued, worried at why things were so different all of a sudden.
((ETA: Are we like in one room, or many that is somehow connected?))
Eric then saw his halo in the glass. A halo. A fucking halo

"...I look like a fucking Shedinja," he grumbled as he looked up, making eye contact with the Typhlosion off a ways. He then felt weird, as if he was pumping fear and sorrow into the Pokemon at a rate that would drive it MAD...
Bakun looked shocked at the red Pinsir. "Sorry..." He said lowly and looked down at the floor "I... didn't mean to anger you..." His anger and sorrow built up, but he didn't let the others see it, afraid that, like his childhood friends, they would abandon him.
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