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The Spriter's Club Reborn

dear jesus it can't even stay dead for 10 minutes.

Reposting this, because some people missed it:
Those 'other things' almost never happen.

Seriously, how hard is it to consider how much time/effort has gone into a sprite? Copy pasting sprites onto a background is not something that deserves praise to be shoved down someone's throat. Some thing goes with some actual sprites -- how hard is it to look at something, judge how much effort has gone into it, how it looks, and then give your opinions accordingly? How much thought does it really take?

I mean, geez. "10/10 awesome now do mine" is not something that's going to help anyone improve. Ever.

Let's look at Terry's great work of scratching hyper beam art.
It's a dot form the middle-size paintbrush.
Come on. Are you serious? "That's actually really good!" How so? Tell me how, in any shape or form, do you thing this would be something that should be given serious praise?

Don't get me wrong here. I don't want to bash Terry, but some of you need to start thinking when you're Critting/Judging/Whatever-ing.

At the same time, though, some certain people can stop making HUGE DRAMA over the thread being deleted (if it is). Honestly, it's a giant fuss over Terry. The whole thread. It's not like anyone gets any real critism from this thread, anyway, and most of the other conversation (as in, not about Terry) is people impatiently wanting their sprites rated by giving others a quick look and saying "That's great" and expecting to get something good in return.

Short: It's a clone of the Spriter's Showcase with more drama and less advice.
Depends if this ends up being as much of a train wreck as the last one.
it probably will

Giving it a chance, anyway.
I'm just going to tackle that quote head on, despite most of the stuff not applying to me.

Those 'other things' almost never happen.

So? The fact is that they still did happen.

Seriously, how hard is it to consider how much time/effort has gone into a sprite? Copy pasting sprites onto a background is not something that deserves praise to be shoved down someone's throat. Some thing goes with some actual sprites -- how hard is it to look at something, judge how much effort has gone into it, how it looks, and then give your opinions accordingly? How much thought does it really take?

I never did that. I only praise when it is something worth praising.

I mean, geez. "10/10 awesome now do mine" is not something that's going to help anyone improve. Ever.

Let's look at Terry's great work of scratching hyper beam art.
It's a dot form the middle-size paintbrush.
Come on. Are you serious? "That's actually really good!" How so? Tell me how, in any shape or form, do you thing this would be something that should be given serious praise?

Goes with what I previously stated. I made some comments just before the deletion of the old thread along the lines of "The hyper beam looks bland, and doesn't fit the Mystery Dungeon look."

Don't get me wrong here. I don't want to bash Terry, but some of you need to start thinking when you're Critting/Judging/Whatever-ing.

Again, thats what I do.

At the same time, though, some certain people can stop making HUGE DRAMA over the thread being deleted (if it is). Honestly, it's a giant fuss over Terry. The whole thread. It's not like anyone gets any real critism from this thread, anyway, and most of the other conversation (as in, not about Terry) is people impatiently wanting their sprites rated by giving others a quick look and saying "That's great" and expecting to get something good in return.

Honestly, I wasn't making a big fuss over the thread being deleted. I just gave my thoughts on it and let the rest move on. Also, again, I never really did that.

Short: It's a clone of the Spriter's Showcase with more drama and less advice.

I think someone missed the point: It is a CLUB about spriting. It is no different from any other club, besides the fact that we discuss spriting. It is general spriting discusion, along with people posting sprites either to show off or to ask for critizism. Thus, it had no real reason to be deleted. I'm just guessing Shining Eevee had gotten ashamed at remaking it after a few comments about how the only thing people do is praise.

So, with that over, let's get this thing back on track...


I decide to make a Batamon sprite (a batamon is a kirby-type creature) in the super star style a while ago. On the top are the original sprites for reference, and on the bottom are the super star sprites, with kirby being there again only for reference. Hammer Kirby is there because I used his pallete. The new sprite was entirely scratch. So, any comments or, dare I ask, critizism?

Also, how do I get transparency using Gimp. Since I obviously use paint, I would just like to use gimp for something useful, even if I'm not all hyped up about transparency.
@ superyoshi: The point of discussing sprites has already been covered by the Artist's Lounge, and the crits covered by the Showcase. So this club is technically useless.

As for the sprite, the angle is weird. The body seems to be pushing onto a mirror towards the observer yet the face is at an incline. Fix the shading. Also, Kirby's shoes aren't pointed; they're more along the lines of sneakers. Ratings are for losers with no life.
May I ask what exactly happened at the old thread? I was away yesterday, and I'm curious now.
May I ask what exactly happened at the old thread? I was away yesterday, and I'm curious now.

Long story short: Involuntary Twitch made a post critizising Shining Eevee and some others for praising Terry's Mystery Dungeon sprites when they shouldn't have been praised.

Also, Grimdour, most of the clubs here are technically useless because the other boards cover just about all of the topics.
superyoshi888 said:
Long story short: Involuntary Twitch made a post critizising Shining Eevee and some others for praising Terry's Mystery Dungeon sprites when they shouldn't have been praised.
They shouldn't be phrased, it's just grabbing a screenshot, putting little black circles for the shadows, and/or using the paint brush tool to make a hyperbeam/some other attack. Also, what did he say when I critisized the pallete thing? I wasn't here, I was asleep.

Anyway, I'm trying to figure out a way to splice Lucario with Absol, and it's turning out really well. Any succestions on how else I should splice it to make it more splicey? It's Lucario base with Absol legs/feet, tail, and of course it's D/P sprites. Absol colors. I still have to recolor the outlines, but suggestions just the same.
They shouldn't be phrased, it's just grabbing a screenshot, putting little black circles for the shadows, and/or using the paint brush tool to make a hyperbeam/some other attack. Also, what did he say when I critisized the pallete thing? I wasn't here, I was asleep.

That's exactly what I said. -_-;

Anyway, I'm trying to figure out a way to splice Lucario with Absol, and it's turning out really well. Any succestions on how else I should splice it to make it more splicey? It's Lucario base with Absol legs/feet, tail, and of course it's D/P sprites. Absol colors. I still have to recolor the outlines, but suggestions just the same.

Well, so far it sounds like you are doing good. I wouldn't add anything from Absol's head do to it being a little harder to work with if you are using D/P sprites and possibly even the Platinum sprites, but if you can, try to add the mane/hair thing Absol has.

As for the sprite, the angle is weird. The body seems to be pushing onto a mirror towards the observer yet the face is at an incline. Fix the shading. Also, Kirby's shoes aren't pointed; they're more along the lines of sneakers. Ratings are for losers with no life.

The sprite I made was the Batamon, which you are right about not having pointed shoes, but at least they aren't needle sharp. The shading is fine for a SUper Star sprite, at least as far as I can tell. The reason the face is like that is so it would fit with the rest of the sprite. I had to translate the sprite into the Super Star style because KSS and KD3 had totally different sprite styles, which is why the sprite is scratched.
The sprite I made was the Batamon, which you are right about not having pointed shoes, but at least they aren't needle sharp. The shading is fine for a SUper Star sprite, at least as far as I can tell. The reason the face is like that is so it would fit with the rest of the sprite. I had to translate the sprite into the Super Star style because KSS and KD3 had totally different sprite styles, which is why the sprite is scratched.

I know. You're doing it wrong. A general rule in any type of humanoid drawing is that the face must always follow the body. Yours doesn't. The reason I said to fix the shading was because it seemed to fall flat. Also, the eyes are too fat. They seem to be facing the viewer instead of its front where the body is supposed to point.

Plus the Batamon's shape is somewhat distorted. Look at your base and see that it's almost a circle while yours is spherical, sort of like an egg. Make it more rounded.
No, superyoshi, that is NOT what happened. Read my sig, I quoted my last post just in case of something like this.

As a side note, I ain't joinin.
^ Diagla's tail on Pikachu looks like a strange spike coming out of it's body. Garchomps things are OK. Garchomp's feet doesn't really fit and is way to big for Pikachu.
I didn't do what you think. I used the Pencil tool.

On topic:

Start the Pika-Dex!
No wonder you're doing it wrong everytime.

Retain the outlines. Use the normal selection tool instead of the freeform. Use a program that zooms in at 16x. Recolor using a palette. Don't use Youtube to show your sprites; save it and upload. Fix outlines. DON'T USE PAINT FOR THE LOVE OF PICKLES.
^ Same here. If you know how to work it, it's totally fine.

Besides, I tried something else (Paint Shop Pro, maybe?), but the trasparency made it annoying.

-Lack of palettes (mostly bright and annoying colors)
-No proper zoom (8x is the strongest you get)
-Opening separate images is a pain
-It takes over an hour to recolor; some programs can just replace the color scheme in a few seconds' time.
-Too basic; it's like using fire when you have an oven behind you. There's a lot of programs which cater to the pixel artist quite well.
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