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The Ultimate Army

She was the best bounty hunter there was thought. :c

An army that can be defeated by one person is useless.

@ Leviathan: Like you said, barring nuclear weaponry. So if were to take into account all common forms of weaponry, you're dead.

The Combine are good, though.
The trainer from D/P/Pt, if they catch Dialga/Palkia/Giratina. 7 entity army right there. After all, Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina are GODS

Nazis should all be shot right through their heads. They're fucking psychos.
Hahaha, coming from a guy who idolizes Stalin that's pretty fucking rich.
Anyway even if their politics are terrible they did have an awesome power, as evidenced by, um, their conquering nearly all of Europe? Then again they're Germans and you know the Germans always make good stuff.

Communists also work well.
Which group? The Russians had (and still have) a very powerful amy, that's for sure.
The Golden Army; seriously, how do you beat a legion of infinitely self-repairing automatons (barring nukes)?

Same here, they just pwn the fuck out of every living thing lol

You guys forgot Waddle Dee Army. They are invincible AND perform kamikaze attacks. Plus there is a near infinite amount of them.
yea but wouldn't the golden army soldiers eventually regenerate?
Given that their pieces are still there. Let's say a chemical bomb with the same payload as the Tsar Bomba(about a hundredfold compared to the Fat Man at Hiroshima) ISN'T deployed a mile high in the air but rather dropped right to the ground where your Golden army stands?

I mean, do you know any other race of dinosaurs who can drive, play tennis, golf, race, swim, run, talk, fight, save babies, atheletics and such?

I mean, do you know any other race of dinosaurs who can drive, play tennis, golf, race, swim, run, talk, fight, save babies, atheletics and such?

Well, Bowser and the Koopas have done the majority of those. Minus the saving babies part, of course.

But then again they're more tortoises than dinosaurs.
Sure, but so does the Scourge, and they're not fighting for some "Greater Good"...

(In other news, Necrons > Kroot.)

necrons are just robo-zombies. sprinkle a bit of holy water on them and you'll be fine.

While I love the Kroot, their weakness is in the tech. They can assimilate certain traits (muscle mass: they eat Orcs) for battle, but against tanks like the Baneblade or a mass of Land Raiders containing a thousand Terminators (Iron Warriors are prone to this), they're roadkill.

Crossoverwise, they're dead against the Galactic Empire (Star Wars) and the mass of tanks and the giant AT-ATs, and any decent-equipped army can decimate them by sheer firepower.
but the Kroot are FAST mofos. they can overrun the tanks and eventually the people inside will have to come out and get eaten!

Hahaha, coming from a guy who idolizes Stalin that's pretty fucking rich.
Anyway even if their politics are terrible they did have an awesome power, as evidenced by, um, their conquering nearly all of Europe? Then again they're Germans and you know the Germans always make good stuff.
the Wermacht was badass but they were missing two crucial aspects: flying battleships and large mecha. ):

Which group? The Russians had (and still have) a very powerful amy, that's for sure.
even if the red army were a bunch of untrained, poorly-equipped men, they had the ability to zerg rush anything on the planet. this also holds true for the chinese.
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