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Frontier Town The Wanderin' Zera

Lyle briefly felt his back come alight with a start. Gods, of all the 'mons he had to run into in this tavern, it just had to be the one that was off in a rush to play amatuer Gendarm.

Though what on earth was this 'mon's story anyways?

"Not that I don't have a score to settle with those 'mons, but aren't you being a bit hasty wanting to dive straight into Outlaw hunting when we've been in this world for all of a week?"
Though what on earth was this 'mon's story anyways?

"Not that I don't have a score to settle with those 'mons, but aren't you being a bit hasty wanting to dive straight into Outlaw hunting when we've been in this world for all of a week?"

Kalas let out a laugh.

"Oh I guess it would look that way, eh? That's a fair point... here, I'm a Spearow again." He preened his feathers then turned to Lyle again. "Same goes for you I guess? You have been what... at least a Quilava before?"

The Spearow returned his attention to his notes. "But the truth is, I'm eager for something and that's to have a job again. Back where I'm from, 'hunting outlaws' requires more than just going out and picking a fight... no, we had investigative forces, people who dedicated themselves to study and predict criminal behaviour, and help towns and cities plan for it."
Lyle cocked a brow at the Spearow. Admittedly, he didn't keep abreast much of how guards worked, but the idea of others 'studying and predicting criminal behavior' was... a bit worrisome to say the least.

"So, you mean they'd go in and spy on them?" he asked. "Otherwise, I'm not sure how you can predict the way that a 'mon will act."
"So, you mean they'd go in and spy on them?" he asked. "Otherwise, I'm not sure how you can predict the way that a 'mon will act."

The Spearow cocked his head. "Honestly we'd have to ask the humans, they came up with lots of guidelines." He made a pause and clarified. "In my world, I mean."

A nod.

"But it's different than spying. It's more like taking classes with them, without them realizing. You follow someone for a good while, you learn their routines, their superstitions, so you can make fair bets in advance for where you can find them or trap them in the future. You take lots of notes and realize that a Houndour gang always steals from ice cream trucks, you know you can place an ice cream truck at dusk somewhere open to lure them in."

He poked one of the outlaw reward notices. "You learn a criminal moved to another place and always keeps part of their loot or savings hidden? Chances are, they have a family to feed, and you can poke them on that."
The Spearow cocked his head. "Honestly we'd have to ask the humans, they came up with lots of guidelines." He made a pause and clarified. "In my world, I mean."

A nod.

"But it's different than spying. It's more like taking classes with them, without them realizing. You follow someone for a good while, you learn their routines, their superstitions, so you can make fair bets in advance for where you can find them or trap them in the future. You take lots of notes and realize that a Houndour gang always steals from ice cream trucks, you know you can place an ice cream truck at dusk somewhere open to lure them in."

Oh, so Kalas' world still had humans in it, along with Pokémon. There were all sorts of questions that came to mind, but first and foremost was...

"... 'Ice cream trucks', just what are those?"

He poked one of the outlaw reward notices. "You learn a criminal moved to another place and always keeps part of their loot or savings hidden? Chances are, they have a family to feed, and you can poke them on that."

Lyle couldn't help but bristle uncomfortably at Kalas' remark of a Outlaws having a 'family to feed'. This conversation was starting to get a little bit too close to home. He faltered a moment, before speaking up.

"I take it you find out a lot about the 'mons you chase after that way. Are there any times that it bothers you having to go after someone?"
Oh, so Kalas' world still had humans in it, along with Pokémon. There were all sorts of questions that came to mind, but first and foremost was...

"... 'Ice cream trucks', just what are those?"

Kalas blinked a couple of times and looked notoriously embarrassed.

"Right... different worlds. I'm still getting used to that."

He quickly used his Forlas-given telekinetoc powers to grab a pencil with his wings and made a crude drawing of a roofed vehicle with four wheels, and one of the sides of the frame partly removed and bent outwards to se as a table.

"Humans have these vehicles they use to distribute ice cream to their spawn– their children. As far as I get, ice cream is a specially frozen milk-like cream that humans use for some sort of test. They gather around and buy it from the vehicles and then they consume it, and the ones who can withstand the freezeing pain it causes to the brain are the best. Or something like that," he added the latter part with a shrug.

Lyle couldn't help but bristle uncomfortably at Kalas' remark of a Outlaws having a 'family to feed'. This conversation was starting to get a little bit too close to home. He faltered a moment, before speaking up.

"I take it you find out a lot about the 'mons you chase after that way. Are there any times that it bothers you having to go after someone?"

Kalas looked down at his notes, now somewhat uncomfortable.

"...Most of the time, yes. In a large enough city anyone you could get to know might have a family or a job or a boss they're trying to protect. Just so happens that sometimes this comes with doing bad things as a tradeoff, and when one pursues the bad people for it, it ends up with you looking like the bad guy."

Kalas then shuffled in his seat uncomfortably.

"I don't suppose you have a better, luckier job back home, though?"
He quickly used his Forlas-given telekinetoc powers to grab a pencil with his wings and made a crude drawing of a roofed vehicle with four wheels, and one of the sides of the frame partly removed and bent outwards to se as a table.

"Humans have these vehicles they use to distribute ice cream to their spawn– their children. As far as I get, ice cream is a specially frozen milk-like cream that humans use for some sort of test. They gather around and buy it from the vehicles and then they consume it, and the ones who can withstand the freezeing pain it causes to the brain are the best. Or something like that," he added the latter part with a shrug.

Oh, so that was a 'truck'. It looked almost like a wagon of some sort... if without a Puller to tug it along. The Cyndaquil thought to ask further, only to have his mind linger on the Spearow's other comments...

Kalas looked down at his notes, now somewhat uncomfortable.

"...Most of the time, yes. In a large enough city anyone you could get to know might have a family or a job or a boss they're trying to protect. Just so happens that sometimes this comes with doing bad things as a tradeoff, and when one pursues the bad people for it, it ends up with you looking like the bad guy."

Kalas then shuffled in his seat uncomfortably.

"I don't suppose you have a better, luckier job back home, though?"

Lyle quietly held his breath and weighed his words carefully. He didn't know whether or not it was a good idea talking, but just trying to stay evasive would surely cause headaches in and of itself.

... Maybe he could afford to clue the Spearow in somewhat.

"Tch, I wish," he said. "Depending on when we met when I was back home, we probably wouldn't get along well."

Lyle opted not to bring up that the 'when' also included right before he was summoned. After all, he wasn't sure how Kalas would react to things just yet.
Lyle quietly held his breath and weighed his words carefully. He didn't know whether or not it was a good idea talking, but just trying to stay evasive would surely cause headaches in and of itself.

... Maybe he could afford to clue the Spearow in somewhat.

"Tch, I wish," he said. "Depending on when we met when I was back home, we probably wouldn't get along well."

Kalas gave off a melancholic smile. He looked at Lyle for a moment, in silence, and then pushed his notes aside. Back when he had been employed, he had learnt to read between the lines— and when not to.

"That's fine," he offered. "Hopefully someone like me didn't gave you more problem than needed back then. As for those outlaws of yours..."

He handed over his copies of the posters to Lyle and quickly jolted random notes in them in case they were needed.

"Hopefully you get a chance to throw them into the brick. And feel free to call me in— not for the fight part, that is. I'm not too good at that part."
"... I'll keep the offer in mind," Lyle said, taking the posters. "Though do you come by here often? You seem a bit busy, but I wouldn't mind talking more another time."

"...I feel like I missed out of a meeting somehow, actually... eh, it passed." Kalas gave a shrug. "I don't show up around here that often but until I'm more busy, any time is a good time."

With that, Kalas returned his attention to his documents and left Lyle to be. The Spearow still had to go pay his tab, after all.

Ch01: Tarnish and Polish (Silver and Steven)
Steven paused outside the doors of the Wanderin' Zera and double checked the sign, just to be sure. That confirmed it. This was the place that someone had said they'd last seen Dave, the poochyena that Andre mentioned had some rather interesting information.

It seemed Dave also preferred an interesting establishment to hang out in. He hadn't expected to find him in the fanciest place in Frontier Town, but the Zera surely had seen better days...

The doors creaked something fierce when Steven bumped his way inside. He scanned the room, but there was no poochyena to be found. What he did find, however, was that he was attracting stares from some of the other patrons.

"Oh, uh, excuse me," he quickly muttered, and found the closest open seat, which happened to be next to a uniquely colored sneasel.

Maybe he could wait here and Dave would show up eventually? But he'd sat next to someone, and this was a bar, and what would he even drink?

Suddenly, a spark of inspiration hit him, and he signaled to the barkeep with a polite chime. He'd seen Wallace pull this maneuver before with great success.

"I'll have what my friend is having," he said, tipping his head to the sneasel's glass.

Then, hurriedly, he whispered to his seat-mate, "Apologies for the intrusion. My name's Steven. What are you having, exactly?"
So, a moment ago, Silver was sipping a fresh glass of tea after his latest training session and getting ready to get himself lost in his usual moment of private contemplation. And then, the very next moment, someone sat — or rather floated down, in that case — by his side, just like that.

‘What the…?’

Silver turned sharply to the new customer, finding himself trading red-colored gazes. That metal blue body and those tiny claws… oh! Was that a Beldum, right? It looked like it.

“Huh… Hey?” muttered Silver, still startled by the sudden approach. However, he got over the initial surprise very quickly and flashed his usual neutral smile. “Hm, name’s Silver. Hello.” He glanced at the glass in his paw when Steven inquired about it, and after swirling the pale green liquid, he focused again on the Beldum. “That’s simple nightshade tea. The bartender said it’s a favorite among Poison-types, so I wanted to try it out.”

The now-Sneasel sipped a bit of his drink, enjoying the faint minty flavor, before resuming speaking, “I don’t think I’ve seen you around. Are you part of the… new entries, so to speak?”
"Ah, I'm sorry," Steven apologized again, seeing the look of annoyance that crossed Silver's face. "You see, I was looking for someone, and then everyone was staring, and I was told to try to keep a low profile--"

He caught himself, eye winking into a tilted half-moon of embarrassment. "--And now I'm rambling."

A steaming mug plunked onto the bar top in front of him, and he peered at the contents as Silver explained.

"Poison types?" he said, and then nodded. That must be the typing of that ancient sneasel variant he'd heard of. "Well, I'm not much of a tea drinker..."

He trailed off, glancing down at himself. "Or a drinker at all, really... But I'll give it a try." He offered a polite smile with his eye. It was the right thing to do since he barged in on the poor soul and copied his drink order. (It had worked so much smoother when Wallace did it, though...)

“I don’t think I’ve seen you around. Are you part of the… new entries, so to speak?”
Steven gave a slight chuckle, picking up on what Silver was asking. "You could say my drinking habits are related to that, yes. I'm quite new to, well, all this."

He scooted the mug of tea closer to him with a telekinetic nudge. It radiated pleasant warmth.

"What about yourself? How long have you been in town?"
“…Well, aren’t you the talkative fellow,” quipped Silver, smirking in amusement. Then, he waved his paw reassuringly. “But it’s all cool, really! No need to apologize. I’m used to sneak approaches and stuff.”

He paused when he saw Steven lifting the mug with telekinesis and bringing it closer to his face. Could Beldum really drink? Were they supposed to drink? Did he want to know how they could drink?

“Anyway,” Silver muttered, diverting his gaze back to his own glass, “I’ve been in town for around… huh, I’d say almost two weeks? I didn’t really keep track of the days, since they kinda blur together. Lotsa thoughts have kept me busy.”

Ear and head feather flicking, he shot many inquisitive gazes around the around. Nobody seemed to be paying attention to them. Good.

“Well, since you’re part of the team and you’ve been told to keep a low profile…” Silver drew a bit closer and began whispering, “can I ask you what occupation you had in your original world?”
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"Ah, well," Steven began, looking a bit embarrassed again, "my friends always say I talk a lot when I'm nervous."

He set the mug down without taking a sip. "I guess things don't change much even when they change a lot."

“Well, since you’re part of the team and you’ve been told to keep a low profile…” Silver drew a bit closer and began whispering, “can I ask you what occupation you had in your original world?”
Steven contemplated the mug in front of him a moment before replying, doing well to match the level of his voice to Silver's.

"Well, I admit I'm more than a little out of my element here. I'm used to battling alongside pokemon, not as one."

They were being quiet, but he hoped Silver would understand his meaning without saying the word.

He glanced at the way Silver used his claws to pick up his mug. "If you're also one of the group, I'm guessing you also had a different life before this?"
"Ah, well," Steven began, looking a bit embarrassed again, "my friends always say I talk a lot when I'm nervous."

He set the mug down without taking a sip. "I guess things don't change much even when they change a lot."

Silver shook his head and grinned, trying to appear more amiable. “Heh. That’s alright, really! If talking a little more helps you feel more at ease, then it’s all good. I don’t mind.” He held out his glass, almost as if wanting to initiate a toast. “Even if our lives took a drastic detour, for now let’s just focus in being two guys talking and sipping some tea in a bar.”

"Well, I admit I'm more than a little out of my element here. I'm used to battling alongside pokemon, not as one."

They were being quiet, but he hoped Silver would understand his meaning without saying the word.

He glanced at the way Silver used his claws to pick up his mug. "If you're also one of the group, I'm guessing you also had a different life before this?"

For a moment, Silver’s eyes sparkled. Finally, he found another Pokémon Trainer! The feathers of his tail fanned in excitement, but he shifted his stance to avoid showing too much emotion.

“A-ah! It seems like we’re in the same boat, with both of us having six partners waiting for us in our worlds.” Silver’s neutral smile curled a little more. “It sure feels weird without them by our sides, huh?”

Wishing to avoid going down a nostalgic trip, Silver twirled on his stool to better lean on the desk, and held his face in a paw.

“But yeah, my life surely was much different.” He breathed deeply, before bringing his glass back to his mouth. “Won battles, won badges, partook to a league. Y’know, that kinda stuff. I even earned an Ace Trainer title not too long ago.” A low chuckle resonated in his throat. “And now, I’m in a whole new world with a whole new body facing off a whole new challenge.”

Silver glanced back at Steven, sharing a meaningful stare. “How about you? How’re you handling this whole, well, body- and world-swapping situation?”
He held out his glass, almost as if wanting to initiate a toast. “Even if our lives took a drastic detour, for now let’s just focus in being two guys talking and sipping some tea in a bar.”
Steven noticed Silver's gesture, and he lifted his own cup again, carefully to avoid spilling. "Right," he said, joining the toast. "To good conversation and company."

He tipped the mug towards his face, but it wasn't clear if he drank anything.

“A-ah! It seems like we’re in the same boat, with both of us having six partners waiting for us in our worlds.” Silver’s neutral smile curled a little more. “It sure feels weird without them by our sides, huh?”
Steven's claw twitched, a reflexive movement of reaching for his belt where his pokeballs sat. Except they weren't there. And he didn't have a belt. Or hands. He felt naked in a different kind of way.

He nodded. "I've met a lot of new people and made new friends since coming here, but it's true. I miss them terribly."

He nodded again as Silver recounted his exploits as a trainer, a growing sense of pride replacing the melancholy in his expression.

"Impressive! Congratulations to you and your team, that's no easy feat to accomplish." His sentiment was genuine; he knew the feelings well, of rising and training and winning with his team.

Despite Silver's cool attitude, Steven could sense the excitement radiating off of him at the mention of his pokemon.

A low chuckle resonated in his throat. “And now, I’m in a whole new world with a whole new body facing off a whole new challenge.”
It was Steven's turn to chuckle. "I really appreciate your outlook on this situation. I could learn a thing or two from you."

He paused for a moment, glancing down at himself. "The change hasn't been too drastic, I suppose. Well, mentally, I guess. My starter back home is this same species. I learned a lot from growing up with them. Physiologically, though, I'll admit, I miss having hands."

He gave a chiming laugh.

"But you're right. This is a new challenge to face. Our partners might not be here, but they've taught us a lot to prepare us for what's to come."

Steven turned to face Silver, mug of tea forgotten on the bar. "Tell me about your team. I'd love to hear about them."
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He nodded again as Silver recounted his exploits as a trainer, a growing sense of pride replacing the melancholy in his expression.

"Impressive! Congratulations to you and your team, that's no easy feat to accomplish." His sentiment was genuine; he knew the feelings well, of rising and training and winning with his team.

Silver smirked and puffed up his chest smugly. “Well, duh! I didn’t become an Ace for nothing!” He relaxed and let his neutral smile slip back into his face. “But… thanks. We’ve worked so hard and faced all kinds of difficulties. I’m really proud of my team.”

He paused for a moment, glancing down at himself. "The change hasn't been too drastic, I suppose. Well, mentally, I guess. My starter back home is this same species. I learned a lot from growing up with them. Physiologically, though, I'll admit, I miss having hands."

“You and me both.” Silver showed his claws and wiggled them. “You don’t realize how great thumbs are until you don’t have them anymore. Claws aren’t ideal for tasks that involve plenty of precision, I can say this much!” He gestured to Steven. “At least you’ve got telekinesis now. It might not be the same thing as hands and fingers, but it sounds like a valuable skill.”

The now-Sneasel hummed in thought, having realized an important detail in Steven’s response.

“…Wait, so your starter is a Beldum? That’s cool! It’s not a species you see too often in either Kanto or Johto.” He motioned to himself. “My shapeshifting situation is kinda similar. While not my starter, I’ve got a Sneasel as one of my partners. So, I was familiar enough to get used to my new physique fairly quickly.”

Steven turned to face Silver, mug of tea forgotten on the bar. "Tell me about your team. I'd love to hear about them."

A soft gasp escaped Silver’s lips, his eyes widening lightly.

“Really?! You want me to…”

The enthusiastic lilt in his tone made him pause. He coughed in his palm, doing his best to hide his flustered expression, before straightening his stance and appearing more aloof. That didn’t stop the sheer joy swirling in his mind, however.

“I-I mean, sure! I can tell you about ‘em, no prob!” He grinned, his tail shaking slightly. “You’d better buckle yourself up, because there’s a lot to cover!”

Silver glanced at the Tyranitar and got the bartender’s attention by tapping his claw on the glass. Bring me more tea, he said with the echoing dings. Once he got his second fill of tea and fully organized his thoughts, he nodded to himself.

“Well! I guess I should go back to the beginning of my journey. And by that I mean… my starter Pokémon.”

“My best friend is a Feraligatr, which I got from Professor Elm’s lab. Strong, reliable, a force to be reckoned! But also a giant with a gentle soul.” Silver sighed and looked away. “Truth to be told, I wasn’t exactly a role model when I was much younger, and our relationship was extremely rocky at the beginning.” He smiled softly. “But he was understanding and patient. Oh, so unbelievably patient! He never gave up on me and stood with me through thick and thin. And once we learned more about each other, our friendship truly blossomed.

“My first capture was a Zubat, now a Crobat. Hardworking and quick to follow commands, he always put plenty of effort during his battles. When I got him, I believed he was as determined as me,” he glanced at his claws, “but a woman in Cianwood City revealed that my Golbat had serious self-love issues after being abandoned by many Trainers, and that he was overworking himself to not feel like a burden.”

Silver paused, letting that topic sink in, still feeling ashamed for not realizing that issue by himself. He shook his head to clear his mind.

“Once I found out, I did what I could to let him understand that I valued him for who he was, not for what he could do. And when he began to truly appreciate himself, he evolved into a great Crobat.

“Gengar is the prankster of my team. He loves pulling all kinds of surprises on me and the others. At first I was annoyed by his antics, since he seemed to go harder with them whenever I was in a low mood.” Silver chuckled softly. “And I got the biggest surprise when I understood why he did that: he wanted to make me laugh. He wanted me to show more joy and not brood too often, and that was his way to cheer me up.

“Magneton are…” Silver blinked, his expression blank, “weird. I admit that I still have some problems understanding their body language, except when they zap me to tell me they’re displeased. Their units seem to have plenty of debates which make them slow at reacting to attacks, but their own attacks are always accurate and powerful. Perhaps they discuss how to best use their energy? I’m not sure yet.

“As mentioned earlier, I’ve got a Sneasel, too. A young and mischievous ‘mon, kinda like myself from three years ago.” Silver laughed. “I got him out of an uncomfortable situation, since his kin can’t handle high temperatures for too long and he lived in an island. Something that his former owner didn’t understand.” He paused, reminding himself to avoid mentioning that detail. “…At least now he’s feeling better, and he has grown to be a speedy and affectionate ‘mon. All the Sneasel tricks I can use with this body are because of him.

“And lastly… Alakazam.” Silver took a deep breath, his smile faltering. “He has… a sad backstory. Trapped in a Rocket Game Corner, as a prize for idiots who throw their money away. When that place was raided, I managed to save him by snatching him from a Rocket Grunt.” Then, his smile returned once more. “He got over his experience much quicker than anticipated. He’s such a smart ‘mon who worked hard to learn a few human words, since he has struggles with telepathy. And… I’m glad I could give him a second chance, and the possibility to have a better life.”

After his tale, Silver drank the entire glass of tea. Wow, that had got to be the most he had ever talked to anyone! He placed the glass back on the desk and grinned at Steven.

“Well, now you know about my team.” He gestured to Steven. “Your turn. I’m curious to know about your partners back home.”
Steven hung onto every word Silver shared about his pokemon. He always believed the best way to get to know a trainer was how they talked about their partners, and the joy and enthusiasm that shone through Silver's story told Steven how much the young trainer loved and cared for his pokemon.

More than once, Steven found himself noticing remarkable similarity between Silver's journey and his own. He nodded along at Feraligatr's steadfastness, and felt a pang of sadness from Crobat's plight. A nervous laugh escaped him at Gengar's pranks (ghost types, he swears), and a genuine one at Magneton's quirks. He tensed when he heard Team Rocket's name; news of their crimes had spread even to Hoenn, but flooded with relief to hear of Alakazam's rescue.

"What an amazing journey you and your teammates have been on," he said when Silver had finished. "And it sounds like you've got a lot more adventure ahead of you, too. This adventure aside, I mean."

He paused, contemplating his next words. So much of Silver's story struck him with a sense of nostalgia for his own journey. Two trainers from two worlds, yet their experiences were so similar. It was true; pokemon were the great equalizers of the human experience.

He waited as Silver finished his tea, then fixed the sneasel with an earnest look. "Cherish it," he said simply. "Every moment you spend with your partners is precious. Never forget that."

“Well, now you know about my team.” He gestured to Steven. “Your turn. I’m curious to know about your partners back home.”
At first, Steven could only blink dumbly at Silver. It was a question he was unused to fielding. Everyone always knew who he was, and by extension knew his pokemon. But here, like this, was a different story.

"Oh!" he finally said. "Right, yes, it's only fair."
"You already know my starter," he began. "They're a Metagross now, my strongest pokemon and closest partner. They were my companion pokemon from even before I was a trainer." Steven's gaze fell, glancing off to the side as if recollecting something. "I was eight. A lot had happened in my life, at home. I had needed help, and they were there for me. It's been seventeen years, and they haven't left my side. I don't know where I'd be without them."

At this he gave a dry chuckle. "Aggron would tell you it's not for lack of trying on my part, though. I've done some pretty stupid things over the years, and they've looked after me through it all. I'm very lucky to have them both, especially Aggron. He's very overprotective, for good reason." Steven shook his head with a wistful smile in his eye. "He saved my life when he was just an Aron. Dragged me out of Granite Cave after a nasty fall, caught himself in one of my pokeballs, and then beat the Dewford Gym all on his own."

Suddenly, a dark cloud seemed to pass over his countenance. "Like your Crobat, Aggron had also been abandoned by a former trainer for not being strong enough. It took me a long time to learn what had happened to him..." Steven shook his head as if to ward off the thought. "Let's just say I'm more than happy to have helped him get the last word about who's the strongest."

"Claydol I met when they were a Baltoy. We had worked together to rescue some fossils from an ancient village that was sinking into the sand, and they gifted me the fossil that would eventually become two more of my teammates. They stayed behind with their colony then, but on a later trip into the desert, they decided to come with me. I think they wanted to see what else was out there in the world."

At the mention of fossils, Steven's eye lit up, and he hovered a bit higher in his seat. "As it turns out, the fossil they gave me held two pokemon intertwined. I couldn't separate either without damaging them, so it was fortunate I was able to revive Armaldo and Cradily together. They've been like siblings ever since; they even evolved at the same time! Cradily is the sweetest girl, she cares so much about every member of the team. Armaldo was a bit nervous at first, but he grew into his shell with confidence."

"The last pokemon to join my team was Skarmory, and we had a bit of a rocky start..." His gaze fell along with his tone. "I was hasty and foolish, too stubborn to give up on him, and Skarmory was a proud pokemon, and that pride meant he couldn't bring himself to walk away either. It took a lot of time and patience for us to come to an understanding of one another." He perked up again, meeting Silver's eyes with an earnest look of his own. "It's for the better though; we both learned a lot about ourselves in the process."
Steven seemed to become aware of how much he'd been talking, and bobbed up and down with an apologetic hum. "Sorry to go on so long. It seems like we both get passionate when talking about our pokemon partners."

He glanced at Silver's empty mug. "Can I buy you another drink? As payment for talking your ear off."
He waited as Silver finished his tea, then fixed the sneasel with an earnest look. "Cherish it," he said simply. "Every moment you spend with your partners is precious. Never forget that."

Silver could only stare at Steven in marvel upon hearing those words. Warmth built up in his chest, and he reciprocated that encouragement with a genuine grin.

“How could I ever forget?” He sighed fondly. “They’re… like family to me.”

And then, the roles reversed. Not that Silver minded that at all; he much preferred listening to talking.

There was so much that resonated deep within the redhaired Sneasel. When Steven mentioned needing help during a difficult time at home and having Beldum as his friend, his heart squeezed. It reminded him of the times he sought comfort from his father’s Rhydon, who was as distraught as he was when their lives had changed for the worse.

At least neither he nor Steven were truly alone. The thought was… oddly comforting.

And the overprotective Aggron? Who saved Steven’s life? And who was abandoned by some other Trainer? Silver shook his head in dismay; who could do such a thing? Not even in his darkest moments he would ever contemplate abandoning a Pokémon! Especially not a loyal friend who offered their unconditional love and trust.

’Gods, if only Crobat could meet this Aggron…’ He smiled sadly. ’They have so much in common.’

When Steven began talking about fossils, Silver noticed the bright spark in his eye. Even his voice had grown much more energetic and enthusiastic, and that sheer excitement when describing the revived fossils was truly endearing. It was obvious that the topic meant a lot to the older Trainer, and it was perhaps one of his greatest passions. And hey, fossils were cool, after all!

Then came the finale: a clash of strong personalities between a Trainer and his Pokémon. Silver could only smile faintly and nod in understanding, fully aware how tough it can be to find a compromise and to make things work.

"It's for the better though; we both learned a lot about ourselves in the process."

“Too true,” whispered Silver, giving an encouraging smile. “I’ve learned so much about myself and my Pokémon, too…”

Steven seemed to become aware of how much he'd been talking, and bobbed up and down with an apologetic hum. "Sorry to go on so long. It seems like we both get passionate when talking about our pokemon partners."

He glanced at Silver's empty mug. "Can I buy you another drink? As payment for talking your ear off."

Silver didn’t immediately respond, taking his time to process everything. His ear and head feather flicked a few times, and then… he smiled brightly. It was always so hard to find a kindred soul, someone who could truly understand. It might have taken traveling to another world to find one, but darn it! That was more than worth the multiversal ticket.

“N-no, don’t apologize,” he muttered at last, his smile unwavering. “Thanks for sharing your journey with me. Comparing experiences with other Trainers, both good and bad, and showing how truly we care about our partners…” He laughed lightheartedly. “Isn’t that one of the greatest treasures we could give to each other?”

Silver gazed at his glass. “I mean, I’m not really that thirsty anymore, but I could take another sip or something…”

When Silver grabbed his glass again, he felt something that tugged him from the back of his mind. He blinked slowly, wondering what that feeling was. It was like he was trying to recollect something. Was it… something connected to the lineup of Steven’s Pokémon?

Steven… Hoenn… Metagross…

…Daigo. Champion Daigo and Metagross… Daiven… Steven… Champion Steven…

‘No way…’

Silver turned slowly to the older Trainer, his eyes wide in realization.

“Hm, one question,” he said slowly, somehow managing to keep his speech straight despite his jumbled thoughts. “Are you part of the… Elite Four in Hoenn?”
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