He scowled at Dave’s aggravated ramble. “Well, pardon me for not knowing what the hell it is you get up to. All I know is that I’ve seen things that shouldn’t have ever happened thanks to some lunatic somewhere running a bunch of Pokémon experiments, so forgive me if I’m a little suspicious. How’d your research turn out for you, by the way?”
"Well, if I
was getting up to evil sci-fi mumbo-jumbo shit, I wouldn't be going around casually blabbing about it to every guy I meet at the bar."
Dave exhaled through his nose. Wes
really wanted to know more? Not like he wasn't going to just seize on it with some willful fucking misunderstanding or other. But who was he kidding. A break from the constant public harassment might be nice, and he wasn't planning on advertising it to the cowboy people (not that they could begin to understand it if they tried), but just shutting up about the morphs entirely, pretending they
weren't who they were, the whole time he was here, just to avoid scrutiny by assholes? Fuck. Better just rip off the band-aid, and however they reacted was their problem.
"So I came up with this method to let human and Pokémon genes work together in almost arbitrary ways, right? But we needed a proof of concept to be sure it even worked. And
obviously you can't just try something like this on living humans. But at least in my universe, in my country, at my particular moment in time, you
could experiment with human
embryos, up to a certain stage of development, when they still can't really think or feel anything. So we got some open-source human genetic sequences and modified them using my method so they'd develop Pokémon features. Major structures that we could see beginning to develop at the fetal stage, from all different sorts of Pokémon to test the universality of it. And it's all going swimmingly, it works perfectly, we're working on writing it up to a scientific journal."
He took a deep breath.
"Only then these shithead activists step in, and long story short, we're forbidden to destroy the fetuses when the experiment is done. Whole thing's strictly supposed to be a proof of concept to spark further research, but then suddenly we're looking at these things growing into actual fucking hybrid kids. And nobody
else would have the faintest clue what to even do with them, so all we can do is adopt them ourselves, and do what we can to give them a decent life. And of course, society's a bunch of hateful bigots, so these days half my work isn't even science, it's just reading up on endless fucking labyrinthine laws or writing letters to politicians to argue why my kids deserve basic human rights. The other half is also mostly figuring out how to improve their lives when they've got roses for hands or skin that eats sand. So that's how that's going."