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Open The Waning of Humans

Mark looked at the group and waved, trying to get their attention.

"I guess I'm in. Umm, this is Jack, he's a Buneary..." Mark muttered, staring at his shoes shyly and pointing at the Buneary on his shoulder.

((I keep forgetting about this RP...))
Vai nodded in the direction of the boy with the Buneary.
"Uh, hi," she said. "My name is Vai. Sorry, I didn't catch your name..?"
((So do I >_>))
"Oh, I'm Mark," the boy said, smiling a bit.

"Soooo... Shouldn't we go to that forest now?" he asked gesturing towards the area that the boy named Alan had pointed out.
"Serena," she introduced herself. "And Lickitung."

Her pink Normal-type was oblivious as it followed her. "Wlighi."
"Hey." Alan stepped towards Mark. "I'm Alan, if you didn't already know." He released his three Pokemon. He motioned towards the Glaceon.
"This is Pyrite." The Sceptile walked up.
"This is Chaos." The Porygon-Z butt in.
"And I'm Enigma!"

((Sorry I've been gone. I'm addicted to Platinum.))
Acuity finally made it out of the forest, finding herself in a small town. She had gone through Diglett Tunnel, ignoring Korin's whispered comments on how awful that was and how he never wanted to go underground again, and gone directly south, skipping past the other town.
Unfortunately, she had gotten lost in Viridian forest, and had made a large arc through the unexplored parts of the forest before she stumbled into Pallet Town.
Of course, she didn't know she was in that particular town. For all she knew, she could've just backtracked to Vermillion again.
She spotted a group of people. Now we're getting somewhere, she thought. I can just ask them where we are.
And as she started walking, she started to hear bits of their conversation.
"...killing Mew."
She stopped, half interested, half afraid. Who were these people, and why did they want to kill Mew?
She started listening again.
"...what if Arceus gets angry and kills us all?"
"...Maybe that isn't the best idea... Maybe if we subdued them somehow...?"
"Mew is always watching..."
"Should get somewhere else before something bad happens..."
This odd conversation was followed by some indroductions. One boy waved his hand towards where Acuity was now standing, and although she hadn't heard what he said, it was obvious the group meant to go there.
Crap, they're gonna walk right into us.
She stood behind a tree, her back facing them. The tree was large enough for her skinny frame to fit behind it without being in their sight, and she hoped that if they did go into the forest, they wouldn't look back and notice her.
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