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Open The Waning of Humans

"Well, you make a good point. But, I suspect that if we kill every single one save Arceus, he'll know that it is possible to kill him as well. He would revive all the legendaries, and from then on, the legendaries will live in peace with humans. We shall respect each other." Maraxus told Ira.

"Oh, this makes me all warm and fuzzy inside." Xhan mocked being content with the world and that everything was good and peaceful. "Someone break out the FREAKING APPLE PIE!!!!!"

"Shut up before I... Um... How can I overpower you?"
I have pie, Tempest said to the Lucario, and Vai flicked him in the orb.
"Shut up! Well, uh, do you mind if I stay with you? And my.. friends?" Storm snorted, and moved beside her.
It would make traveling slightly easier, and we might be valuable to you. She looked curiously at the other humans.
Xhan glared angrily at Tempest. "I don't want your sarcasm."

"Whether you want it or not, you'll probably get it." Maraxus couldn't help but grin at Xhan. He was so easily angered by sarcasm at times like this. He turned to Vai. "Well, I see no reason to say no. Except... What's your name?"
"My name is Vai, this overgrown snake-" Tempest flicked her with his tail, then, "ouch- errr, Dragonair, is Tempest, the Salamence is Storm, Charizard is Blaze, and Pidgeot is Shade." Blaze looked bemusedly at Tempest.
And when someone finally bites you back, you do nothing, he teased.
Go roast marshmallows, you flying fire pit.
Lame, very lame, Storm cut in, and Shade landed beside Vai.
"But what if Arceus gets angry and kills us all? That's worse than anything." Ira shrugged.

"Why do your ideas always involve death?" asked Spear, sounding exasperated.
"Alright, you're fine by me. Alan, you technically started this, so you decide." Maraxus leaned back on a building, sighing with contempt.

"Says you." Xhan said to Storm.
Gerin was still watching but unable to hear the conversation. He felt a strong tugging on his hand cuffs. He a metallic "SNAP!!!" Folowed by the sound of ringing metal. He turned around to see Derish coughing in the akward wheezing that dogs do. He bent down and smiled. He stroked his hound over the head. "Good boy."
He stood and hurried over to the group. He already forgotten about the silvery cuffs still on his hands but disconnected.
Storm frowned. Must we fight? You can disagree if you want, but having an extra four Pokemon to help fight and a human to strategize is definitely helpful.
Vai looked around the town. "Is it safe to just stand here in the open, or is there somewhere to move?"
"Okay, maybe that isn't the best idea. Maybe if we subdued them somehow...?"
Like that's going to happen. Enigma sneered.
"Why don't you go bug Xhan or somebody else for a while?"
Fine by me. Enigma floated over to Xhan, and started poking him.
"Yeah, we should probably move somewhere else. Because Mew is always watching."
Xhan resisted to punch Enigma. "Watch it before I punch you until your data is corrupt." He threatened.

"You two have fun with that..." Maraxus watched the two. Obviously, this could go wrong in TOO many ways.
"Oh, you don't have to do that." Alan grinned at Xhan. "His "data" kinda already is."
You watch it. It can do more than poke Xhan. Enigma didn't like people calling it stupid. Or corrupt. But that was why Alan did it so much.
"Really, though. We should get somewhere else before something bad happens." He recalled all three of his Pokemon, which made Xhan happy. No more poking.
((Preferably you'd be in Pallet, yes.))
"Then I'll punch him until he loses the data." Xhan threatened.

"Calm down. Just because you happen to be a fighting type, it doesn't mean violnce is the answer."

"Gonna' try that excuse when you've killed a legendary?" Xhan asked.

"Um...." Maraxus thought for amoment. "Well, no. Just shut up and let's get going."
"Hey, are you two quarreling and slowing us down?" asked Ice Fang, gritting his teeth more than usual.

Ira looked at the Glalie with an unknown expression. "Sorry, he's always like that."
"We've barely moved. How can we slow down?" Xhan pointed out.

"Xhan. For once. Be quiet like a normal Pokemon." Of course, Maraxus didn't have a clue what Ice Fang had said. Xhan knew the human language, and apparently, so did Enigma. Other than that, Maraxus usually needed Xhan to translate for him.
"Well, if we actually start MOVING, then we could be slowed down." Alan looked over at Xhan. "Of course, if you would like to stay behind..." He glanced over his shoulder.
"There's a patch of forest over there. We should go." He looked at Xhan again. "Like, NOW."
"Okay! I'm coming!" Ira looked hurried all of a sudden. All six of his Pokemon followed him as he stepped a bit closer to Alan. "I agree with leaving now; we have less chance of being caught that way."
Gerin was aproaching then group when he looked down. His arm reminded him of what he would have to do if he went with them.
"Um, hi. Sorry to barge in but mind if- if I come. My name's Gerin. This is Derish." He pointed to the small hound. Pleaseeeeee don't think I'm a freak.
Ira turned his head and looked at the new guy. Apparently he was named... Gerin?

"Gerin. I like that name; it's not something I would think of. And Derish, well, I'd have to say the same thing." He smiled and looked down at his Electrode, who winked with a sound halfway between a crash and a whirr.
((I had a dream last night that I was in this RP o.O And that I could bring out or in my Pokemon via DS o.O))
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