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Open The Waning of Humans

Maraxus stumbled again. Xhan rolled his eyes. "Would you hurry up? We don't have forever!" He called.
"Well, I don't exactley have the same cordination as you!"
"True, but you could go faster."
"Yeah, and fall into those thorn bushes below you? I'd think NO." Maraxus pointed to the various thorn bushes littering the ground. After they had left the edge of the forest, they had seen thorn bushes everywhere. Whether they wanted to or not, the two had to leap across the trees now. But the branches were hard for Maraxus to reach at times, as he didn't have as strong of legs as Xhan. Regardless, he pushed on, Xhan always seeming to wait for him, lazily leaning on a trunk.
"You're sweating. And you sem realy tense about jumping. Just relax. LET the trees take your full wait, they don't mind. Unless you happen to land on a large Sudowoodo." Maraxus tried this, but just couldn't help but feel that he'd fall during each jump. Before long, though, Xhan was poking his head out of the trees while Maraxus would catch up so he could see where they were. after a while of doing this, Xhan stuck out his head once more, and immediantly pulled it back, his eyes wide with fear. "Down!" He told Maraxus. All too gladly, the two jumped to the forest floor, Maraxus landing with a loud thump, thinking he landed on his foot funny. They retreated to a bush, Maraxus biting his lip to prevent screaming in pain as Articuno searched through the thick trees, eye darting from tree to trre, and suddenly stopping where they had jumped.
Gerin woke up again. This time it was to men's voices. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. What now?!/I] He looked around and realized Mew and about 8 cops were advancing in towards his camp. The best decision would probably have been to lie down and not move. However he panicked. He grabbed his gear and tore off in the opposite direction. They imediatly saw him and gave chase.Mew froze Derish and Gerin with a Physic. He released Derish smiled and nodded. He turned to the police. "Take him to your station. Celebi will pick him up in the tommorw." The police came to Gerin with cuffs drawn.They stripped of his hoodie and gear. They then put him in the back of the cruiser, cuffs and all. He was headed to the sation. (Forgive any and all spelling errors)
Alan awoke to a loud horn. The ship had arrived. He was excited to leave, but then he realized that he was locked in the cabin until someone let him out.
"Dang! How am I going to get out?!" He fumed angerly.
Well, you could start by changing back to normal color from red... Porygon had a sarcastic tone of voice.
"I'm serious!" Alan paused for a second. "Well, I could try the sick relative card..."
It's worth a shot.
Alan knocked on the door, trying to get the sailor guarding him's attention.
"Excuse me! Excuse me!" Alan sounded urgent. It was all fake, of course. "Could you please let me out? My sick grandmother is in Pallet and if I don't get there soon..." He faked tearing up. "She could... could... die!" He started sobbing. He used the crying to cover up the sound of him returning his Pokemon.
The sailor walking right into it. The lock clicked and the door swung open.
"I hope ya get to ya grandma fine." The sailor smiled.
Ha ha! Sucker! Alan ran to the door of the ship in order to get off in time. Perfect moment; right after he got off, the captin walked by.
I'm here! Now I just need to get through town...
((Ha. That sailor must be a softy for kids with sick relatives.))
Maraxus froze in fear. Articuno had seen the shaking branch. It was circling the area now, searching for something, anything that could have been in it's territory. Xhan tapped Maraxus on the shoulder, signaled him to follow quietly, and created an Aura Spher in a hoolowed, fallen tree, and the two quietly crept off, Xhan holding the Sphere in place. The Sphere didn't move, but it was getting hard for Xhan after about twenty feet. After they reached Thirty feet, Xhan sent the Aura Sphere at Articuno, missing by a fraction of an inch. At that moment, they both ran off, Aricuno, searching wildly for them. Before Maraxus realized it, though, they came out of the trees, and felt paved road benath them again. Their pace quickened. Pewter was so close, if they could just get into the alleys... The air suddenly chilled, and Maraxus saw a few snowflakes begin to fall near them....

It was Eterna Forest. Ira decided to go inside and travel that way, remaining in the shadows so that Dialga (hopefully) wouldn't see him. Glancing at the looming trees, he continued forwards. Sooner or later I have to get to Snowpoint.
(I post too much. But that's because I'm addicted.)
Maraxus was breathing faster. The cold was getting ridiculous. Artcuno was just behind them, and gaining too fast. Finally, they were in the streets of Pewter. Articuno was behind Maraxus, he could feel the cold breath of the bird on his shoulder. At the last second, the two veered off into an alley sharper than Maraxus knew he could turn. Articuno was confused a minute, then turned back and looked into the alley. Maraxus and Xhan had already gone through the twisting alley to another street, and were casually walking down the street. Xhan stood out more, so he followed by the alleys, keeping track of Maraxus' aura. Articuno must have decided it wasn't worth the trouble, because when the two met up again, they were able to get out of Pewter easily. They were on their way to Viridian. But the next problem was the forest.
Gerin was in the back of the cruiser wondering why Mew hadn't killed him on the spot. He was thinking of a way to get out. He noticed a shotgun sitting just on the otherside. He had heard they were sensitive. He kicked the cage seperating him from the front. The gun fell forward and blew out the windshield. The cop lost control and and rolled the car. It landed on it's roof. The door by Gerin was broken open. He crawled out, bleeding from the head. He sprinted away unknowingly toward the docks.
((That's right Black Yoshi 99. It's like nicotine. Once you start, you just can't stop. But you might have to be put in rehab. ;) ))
"Sir, would you like to buy this brand new Pokemon enhancing-"
"NO!" Alan screamed. Stupid hobos. Always trying to sell him crap. Everywhere he went, there was some guy trying to sell him something stupid. Pallet hadn't been as he had expected. Its size had decreased by a hefty amount after the legendaries took over. It was still big though, being the home of the legendary trainer Ash Ketchum, who lived here over 100 years ago.
I bet times were better back then. Alan sighed. If Mew wasn't such a big a- Alan stopped.
"If I wasn't a big what? Mew scowled at him. It had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. He forgot Psychics could read minds.
"I'm waiting."
"Well, uh, I was, uh, just saying..." This would be good.
Maraxus panted heavily as he and Xhan ran through the forest at full speed. They were making good time. "We should be able to reach Viridian soon enough." Xhan said. He hadn't even broken a sweat.
"What's... Our Story?" Maraxus panted as he struggled to keep up with Xhan.
"We trade goods across Kanto to make money for your mother. She's getting sick and needs medical help." The two suddenly burst out of the trees. They were finally in Viridian.
"I can't believe it. We made good time." The two ran on, sticking to back alleys, and running past people trying to sell them whatever they had. Soon, they were nearing Route 1. Where Ash Ketchum started, and Maraxus would start over.
The ferry arrived, and Mysti and her family got off. She saw Mew ratting out a boy.
((SHORT IS SHORT but I need back in this, and it's shower time or else I would have done a better job ;D))
((Not dead, keep forgetting about this >_>))
The Pidgeot looked up at the sky.
Well, I guess I'll join you and the human, Shade said. Storm flicked her with her tail. That's great, Shade! Vai sighed. "The human?" Shut up. You don't have a say in this, Tempest laughed.
Acuity was getting food meanwhile. Apparantly the news of her breaking the law hadn't reached Vermillion yet, since she was served without question.
The food was decent, except Korin still seemed nervous and kept emitting a few sparks whenever a person walked to close. The first time he had done this, everyone had jumped, and Pip spilled milk on herself.
"Fuck!" she exclaimed when this happened, causing everyone to stare at the badmouthed Clefairy.
"Pip!" said Asnan. "Where did you learn that word?"
"Nya says it a lot when she gets mad," she replied calmly.
The Meditite turned to look at Nya, who had turned her head away towards the nearest table, where a man was cleaning the seats.
Asnan buried his face in his small palms. "Korin," he mumbled, "you'd better help me with these two, because I feel like a mom, which nature never intended me to be. I have proof if you want it."
Korin was obviously young too, however, as he hadn't the faintest idea what proof Asnan was talking about.

((I had to insert this scene :3 And I'm not dead either))
((I'm not dead either, just at sea. But just to prove it...))

Serena was gazing into the distance, and saw more choppy waves. There was something rising out of the water.

"Quick, Lickitung, Substitute."

He created a double that continued on course, then veered around to take an alternate route. The body that was surfacing was large and blue, but nothing more than a Wailord. Serena sighed with relief. As she looked back, she saw that Slateport was almost invisible from the distance.
Maraxus wanted to throw up when he could see Palette town. Xhan was just starting to sweat, but Maraxus thought he might die of a heart attack. "Let's go." Xhan took off even faster, Maraxus slumping along after him. Xhan was soon at Palette, waiting for Maraxus. When Maraxus finally did get there, he DID puke, and then they kept running. Soon, they wer in a small park. Xhan sat on a park bench, panting. Maraxus fell right on the ground. The grass was cool and refreshing.
"When... Do we... Get... A new... Job... and... What'll... it be?..." Maraxus thought he would puke again.
"Well.... I'd suggest that... We find some manuel... Labor... Considering it's... What we do... Best." Maraxus nodded, and put his head back in the cool, slightly overgrown grass. He looked back, to see Palette Town good for the first time. His eyes widened. Mew was glaring at some kid about Maraxus' age. Probably heard something in the kid's mind he didn't like.
Mew can be such a b... Maraxus' thoughts were interupted by his need for water. Alright, just hope he didn't hear that orthis. Thank you random kid for occupying Mew for me... Little sucker.
Gerin had slipped into an alley. He was still bleeding from the head and scratched up from the car rolling. He was panting heavily and starving. He was watching a boy that Mew had confronted. Not long ago that was him. He wanted to help the boy but had no energy and Derish was probably searching for him but wouldn't find him for some time. He felt sorry for the boy.

He was inside the forest, hiking through the path. Ira wanted to get through Eterna Forest as quickly as possible so that he could reach Eterna City and then go north to Snowpoint; the quickest way as far as he was concerned. This would be a lot easier if he had Flying-type Pokemon.

And then he started wanting a Lumineon.
((Sorry, life got in the way again.))
"Well, do you have an answer?" Mew was still staring at him. By now it was frowning.
"Uuuummm..." Alan's brain had quit working. He tried to start thinking again, but he felt a pop from his backpack. Like a Pokeball. But, once he thought that, he blacked out.
"What was that about?" Mew shifted its piercing gaze to the Sceptile.
"Well, that human seemed to be annoying you, so I thought I'd help."
"I appreciate it, but I was trying to get an answer from it." Mew sighed. "Oh well. Knocking it out works too." With that, Mew floated away, and disappeared.
When Mew disappeared, Maraxus watched the Sceptile for a few more moments. Anger flushed through him. At the moment, he wanted nothing more than to charge the Sceptile. But he knew it was just a stupid idea. Xhan watched with him, although he kept his cool. He actually seemed content, like he knew something Maraxus didn't. He chuckled to himself. "And WHAT is so funny?" Maraxus fumed.
"You didn'y see it? Oh well. It's too complicated to explain." Xhan seemed very smug.
"Whatever." Maraxus forgot about the stupidity of challenging a Sceptile, and stalked over the the boy. Actually, by now he had completly forgot about the Sceptile. He was worried about the boy. He seemed about Maraxus' age. He knelt down next to him, and simply watched him be... Unconciouss. Why shouldn't I watch him? I should probably put him somewhere safer, but my situation is a little... He glanced at his pack. ... Rashioned.
Mysti saw the boy fall unconcious. "Oh, my gosh!" she said, and started running toward the boy and stopped. What if that were to happen to her? It was then her mom and Pokemon got off the boat, too. Her mom saw the boy and said the excact same thing Mysti had said earlier. They then walked at a quicker pace to where they would be staying.

((And if this place actually looked like Pallet, about where the player's house is))
Now Acuity wandered aimlessly throughout town.
I probably shouldn't stay, she thought, because then the news about me would come in the middle of the night while I'd be asleep. No question about that.
But if I have to leave, which way should I go?

She shuddered. On the run wasn't how she had ever planned to spend the rest of her life, but here she was, stuck with that situation. Her parents would be worried. The legendaries would be quite angry.
Well, I shouldn't go north. I'd have to go through Mewtwo's territory... and he's not all that merciful. Going west would mean Articuno, and later the other two... It's a lot better. I'd probably want to go through Moltres's territory, since it's mostly over water, and he doesn't like water.
And, as if though by some odd decision of fate, she had unconciously carried herself there in her absentmindedness.
She looked right in front of her. A dark tunnel loomed ahead; she registered it as safe to go into. Articuno was of the sky, and probably wouldn't go searching for fugitives underground. Policemen would probably come, but they were a lot easier to knock out than the warder of ice.
Her Pokemon waited around her, all except Pip, who was in her arms, asleep for once. "We're going through there," she said.
Korin shivered and emitted more sparks. Electric Pokemon didn't like underground either, Acuity remembered.
"Korin," she said softly. "Would it be easier for you if you were in the ball?"
"No," he said. "I hate it in there."
"Well, would you mind if Asnan was always touching you? He's very trustworthy."
"I..." the Shinx looked timidly at the Meditite, who was watching with calm eyes. "I guess so."
Asnan went forward and placed a tiny hand on Korin's back.
"Wimp," Nya muttered, but thankfully no one heard as they headed into the darkness.
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