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Open The Waning of Humans

((Who rated this 5 stars?))

"... and so that's when I started giggling." Alan had just finished telling the story of Palkia and the tree. Chaos and Pyrite were dying of laughter. Enigma, however, was confused.
I don't understand. It questioned. What is a pe- Suddenly there was a loud crash. The box that Alan was in suddered. The crash was near the box.
"Come on. We need to leave." Alan recalled his Pocket Monsters (*shot*), and tried to bust out the back of the box. It gave way.
Yes! I made it! Now I'll have to esc- Alan was going to run to another box, but he was grabbed by the collar. A buff looking sailor was holding on to him.
"Where do ya' think yor' goin', bub?"
Well crap. I guess I'll have to find another way out... "Well, I was just about to go and..."
"Save yor' stories for da' captin'." The sailor dragged Alan down the hallway that was juat outside of the hold. People were staring at him.
Well, I guess now I'm famous. Alan smiled nervously. Maybe someone will help bail me out..
((Not me.))
"How about NOW?" Maraxus flinched back as Wake 'growled' at him. "Okay, I'll shut up." Maraxus finished inking in the picture, and shaded it quickly. "Oi, Xhan." Xhan looked over at the picture, and laughed a little.
"Good joke. I like the black eye you gave Latios. And the bruises, broken bones, scars, I like all of 'em."
"Good. I only gave you a few scratches and bruises, so... Yeah."
"I also like the Aura Sphere in his face." Wake suddenly said something to Xhan, and he translated, "Wake sees land. We''l land, hike to Pallet town, and stay at an inn there. If we can find one. Now, let's start getting ready." Xhan immediantly began to sharpen his spikes, and Maraxus put away his drawing materials, and returned Chiko.
"I'm ready." He said after shouldering his pack.
"Alright, now we wait for about twenty minutes or so. Full speed ahead, Wake!"
Acuity heard a sound outside her door, like something heavy being dragged across the floor, jolting her awake.
She wasn't in a very good mood from being woken up before she was ready.
"Would you mind!" she yelled as she slammed the door open. "I'm trying t-"
She spotted the one boy who had been threatened earlier.
"...eep?" she finished her thought confusedly.
Gerin jolted up from his sleep. He had a feeling he was being watched. He looked around and decided nothing was near. Derish was sound asleep and not moving except for his breathing. He shuddered before laying down to try and sleep again.
((Sorry I've been gone so long. I've had a ton of schoolwork.))
Alan was roughly tossed into the Captin's Room.
"Dis is 'dat boy who was in 'da storage 'oom." The sailor who caught Alan left. "I'll let 'oo deal wit 'im."
The captin turned around to look at Alan. "So, tried to stow away on my ship, eh?" He leaned in closer. "And without paying too. What do you have to say for yourself?"
Alan shuddered. "Well... uh... I was... coming on board... and... uhh..." He could find an excuse. His mind raced furiously trying to figure something out.
"And?" the captin was getting impatient.
"And..." Alan found something. "And was going to load a box in the storage room, but the door was shut on me and I couldn't see anything, so I was stuck." He tried to appear like he was telling the truth.
"Oh, really? That's why you were lurking in the storage room?" He loomed over Alan further.
"Uh, yeah, that's what happened." Alan squeaked. He was running out of ideas.
Maraxus lay on the beach, which was probably not known, as there was hardly any sand. Surrounding him were rocks of all sizes. If anyone used this beach it was a few people who knew it secretly. But it seemed like he was the first one here for a while, save some wild Pokemon. Wake was in his Pokeball, and Xhan was climbing the sheer rocks at the end of the beach to see where they were. It didn't take him long, either. "All I see it trees! I don't think it's even one of the routes!" Xhan called back.
"Good. We're less likely to encounter a legendary then. They tend to stick to towns and routes, seeing as how they're the easiest way to navigate the regions." Maraxus pulled himself up, and followed Xhan, struggling to go as easily up the small cliff as Xhan had. He poked his head up next to Xhan's feet, and his jaw dropped. There WERE trees as far as he could see. he squinted slightly. Is that... Mt. Moon? So maybe Pewter is nearby! He looked at the trees again. Well, somewhat.... But that means I could get to Viridian, and from there it's only a short way to Pallete!
((Not posting 'cause I'm already there, I guess. =P Could I get a Pidgeot right now, btw?))
Serena sighed, letting her Lickitung carry her over the bouncing water. "How you doing back there, Lickitung?"

There was no answer, as the Normal-type was hard at work swimming. Occasionally, he used his tongue as a board, but mostly, he just swam. Serena wondered if the salt water tasted funny, or made him thirsty. If not, she would probably smack herself.

"It's a long way to Kanto... I hope no Water legendaries find us." She knew her hope was probably in vain, but it was all she could do to keep herself incouraged. She had to make it! Otherwise, she would be "imprisoned" for the rest of her life by that vile Regirock. Why was this happening? She couldn't remember, now that she was on the sea. Slateport was getting smaller and smaller on the horizon.

Rather nervous, Serena sighed. Kanto, here we come...
Deciding he had rested enough, Ira stood up and exited the Pokemon Center calmly. One step closer to Kanto. This would take awhile... he continued out of Floaroma and onto the next Route. What if the boat only went to Olivine? That would be fine. He would take the Magnet Train to Kanto. His Pokemon followed behind him as he continued towards Snowpoint.
Alan sighed. He had just been dragged to the "holding cell" in the ship; basically a locked cabin with a bed. And a box.
Maybe in I go in the box... He shook his head. No, they'd figure it out when they came into the room. But maybe... He looked at the door. There was a handle on both sidesof the door. He looked at his.
If I could get Pyrite to freeze it, and then Chaos can bust it off... and hide in the box when they come in the room! It may not work, but it's worth a shot.
"Excuse me," continued Acuity, "but are you ignoring me? That's very rude," she nagged, jabbing one of her fingers into the back of the sailor's head after he had thrown the boy into a dark room so that he couldn't ignore her, unless he had good patience.
"Very rude indeed," said Asnan, prompting her on before saying, "Pip, get off of there." The Clefairy had been hanging on to one of the man's legs.
Maraxus ducked under another branch. Xhan grumbled something about no rocks anywhere as he walked ahead of Maraxus, trying to sense the Auras of the citizens of Pewter or Viridian. "Uh.... I don't think you'll see 'em for a while." Maraxus called to him.
"Well, yeah, but why not? At least this way I'll be able to see them when I see them." Xhan suddenly jumped up into the air, grabbing ahold of a branch, and swinging into the tree. Maraxus could hear the leaves rustling as Xhan made his way to the top, then heard the rustling stop as he poked his head out. "Nothing. I can still see Mt. Moon, but nothing else." Maraxus sighed as Xhan dropped down next to him. "Do you think you could walk on these branches?" Xhan asked.
"Uh... Well, they seem pretty thick."
"Exactly. Obviously, this area is very old. Now, follow me." Xhan swung back onto another branch, Maraxus following him up. Xhan began to leap from branch to branch. Maraxus gulped. Despite his fears, he followed Xhan, with much less grace and balance. Or as Maraxus thought, Awesomeness.
Well, Enigma had found a hole in the plan that Alan didn't see, so he abandoned the plan altogether. Someone would see him after he snuck out, or they would check the box. He left out his Pokemon, though.
Oh! That makes a lot more sense. So it goes in the... Chaos and Pyrite were explaining the whole Palkia and the Tree incident. Since Enigma was part machine, it didn't know about... reproduction. Alan was listening to noises outside. It sounded like a girl was yelling at somebody.
That's strange. That voice seems somewhat familiar...
((Aack I am alive I am alive))
Vai rolled her eyes.
"No really, who?" Storm looked up and the sky, and let out a small grumble.
Shade, you're here, she cried.
"Shade?" A shadow fell over Vai, and landed on her chest, knocking her down.
Hello human, the Pidgeot on her chest said with a grin. Tempest nodded.
This is the human we found, her name is Vai, he sneered. Vai pushed the darker than normal Pidgeot off her, who squawked.
Hey, it's nice to meet you? He asked. Vai nodded.
"Nice to have you on the team? How'd you all meet?"
Sssh! Blaze shoved them all roughly in the bushes and covered his tail flame, before leaping after them. Look! A pink bubble floated almost a mile above them, and paused for a second directly above the five. Vai held her breath... and the bubble passed.
"Safe for now," she muttered.
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