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Open The Waning of Humans

Athena sighed and shook her head. She was going to get out of here, soon, tommorow she'll be away from here. She stood up and looked up at the sky to see how dark it was. It seemed to her the day was slow, but it was really going by fast. "I'll turn in early, i guess." she said, she turned and walked out of the green house and over to the house. Jasmine following, Rock and Sea Queen where in already, sleeping.
((That last post of mine was dramatic, but who cares!? =D ))
Maraxus was struggling now, Xhan getting farther ahead over time. Eventually, Xhan stopped, and offered him the back pack. "N-n-n-n-n-nn-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-no..." Maraxus' teeth chattered. "Keep g-g-g-g-g-gg--g-g-g-g-g-g-g-gg-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-goin-ng-ng-ng-ng-ng." The beach was in sight, but still at least another two hours of swimming, when Maraxus' eyes got a glazed look. He smiled to himself, even chuckled a little, and let the water do as it would with him. He floated a little in the saltwater, then began to slowly sink, water bubbling up from his mouth. Xhan turned to offer him the backpack, and probably give it to him even if he said no, and saw nothing but smsall bubbles.
"IDIOT!!!!" He slung a strap of the backpack around his righ shoulder, and swam back to wher Maraxus had been. He dove down, was underwater for a second, then was brought back up by the pack. He cursed, and dropped the backpack, letting the current take it, and dove down.

Under the water, Xhan sensed for Auras. He saw one, dim, but close. He dove after it, reaching out to grab it. He missed it. It was a little farther than he thought, so he swam after it more. His sensitive ears screamed in prostest to the diving, but he puished himself on. Before long, he could feel his lungs about to burst. He felt himself blacking out, saw the Aura of a very large, very proud pokemon go under the one he had been trying to save, and rose to the surface, unconsiouss.
((Yet again, dramatic! =D))
((Sorry Mewtwo. :sweatdrop: Yeah, that's okay.))

Dispite the fact that Palkia would be looming in Oreburgh (and the fact that Dialga would blab to Palkia about the "dead" human like a teenage girl. Dialga liked to talk about stuff like that.) Alan moved on. He wouldn't know what to do about Palkia, but he knew he would eventually find a way.
"I'm getting tired. What do you say we stop a rest?" Alan directed the question at Enigma, because it would answer for the group.
We all say yes.
Alan ducked behind a tree, because Oreburgh was near by, and Palkia was going around on the Routes, which Alan was on. Luckily, Palkia didn't look behind trees. Alan reached inside his backpack and grabbed a handful of berries. He divided them up and gave Chaos, Pyrite, and Enigma some. Alan himself took an apple. But, right before they started eating, they heard a little voice.
"Shinx, shi-shi-shinx!" The little Pokemon was squealing up to something. After the Shinx spoke, Alan heard a booming voice.
A HUMAN? WHERE? SHOW ME WHERE IT IS. Palkia started coming in Alan's direction. Alan reacted instantly. He returned all of his Pokemon to their Enigma Berry Pokeballs, and combined them with their berries and shoved everything in his bag. He made it right before Palkia came over him.
"Uh... uh..." Alan suddered. "I was just... taking a break from traveling. I came over and sat behind this tree to have some lunch."
Please don't make the connection, please don't make the connection... Alan hoped Palkia wouldn't figure it out. But, knowing things, it probably would.
Gerin and Derish stood on the end of the ledge. Gerin took a deep breath He grabbed his hound and jumped. They made their way to shore where he threw Derish onshore. Gerin took a deep breath and dove into the small lake. At the top it was fairly warm at the bottom however it was freezing. He tried to find the backpack but had no sucess. He resurfaced and took another breath. after failing to find it a secong time Gerin decided to do this for another 10 minutes. He found his backpack on his fourth dive. His body was freezing and his lungs were screaming for air. He threw his backpack on shore. Then he hauled his beaten body onto shore.
((@Dragon-Yup.))---Maraxus coughed up a few mouthfuls of salt water. He wiped his mouth, wrinkling his nose from the taste. Wait a minute... I'm not dead! He looked to his side, and saw nothing but water. He looked down from there, and saw more water floating by. He looked directly below him, and saw... Pink? He looked around frantically, glancing at Xhan, stubs all over the pink, a blue pillar- Wait, blue pillar? He took another look at it this time, and let out a small squeaking sound. The Lapras turned its head, and seemed to smile softly at him. Maraxus' eyes were wide, his legs jelly. He felt something on his shoulder, and turned his head sharply, and calmed down, seeing Xhan. "It's all right. She's a friend." Xhan nodded at Maraxus, and llet go of his shoulder. "I don't understand.""Well, he saved your butt, and mine, and even this." Xhan handed Maraxus the backpack. "And don't tell me no this time." He chuckled.
"Yeah, sure." Maraxus took the pack, and opened it up. A few drops had gotton through the zipper, but mostly everything was fine. Maraxus had a sudden thought. "We really are morons."
"How so?"
"We could've just grabbed those life vests the I brought in the boat."
Xhan tensed up for a moment, then both of them burst into laughter, the Lapras chuckling to herself. Maraxus almost dropped the pack, and Xhan nearly fell off the Lapras. When they finally calmed down, Maraxus saw a buoy nearby. He and Xhan nodded at eachother, and jumped off the Lapras, grunting as they landed on the metal. The Lapras apparently felt the weight lift, and turned to face them. Maraxus fished a pokeball out of his pack, and held it out to the Lapras. It looked at it for a second, confused. Maraxus opened it to show that it was a Pokeball, and closed it again. The Lapras nodded, and Maraxus threw the ball at it. The Lapras dissolved, and the Pokeball floated in the water for a moment, bobbing once... Twice... Three times... And then sounded that it was a succesful capture! "Yes!" Maraxus fished out the Pokeball, and hled it to his face. "Your name shall be..." Maraxus strugged to find an appropriate name. "Hey, Xhan, how does Wake sound?"
"Wake as in the strange funeral type thing for sailors lost at sea?"
"Judging from how we met him, I'd say yes."

Spraying a Potion on Pip's wound, Acuity heard a commotion nearby.
Sounds like Palkia. Pissed Palkia.
Oh God. That huge monster is going to smash something, I can tell.

Nya, with her huge feather-ear, had already pinpointed the sound, and was pointing in the general direction.
Yep, that's Palkia.
((Sorry, but I just have to put in this part :D))
Nya burst out laughing.
"What the h-" Asnan began.
"Look at its head! It's a giant-"
Apparantly Asnan had gotten the direction Nya's thoughts were going, so he interrupted. "Er... I hate to break it to you, but Pip is... kinda young."
Nya scowled at him. "Thanks for ruining my fun. But anyway, now I agree with you that it's a male."
((Nya likes it ;D *shot*))
"Shut it," growled Acuity. "I don't know about you, but I'm going over and seeing what that's all about."
"Well, then, we're going too," said Nya. "Because if we didn't, then some newbie would see us, and say something along the lines of, 'Oh shit, rare Pokemon that aren't supposed to live down here!' and try to capture us or steal us or something."
After a short walk, they were close enough to see a boy under a tree that Palkia was yelling at. Acuity decided not to intervene unless things went bad, because it could step on them and their guts would go splat all over the poor kid.
Athena sighed, she was sitting at her desk in her room, her dad in his study room, Rock and Sea Queen in the living room sleeping, Jasmine was laying on Athena's bed looking out the window. Athena looked over at Jasmine. "Should we just go today?" she asked, whispering. Jasmine looked like she was thinking for awhile, finnaly nodding. Athena sighed. "Allrighty then. I'll wake up Rock and Sea Queen." With that, she stood up, setting Jasmine's pokeball which looked like a berry on the ground and moved out to the living room. Jasmine jumped down and touched the ball with her nose, going inside it.

((I know its not much, but the wind is picking up here and my laptop is running at of power and i can't fine the charger.))
Ira had just left Canalave and was standing on the shore. It was only a short distance to the other side of the lake, and he was sure that Icicle would make it. But how long would it take? That was what he was worried about. If she swam fast, he could give her a good long rest. Maybe use Spear as a scout in the back? He already had most of it planned out, and he didn't know what he was missing. Having finished thinking for now, he told Icicle the plan. For some unknown reason, he was whispering, as if someone was spying on him. As the Walrein slid into the water (which was slightly uncomfortably warm for her), she communicated in Pokemon language to let Spear know his job.

"Ira said you're supposed to face backwards and make sure no Pokemon attack us," she said.

"The back? Who's going to the front?" As soon as the Cloyster asked the question, he knew the answer. If he had hands, he would have facepalmed, but then again it would be a good chance that his arm would be impaled on one of his spikes. "You first," he said, nodding towards Ira, who quickly sat down on her back. As Spear took his place, Icicle swam forwards, heading for the opposite shore.
"We need to find a way to get out," Serena said to her Lickitung. "We'll need to paralyze Regirock or put it to sleep in some way." She hid under a tree, with her pink Pokemon following. "You'll need to use Substitute to distract Regirock, and we'll run for it."

"Wickih," Lickitung replied, skipping out into the open and pretending to try and flee from Regirock.

The large golem Pokemon immediately noticed and attacked with Rock Throw, but Lickitung used Substitute, disappearing.

Serena sprinted afterwards, onto the route west of Oldale Town and towards Petalburg City. She would need to catch a Flying Pokemon one of these days.
Maraxus swam the last hundred feet with the bakcpack, Xhan easily keeping pace. The two crawled onto the beach, sand clinging to their clothes. Maraxus stood up, searching the beach of Vermillion. "Think anyone will take us in?"
"To be honest, no." Xhan shook his head sadly.
"Well, hopefully, we can just find a scraped out rock to stay behind."
The two walked the beach quickly, and finally found what they needed. A bunch of rocks. Maraxus hid between all of them, and let out Wake and Chiko. Chiko was fuming, obviously very upset. "Hey, I know you don't like it in there, but I haven't had enough safety or time to see you."
"CHICK-CHICK!!!!" Chiko jumped up and down furiously, flapping her useless wings. Xhan flinched back in surprise, Wake yelled at him in Pokemon to shut up, and Maraxus stared at Chiko, dumbfounded.
"She says, 'YOU IDIOT!!!! YOU CAN'T JUST KEEP ME OUT LIKE HIM?!!!!'" Xhan translated for Maraxus.
"Yeah. I figured it was something along those lines."
Gerin felt lucky and unforunate. His 200$ backpack did It's job and kept his things dry but by this time Celebi would have news of his escape all over the world. Either by international news or by legendaries passing it on. If he was lucky it would be legendaries passing it on. Gerin changed into some fresh clothes and shoes. He wasn't going back into that water for anything. He looked down at Derish. "We are gonna have to go around New Bark town now."
Ira had reached the other side of the water, and now he was only a short distance from Jubilife. But he had to keep going, otherwise he would still be in Cresselia's territory... He decided to head to Floaroma next. "This way," he said, and headed towards the city.
((No, where? =p))
Vai jumped on Storm's back.
"So, Sinnoh... is that Oreburgh City?" Blaze nodded, and flew up. Tempest floated up beside him, followed by Storm.
(Anywhere. So long as you meet eventually.))
Maraxus sighed with relief as he pulled on his purple 'overshirt', and lay back against a rock. Hopefully, Articuno doesn't spot me, but, for now I'll just sleep. The companios all lay near eachother, Wake actually in the water with his neck stretched out. Maybe... This'll end soon. Maybe... Just maybe... After all this, I can live in Olivine, or Cinnibar, and just kick back, and watch the waves... Or I could become a regular customer at a local, tasty Cafe... Yeah, the second sounds better to me. With espressos and muffons on his mind, Maraxus drifted off, Xhan seemingly asleep, but watching intently, looking for Articuno, or any that might betray them to him.
((I was thinking we could meet in Pallet Town.))

Alan wasn't sure what to say. He looked behind him and saw a hole in the tree. He turned around again and saw Palkia's head... while trying to resist giggling, Alan answered.
(Sorry, I couldn't resist either. :P)
"No... no, I'm his brother. We're twins."
"Yeah. We're... hard to tell apart."
"Because... because I'm... who is that?" Alan slipped out of the question. He had suddenly seen a girl with a Sneasel, Meditite, and Clefairy appear. He used that to get out of answering the question.
WHO ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? Palkia turned around and went towards the girl Alan had seen.
"Whew, that was close." Alan sighed, and decided to let Enigma out without Palkia seeing.
Yeah, that was. Enigma cocked its head. But what was with your giggling? I can hear you, you know.
"I... well... Oh never mind, I'll tell you later."

(Sorry, shadow_lugia. :grin:)
((Yeah, just distract the big dragon with someone else to eat~ And Pallet Town=On my way there..))
Vai looked down at the clouds occasionally drifting just below the four. They seemed to be dropping, landing over... Kanto?
"Hey, I thought we were going to Sinnoh?" She asked.
Change of plans, Blaze answered.
((If you can all understand Pokemon, I don't want to be the only illiterate fool :<))
"Well, where're we going now?"
There, Storm answered, pointing with a claw to a closed in little town.
"Pallet Town?"
"I'm Acuity," she said, trying to hide the fear she actually felt. "And I'm a trainer from Snowpoint City. I'm here because, well, I wanted to train here."
"Not against the law to walk around now, is it?" mumbled Nya. Asnan slapped his hand over her mouth.
"Oh yeah," said Acuity, "this is Nya, Asnan, and Pip."
"Hi!" Pip squealed.

((So we're all going to Pallet Town?))
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