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Open The Waning of Humans

The final bell rang and Mysti ran out of school. It was the day her mom and her were taking a vacation to Kanto. Mysti ran home and hugged each of her Pokemon. Her mom walked in the room.

"Are you ready yet, Mysti?"

"Mom, I just got home from school!" Mysti answered. She quickly packed everything, including her Pokemon's Pokeballs, just for looking at at rough times. She and her mom walked to Canalave and took the ship from there.

"Isn't this lovely?" her mom asked.

"Yes, it is." Her Umbreon had run straight to the snack bar.

((I made the vacation as an excuse to get to Kanto and make it to Pallet Town. Maybe they have a relative there, and it's where they're staying? I dunno.))
Ira thought about where he was supposed to go. Maybe Pallet Town would be a good place? No one there knew him. But it would take awhile, since he had no Flying Pokemon. Maybe he could get to it from Snowpoint... there was bound to be a boat to Kanto there. Time-saving, he thought, and continued towards Floaroma. He was hiking into the short stone tunnel now. Almost there.
((@s_l-Well, it was never originally specified, but YES!!!! ^_^ Oh, by the way, if someone could find PMD 2 'mood icons' for the Riolu and treeko lines, that would be great. I can't find them ANYWHERE!!! D:))---"Krabby!" The Krabby cried frantically, and made motions with its claws to tell Articuno, wherever he was, that he had found a human. Well, that guy must have some grudge to hold, because we weren't doing ANYTHING! Maraxus thought as he stood up. Xhan was shaking Chiko furiously, and Wake was simply rolling his eyes at them.Maraxus sighed, and reutrned Chiko and Wake, and the Krabby grew more frantic. Maraxus shouldered his pack, and gently pushed the Krabby over with his foot as he walked past."I guess Articuno's busy somewhere else." Xhan observed."Yeah. Otherwise, we'd be ice cubes by now." "Or at least YOU would be."
"Shut up, we're going."
"Where now? Slateport, Cerulean, Olivine, Vermillion, make up your mind!"
"Hey, I did not plan on coming here OR Olivine." Maraxus felt the heat in him rise.
"But you got on the wrong boat, and were the one who painted the name on the boat we were building!"
"... Look, what's done is done, I can't change it, and neither can you. So let's just go. To Pallete Town. It's small, out of the way-"
"Ruled by Mew."
"Could you just not remind me of Legendaries for a while?"
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Gerin had chosen a plain white t-shirt,some blue jeans and brown tennis shoes. He made his way down the route slowy. Derish and him were both in a bad mood. They were both on edge and worried. After about an hour of walking in silence Gerin asked Derish "Should we go to pallet town?" The hound nodded. Guess we're going to pallet.
Athena entered the living room, surprised to see her father there.
"Athena, we're moving to Pallet Town." He siad, surprising her even more.
((I'm not going to put my plan into action >_< i can't think any ways so yea.))
"W-we are? But how are we going to get a house?" She asked, she knew houses cost alot.
"Your aunt is kind enought to put a roof under our head."
"Oh...I'll go pack then." Athena turned and went to her room. Releasing Jasmine out. Jasmine gave her a confussed look.
"We're moving to Pallet Town."
Jasmine shook her head and sighed.
Athena packed, ready to go, Jasmine followed her out of her room and the party set out.
((sorry, really quike cause i have to go))
Mark jogged down a worn dirt path in the twisting, turning labyrinth that was Viridian Forest. One had to be careful nowadays, in such a clearly non-human place. In fact, with every passing moment, Mark wondered more why he was doing something so stupid.

Mark placed his fingers in his mouth and whistled loudly and clearly. As a flock of Pidgey took wing, a much larger bird flew down from the sky. As the Togetic skimmed over the trees and landed next to him, Mark patted the pink pokémon's nose and jumped on her back.

"Thanks, Mist. Do you think you could fly me to Viridian City?"

With a nod of her head, the Togetic Thickmist beat her wings and rose up into the air. Moving with uncanny gentleness, the pokémon moved across the treeline of the small and yet daunting forest.

A few minutes later, Mark and Thickmist landed. He pulled out a small, pinkish berry from his pocket.
If a passing person had looked closer at the 'berry' they might have noticed a small line running across the middle, or a slightly darker splotch on part of the line. Mark poked the splotch, which opened up and sucked up his pokémon.

Noticing the sun going down, Mark ran over to a large bush.

About five minutes later, Mark was in a large, underground chamber. A few simple tables and chairs dotted the place, along with a couple of beds and cushions and whatnot. Mark settled into a chair and threw several berries at the ground.

Out of a Ganlon Berry popped a large, blue-and-white rabbit.
Popping out of a Rowap Berry came a spinning, cotton-covered rabbit.
A Watmel Berry bounced off of the ground, releasing a humanoid rose bush with a cape.
A Shuca berry rolled across the floor, popped open, and revealed a large orangish mouse with a lightningbolt tail.
A Tanga Berry slapped against the wall and dropped out a fox with closed eyes and a long tail.
The Togekiss from before was also released.

The Abra floated over to a bed and landed on it, falling asleep in seconds. The rest of the pokémon gathered around Mark as he handed out Pokemon food.
((@ Black Yoshi 99- I'm assuming you've tried the Spriter's Resource?))
Alan had been running ever since he had distracted Palkia with that girl.
I can't believe it fell for that. Alan had decided he would go to Pallet Town. It was quiet, small (kinda), and out of the way, and Mew didn't seem too bad. Hopefully. Alan wanted to catch a boat from Twinleaf Town to get to Pallet, but he realized he would have to go through Mesprit. He took a break to try and plan everything out. He let out his Pokemon as well.
"So, what are we going to do about Mesprit?"
Well, Pyrite here says that because Twinleaf is such a rural town, Mesprit will not have heard about anything. We could probably go off of that. Enigma made a face similar to a frown. I'm still not sure. But even if it is true, where are we going to find the money to get a boat ticket?
Alan cracked a wide grin. "That's what boxes are for."
((*Sigh* YES. But nevermind, there aren't those sprites for any Pokemon except certain ones, so I'll have to make 'em as I go.))
Maraxus threw an 'Orange', which popped open, allowing Wake to wet his fins. He hopped aboard, Xhan following, and told him, while looking at a map, "Go in... That direction." He pointed with a finger, showing Wake aproximately where Pallet Town was. "A straight course, okay?"
"Since you're giving the directions, I'm guessing that We're going to land in Johto, Hoenn, or Sinnoh. Or, even Saffron." Xhan had humor in his voice, so Maraxus took it lightly, letting out Chiko.
"You two, no fighting on Wake. We're not gonna' help you if you fall in Chiko, and if you fall of from a fight Xhan, I'll tell wake to go faster." The two nodded silentyl, glaring at eachother. The day those two get along is the day that I succesfully kill Arceus. Or just become filthy rich. That works to.
Athena and her father where walking now. They where prepared for their long journy to Twinleaf, where they will get on a boat to Pallet. Every thing was quite, Rock was ahead, Sea Queen next to Athena's father, and Jasmine, loyal as ever, walking next to Athena. The trip was silent as ever, though, they made it to Jubilife City, where they stoped and found a place to stay for the night. Some people where nice enough.
((I'm going to cheat a bit in this scene and say that Meditite can Teleport :P Please just bear with me))

Acuity suddenly felt something roll around in her upper torso (a.k.a. near her boobs =_=) and slip down. She also saw a small, round object fall to the grassy ground and bounce once or twice before stopping from the friction. Apparantly Palkia saw it too, for it (HE *shot*) bent down to investigate. It tapped it with its odd snout and it became suddenly much larger.
Poke Ball. She had forgotten that she had put them in her shirt.
Palkia growled frighteningly. Acuity knew she was dead. Even now the scenery was flickering before her eyes... and she saw a different scene entirely.
"What the hell?" she exclaimed.
"I teleported us," explained Asnan. He looked quite proud of himself. "Better than dying."
"Where are we going? How do you know that they won't find us?"
"I have absolutely no idea where we're going; there wasn't enough time to check. However, I did manage to steal a couple of tickets from some people on the dock. There should be one in your pocket right now..."
And she did feel a slight poking from her right pocket.
She pulled out the small paper rectangle. "Headed to Pallet Town."
"Good, good," he said, like a teacher praising a small child for answering a question correctly. "That's far away from here. But now, we need to figure out who needs a new ball."
She took out the first ball and tapped Pip lightly with it, praying that it let her in. Thankfully, it did. She wiped her forehead even though she wasn't sweating, and let the hyper Clefairy out again.
She did the same with the second ball, tapping Asnan with it. It was his.
"Well, Nya," she said, "looks like we'll need to get you a new ball."
"They make me uncomfortable anyway," she mumbled.
Yet Acuity could still feel something in her shirt.
She pulled out a last Poke Ball. "Gee," she said, "thanks for rescuing Nya's Poke Ball, Asnan."
"I-" he began, before Acuity tapped Nya on the head with it.
"Ow," she said, rubbing the spot. "You didn't have to do that so hard."
Acuity, however, was a lot more worried. "Asnan?" she asked, her meaning obvious even in the single word.
"Well..." he said, seeming a bit humbled, if not worried. "I just knew... how much you wanted a Shinx, I mean..."
"Asnan!" she yelled. "You didn't steal it, did you?"
"Not necessarily. Just let it- him, actually- explain."
She opened it up reluctantly to let a runty Shinx form before her.
"Who are..." he said, before interrupting himself. "No, never mind. Just as long as you aren't like my old trainer..."
Acuity took notice immediately. "What did they do to you?"
"Nothing... yet. But I've seen the others on her team. They're all scarred, horribly. And they're so frightened. She said she was going to evolve me, and then breed me with this Ditto she had captured. She wanted perfect Pokemon, you see. She bred for them." He shuddered. "I don't want to breed unless it's my choice, and definitely not with some pink, creepy blob."
Acuity smiled. "I wouldn't do that to you. All of them are in good shape," she gestured to the other three, "and besides, I don't have anyone compatible with you. Except Nya," she added.
"No, no, NO!" the Sneasel shouted.
"Except she's already rejected you. So welcome to the club. The shouter is Nya, as you should've guessed, the Meditite is Asnan, the Clefairy is Pip, and I'm Acuity."
"Korin," the Shinx said shortly. He was obviously tired.
"Good idea," said Nya wearily as Korin yawned. "Let's find our cabin and sleep."
They walked up to one of the sailors, Acuity showing her ticket.
"Cassandra?" he asked, obviously bored. Acuity nodded in response.
"Cabin three," he said, handing her a key.

((And they go to their cabin and go to bed because I'm tired of typing in IC :P

Oh yeah, by coincidence she went on the boat that Alan should go on, whichever one he goes on :3

Vai got off Storm's back.
"Why exactly are we here again," she hissed, and dived into the waaaay overgrown grass. Storm and Tempest followed, Blaze staying out so the grass wouldn't burn.
We have to... get someon- something, Storm muttered.
Something, Storm corrected.
"I'm not stupid, I heard you about to say someone," Vai snapped.
Unlike most humans, Tempest muttered. Vai reached up and flicked the Dragonair in the aura orb. Hey, that hurt!
Gerin had finally made it to New Bark town. He needed something to disguise his head. He found a clothes lines with a black zipper hoodie hanging on it. It is for my survival. He thoughtas he silently grabbed the hoodie and ran and stuffed it into his backpack. He found a public restroom where he went into a stall and quickly threw the hoodie on. It was a bit big but he would grow into it. Now he needed to find a way to palllet town.
Athena's dad had fallen asleep, the one that where putting a roof over their head for the night where in the kitchen, the guest room they where staying in was on the leavle above it. ((don't know if that made sense, but I'm tired and I can't get to sleep >_<)) Athena grabed some money, enough to buy a ticket, she wrote a note and left it behind and snuck down stairs. She wanted to go alone, for some odd reasone. Sea Queen and Rock where outside already, Jasmine always with Athena, followed her down stairs quitly and out side. The group then headed out of Jubilife City and set their way to Twinleaf. Making sure no one saw, Athena returned Sea Queen to her ball, Sea Queen was always slow, do to the waddling it has to do. So only Rock and Jasmine where out. The tree ran, hoping to make it to Twinleaf before night fall.
Gerin was at a private dock looking for a ride to pallet. He looked down at Derish, "Which one do you want to take?" Derish turn his body towards a small speedboat with a bald 30 year old man wearing all black was preparing.
Gerin walked up to the man with his hood on. "Where are you headed?" He asked. The man responded blunty "Pallet. Why?" Gerin smiled his eyes were unseeable. "I need a ride can you take me?" The man nodded, "Get in."
After a series of questions about how you steered and worked the boat the left. After getting out of the docks, they sped up to about 60 mph. Gerin finally heard a small radio that the man was speaking on. After about 5 minutes of listening he figured out that this man was an undercover cop who was supposed to patrol the waters. Gerina had taken his hoodie off and realised what a mistake that was. He heard the cop say "I have a young blonde cocasian coming with me to Pallet, why?" Gerin then discerned two words from the radio. They were "Celebi" and "Custody".
Gerin the grabbed the policeman and threw him overboard by his shirt. He also threw a life vest. Gerin did know how to drive this thing but wasn't very good. Gerin was lucky enough to get into port but foot patrolmen were already there.
"Derish! Meet me on the west outskirts of town!" Derish jumped out the boat onto the dock with back on and hoodie in pack. The cops imeditaly caught on and gave chase. Gerin sprinted across the streets narrowly missing traffic. He then ducted into an alley. It was a dead end. He then saw a pipe at the end. He scaled the pipe as he came to it. The cops were all astonished that he had that physical capabilty. Gerin felt lucky because he had goten that the first time because he knew he couldn't do that again.
Gerin tore across the building until he found an apartment complex. He used this to get down. He got to the west side of town without much more trouble. Derish was already waiting.
As Serena headed north up Route 102, she looked at the water wistfully. It billowed and lapped at the shores, and she wondered how she would make it to Kanto. Her older brother lived in Pallet Town, and she wanted to visit him. Badly. But would Lickitung make it? He always seemed so tired, somehow... maybe he was just weary about the Legendaries?

But she didn't have much time. "Lickitung, Surf." He quickly jumped onto the water and began swimming. Not worried about her clothes getting wet, Serena hopped on, hoping this would work.

She still had an empty PokeBall in her pocket from the first day she became a Trainer... it made her nostalgic just thinking about it. Every morning she put it there, but never removed it. It might have some use out at sea, where no one could watch her. Maybe, just maybe, this was a good plan after all.
Gerin collapsed from exhaustion. He didn't even bother to setup a camp of anysort. He could only think of what He'd left behind. He hoped his pressense in the western woods of pallet would go unoticed. After about 6 minutes of thinking thoughts such as these passed until he was in a deep slumber. Derish stayed up, he worried about master.
Ira had arrived at Floaroma. He and his Pokemon were getting almost perfectly worn out. Deciding to find a place to rest for awhile, he entered the Pokemon Center (thankfully nearby) and reclined on one of the seats.
Just as she had predicted and hoped, Athena made it to Twinleaf before nightfall. It wasn't a surprise really, she was a fast runner and had good grades in P.E before she was pulled out of school. She quikly set out to find a place to stay. Finding an abonded place, she went in and sighed. Now all she need to do was to get a ticket and go to Pallet Town. She sighed, she missed feeling like this when she was younger.
Why the HECK did we have to ride in a flippin' BOX? Enigma fumed.
"Oh, come off it. It isn't that bad. Besides, all three of you and I fit, right?"
That may be, but we're still cramped.
"You know, I should program you not to complain."
Alan was inside a box on a boat to Pallet. He had sneaked in after this girl that looked strangly like the one he saw in Oreburgh.
Luckily there was a port there. That saved me a lot of time. Alan sighed. Enigma was right (a little). The box was cramped, but it was better than nothing. Alan tried to get a box that would fit him and his three Pokemon in it while they were out of their Pokeballs. Luckily, there was one right up front.
By the way... Enigma stared at Alan. Why were you giggling at Palkia a few days ago? You said you'd tell me later, and it's later. Pyrite and Chaos stared at Alan too. They were curious also.
*sigh* This is going to be a looong ride...
"Are we there yet?" Maraxus asked again.
Wake says, 'No, but if you don't shut your mouth, you'll end up somewhere.' I think he means on the ocean floor." Xhan translated as Wake angrily called back to him. Maraxus sighed, laying back. Wake's cries seemed to calm, and Xhan began translating again. "'It'll take a few more hours. I've already seen signs of humans nearby. Deep sea fishing bobbers, a cruise ship in the distance, and even a bouy.' That last one surprised me. Didn't think there'd be a bouy out here."
"yeah, but you and I were probably asleep when we passed it." Maraxus turned on a headlight, and pulled out an eraser, pencil sharpener, three pencils, and a sketchbook. He sharpened one of his pencils, and began to sketch Xhan attacking Latios, and winning, chuckling to himself while he did it. Yeah, I wish this was real...
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