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Open The Waning of Humans

Vai nudged her Pokemon, and pulled out Oran berries for them.
"Common guys, get up, 's morning." Tempest lifted her head, and Vai tossed her an Oran berry. Tempest flicked it to Blaze with her tail, and he caught it in his mouth.
((psst who owns Meteor Falls))
She started to read at the age of three,

Ha! I was reading at two! Ask my mom!))

Mysti woke up in Jubilife City to an Umbreon gently nudging her. "Geez, it's almost time for school already? Thanks, Moonlight!" No time for a shower... good thing I braided my hair last night! Mysti pulled on her clothes and rushed out the door. She turned back. "I'm going to school. Don't cause any mischeif!" she said, pulling out her foldable bike, hopping on and barely making it to school on thime. Phew... she thought. She went to the bathroom and quickly comed out her hair. She felt cramping in the lower area. Geez, it's my week... she went in the stall, did something censored to boys, and rushed to class.
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Serena stretched under Oldeale's sun, but she could tell that somewhere, the shadow of Regirock was looming over them. When she turned her head to check on Lickitung, he had drooled all over the floor.

Note to self... never let Lickitung sleep inside. Either that, or make him sleep in the bathtub.

As if hearing her thoughts, Lickitung opened his eyes, his tongue still drooping to the flow. "Wighi?"

"Let's head outside," Serena said simply, heading down the stairs and out the door of her small house.

Obediently, her Lickitung followed, tasting the ground wherever he went. Who wouldn't with a tongue which was twice as long as their body?
((AAAAAH!!!! Snowboarding all day does NOT help with signing up first! D: Oh well. And please don't close it down again.))

Name:Maraxus Fallur(Totally. Randomly. Typed. Names. With. No. Original. Thought. Behind. Them.)
Note: He's got some muscle on him, due to his shipbuilding, for his age, at least(He IS still a kid). Not like you can see it through his long sleeveed shirt, though.
Personality:Maraxus is thoughtful, and although he can be a real jerk sometimes, he generally pleasant to be around. Mostly, though, until you get to know him, he keeps to himself, hardly saying a word. AFTER you get to know him, he tends to NOT KNOW WHEN TO SHUT UP.
Biography: He used to live in Sunyshore funfunland, when his parents were killed after the legendaries, right after they took power. They happened to be in charge of a small town riot against Manaphy (He's meaner than he looks) , after which, he moved to Slateport, smuggled on a trade boat. After that, he made a living building ships, and eventually got enough money for better clothes, a backpack, and all the things he needed to move away again...

-Male-Xhan has no Pokeball, and sometimes can get irritating. He and Maraxus became friends just before the legendaries took over, and are thicker than thieves. Xhan tends to joke around with Maraxus, but is harder to get to know because of his quietness near others.

-Female- She gets into lots of fights with Xhan, and wants more attention than him, but she's a good sport as long as she get food in place of attention. She stays in a pokeball disguised as an orange(Yay!).


(Took you long enough...)
((To Dragon: Latios does. Sorry I forgot about that. :sweatdrop:))

Alan was handing over some healing supplies someone had bought when the thought of escaping came again. Maybe, if I snuck out at night... No, Dialga would notice me. For that matter, it would probably kill me for doing that too. There has to be another way... Alan went over to the door and looked out. He had heard a noise, but he was lost in thought so he hadn't heard it clearly. When he looked, he saw an angry faced Dialga. And a man. That poor man. Alan thought. He must have done something really terrible, because Dialga looks really ticked off. The moment he thought that, Dialga roared. It was horrible. "WHY DID YOU TRY AND ESCAPE?" Dialga roared. "I... I..." the man tried to talk, but his voice gave out. "YOU KNOW IT IS AGAINST MY LAW. BECAUSE YOU BROKE IT, YOU WILL PAY THE PRICE." "No... no please!" The man squealed with terror. "I didn't mean to..." But his sentence was never finished, for at that moment, he let out a horrible, bloodcurtling scream and lay silent. Well, that answers my question. Alan sighed; he knew he would never get out. Even so, he hoped he would find some oppertunity to try and not be killed.
(I was snowboarding all day! And when we got back, Nimler got on right away, and was on for FOREVER. And you know what I mean by that.)---Maraxus leaned back against a rock, staring out to sea. The sun was just rising in Slateport, which meant it was almost time to go to work. Sighing, he wrapped up the camp, and got ready for the last day of working as a teenage shipbuilder. Hopefully, I never have to come back here again. Cerulean should be good for a couple of days, then I'll get across to Johto... Somehow.... But that's a ways off. Maraxus woke up Xhan, and together, they walked to the shipyard, where the other workers were waiting for the day to start, and some were already hammering at boats. Maraxus clocked in, and waited for a few minutes. The bell rang, and he immediantly set to work. Of course, Xhan was helping the whole time, mostly with heavy lifting, but within a few hours, Maraxus was ready for a break. This ship was almost done, so there was more weight to lift, and the ship had to be ready to sail before 2:00 in the afternoon. Considering the time it would take to load, they'd have to be done at noon, in three hours. Maraxus sighed, looking at the schedule to see the nearest departure of ships. The shipyard had been cutting this one close, but they were going to make it. 0Hopefully... He thought again.
((Is it allright if I join?

Name: Athena Heart
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long black hair that’s at her waist, brown eyes. Is pretty skinny and about the same height of a normal 14 year old girl, though, she is about 5 inches taller. She wears a long sleeve black silk dress with black pants. She wears black sandals too.
Personality: Is calm and caring. Always shy towards people she doesn't know. Athena also doesn't talk much, but when she does, she speaks her mind.
Biography: She used to run a jewel shop in Oreburgh City, though, her father, since her mother had past away a year ago, moved to Floaroma town. Always sticking with her father, she moved with him. Athena now works inside a greenhouse her father built.

Female Empoleon - Sea Queen was really Athena's mother's. She's caring, but sometimes has a short-temper. Its pokeball is a jewel that was hand made by Athena's mother, it appears to be just a normal blue gem necklace.

Female Vulpix - Jasmine is always calm and caring, like Athena. She is the first pokemon Athena ever had. Stays out of its pokeball all the time.

Male Cranidos: Rock is always sleeping, he hates being notice at times. Loses his temper almost all the time. Stays out of its pokeball.

Sorry if its not so great, i hadn't rped for awhile))
((Is it allright if I join?

Name: Athena Heart
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long black hair that’s at her waist, brown eyes. Is pretty skinny and about the same height of a normal 14 year old girl, though, she is about 5 inches taller. She wears a long sleeve black silk dress with black pants. She wears black sandals too.
Personality: Is calm and caring. Always shy towards people she doesn't know. Athena also doesn't talk much, but when she does, she speaks her mind.
Biography: She used to run a jewel shop in Oreburgh City, though, her father, since her mother had past away a year ago, moved to Floaroma town. Always sticking with her father, she moved with him. Athena now works inside a greenhouse her father built.

Female Empoleon - Sea Queen was really Athena's mother's. She's caring, but sometimes has a short-temper. Its pokeball is a jewel that was hand made by Athena's mother, it appears to be just a normal blue gem necklace.

Female Vulpix - Jasmine is always calm and caring, like Athena. She is the first pokemon Athena ever had. Stays out of its pokeball all the time.

Male Cranidos: Rock is always sleeping, he hates being notice at times. Loses his temper almost all the time. Stays out of its pokeball.

Sorry if its not so great, i hadn't rped for awhile))

Alan was walking around in the plaza. He tried to avoid where the man had died because, just for the heck of it, Dialga had squished him, splattering his body parts everywhere in a squishy, fleshy mess. Ugh, that's just disgusting Alan thought, making a face. Pyrite seemed to share his disgust, as she was making a face too. He had left Chaos and Enigma at the shop to clean up. I hope Chaos doesn't eat any of the berries while he's cleaning. He likes to do that. A lot. Alan then noticed Dialga looking at him, and he immediatly stopped thinking about anything. Sometimes Dialga liked to probe people's minds. It loved to torture humans. That was like its past time. But, Dialga started in the other direction, looking for some people to punish. Then Alan thought of something. Maybe I could fake my death... He ran back to the shop, he mind flooded with his idea.
Name: Mark T'oise
Age: 15
Gender: Male

Appearance: Mark has medium-length dark brown hair, usually sticking up in some place, and has glasses with rounded-rectangle frames. He usually wears the standard breeder's uniform, a light red smock and bandana, each with a white Pokèball imprint in the center. He also carries a rather large backpack, containing, among other things, lots of berries, cooking supplies, Potions, and Revives.

Personality: A bit shy around new people, but quick to open up. He's a bit of a know-it-all, and often shows interest not only in a person's looks, but how they act and treat others. Similarly, he shows interest in not only a Pokèmon's stats or moves, but behavior and personality.

Biography: Mark was born on a Breeding Ranch in Azalea that raised Pokemon for,
among others, Professors and top Coordinators. Mark, of course, wanted to get into the family buisiness, but his dream was cut short by the Legendaries' attack. He stayed home for a while, but the Legendary Entei came and shut the Center down. He then left home.


[Ian] Abra [Male]

[Jack] Buneary [Male]
Mark's best friend(and strongest Pokèmon), Jack always wears an Everstone around his neck, and refuses to evolve.

[Honeydew] Roserade [Female]

[Thickmist] Togekiss [Female]

[Paul] Raichu [Male]

[Beachball] Azumarill [Female]
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Athena had heard the roar. She closed her eyes, she knew these where hard times and people wanted out. But why wouldn't they give up? All it leads to was death.... She let out a sigh and opened her eyes up again. Jasmine was sitting beside her looking up at the greenhouse windows above them, Sea Queen was inside where it was cooler then outside, probably sleeping for all Athena knew, Rock, well, he was runing around outside, a surprise to her. She finished moving the flowers she had in her hands into the flowerbed from its pot, for the roots where geting big for the really small, handmade pot.
Mararxus nearly fell on the ground as the builder next to him slammed his back. The boat was done, after months of hard work all day, every day. Maraxus had spent almost every check on supplies and food, and sturdy equipment for his journey. It was 11:00 AM, so there was a little extra time to buy what else he needed. He and Xhan left the shipyard, after Maraxus told his boss he was quitting. He got a check, and ran to the mart. He bought a few sets of clothes, identical to the ones he had, a semi-heavy jacket, a fleece jacket, and.... "Hair gel?" Xhan asked.
"Yeah, I gotta' look good, ya' know." Maraxus picked out a comb and a small mirror he could easily fit into his backpack. Xhan shook his head.
"You have to buy all the dumb things in the world, don't you?"
Maraxus paid the money, almost broke now, and headed for the docks, where the ship was being loaded. He and Xhan picked out a big crate, took it out of sight, emptied it, and brought it on board. "Are you sure this'll work?" Xhan asked.
"Yeah." When there was no sign of any sailors, or Latias, Maraxus crawled in the crate, Xhan following close behind. Okay. Now... I wait. Maraxus hadn't realized how tired he was, and fell asleep almost immediantly.
Gerin grabbed a brown zipper hoodie and put it on. He slung his backpack over his shoulder and walked out the door with Derish at his heels. He had quit his job the day before and was going down to New Bark Town. He was then going to find a way to an uncharted island or an untouched moutain in the hopes of escaping the legendaries. As he distanced away from his home town he as if he was leaving something that may be destroyed by Celebi if he wasn't careful.
After the long walk back to Oreburgh, Nya felt that a lot of energy had been wasted, and was very mad. To cheer her up, Acuity decided to stop for brunch.
Seeing as Palkia wasn't there to listen in, she sent out Asnan and Pip as well, and they jokingly started to quietly debate the legendaries' genders.
"Palkia is obviously a girl," stated Nya, cheered up a bit for once. "Seriously, it's pink, which is the most feminine color ever."
"Hey," objected Asnan, "guys can be pink too. Once I evolve into a Medicham, I'll be pink. And besides, Palkia seems pretty masculine to me. Pip, would you cut that out!" he shouted suddenly as Pip pulled on his ear.
"Hmph," Nya said, unable to find an opening in his arguement. "Let's start with the easier ones, like..."
"Darkrai!" Pip shouted.
"Pretty much the only time the brat has been useful," mutterred Nya.
"Well, I'm pretty sure we can all agree that Darkrai is male," said Asnan.
"Definitely," said Acuity.

((And I'm too lazy to think up anything beyond this :P))
Vai looked up at the sky, and watched as Tempest and Storm sparred above her. Latios could claim control over Meteor Falls, but as of right now she did. Latios caused disrupt over the places he ruled, and she could bring three powerful Pokemon together without getting eaten, and with slight injuries. What did he have?
"Hey, Storm, Tempest!" The two stopped, and turned to look at her. "We should start to move, we've been at the Falls for five days already." Storm grumbled.

"We'll go somewhere nice, maybe Sinnoh? Apparently Shaymin's a half decent leader, or something." Blaze stood up from his spot, and said something to Tempest and Storm. They both nodded, and Blaze grinned at Vai.
"I don't want to know," she said with a grin. "Let's go, then!"
Maraxus opened his eyes. Everything was pitch-black. He tried to sit up straighter, but was wedged in a way he couldn't move. Suddenly, blue light filled the crate. Maraxus turned his head, wincing from a cramp. Xhan sat with an Aura Sphere floating above his palm. "Need Help?" Maraxus gave him a look that said, What you THINK?!!! Xhan allowed himself a smile, then struck at the side of the crate as hard as he could. Nothing happened.
"I forgot to tell you when we started this crazy plan. They reinforce the crates with steel."
"Oh, you THINK!!!!?" Xhan shouted as he rubbed his fist.
"Yeah, I think." Maraxus grinned at himself.
"I didn't even know you did that! There's a first time for everything my friend, but YOU pick the WORST possible FREAKING time!" Xhan fumed.
"Just hit the top of the crate."
"Shut up and let me do my job." Xhan blasted the top with his Aura Sphere, and the sudden light almost blinded Maraxus. The two crawled out of the crate, only to see a sailor staring at them wide eyed. The two looked at him, eachother, him and eachother, and got those evil grins people get when they have a good idea.

"Good thing that guy wears a small." Maraxus looked at himself in the mirror. "But I still hate these. I don't look good as a pirate with the goverment."
"Suck it up, candy pants."
Name: Mark T'oise
Age: 15
Gender: Male

Appearance: Mark has medium-length dark brown hair, usually sticking up in some place, and has glasses with rounded-rectangle frames. He usually wears the standard breeder's uniform, a light red smock and bandana, each with a white Pokèball imprint in the center. He also carries a rather large backpack, containing, among other things, lots of berries, cooking supplies, Potions, and Revives.

Personality: A bit shy around new people, but quick to open up. He's a bit of a know-it-all, and often shows interest not only in a person's looks, but how they act and treat others. Similarly, he shows interest in not only a Pokèmon's stats or moves, but behavior and personality.

Biography: Mark was born on a Breeding Ranch in Azalea that raised Pokemon for,
among others, Professors and top Coordinators. Mark, of course, wanted to get into the family buisiness, but his dream was cut short by the Legendaries' attack. He stayed home for a while, but the Legendary Entei came and shut the Center down. He then left home.


[Ian] Abra [Male]

[Jack] Buneary [Male]
Mark's best friend(and strongest Pokèmon), Jack always wears an Everstone around his neck, and refuses to evolve.

[Honeydew] Roserade [Female]

[Thickmist] Togekiss [Female]

[Paul] Raichu [Male]

[Beachball] Azumarill [Female]


((Look it ISN'T red! It's blue! ^))
"Okay, so Chaos here..." Alan motioned to the Sceptile. "Chaos here will fake killing me because he got angry at me for... for what, exactly?" Alan was planning on how to fake his death to leave the city. It wasn't going as well as he had hoped, but it was his only lead, and he was going to cling to it. "I got it!" Alan jumped up. "You got angry because I was stealing your horde of berries! That's believable, right?" Enigma fidgited and nodded at the same time. It was eager to leave town as soon as possible. "Well, I guess we'll try tomorrow." Alan yawned. He needed to get to sleep. He just tried not to imagine the punishment he would get if Dialga saw though their plan.
Acuity looked up as she heard an earth-shaking thump. The sound of a gargantuan foot slamming into the ground.
"Pip," she hissed, "shut up." She clenched her arms around the hyperactive Clefairy, pulling her in in case she jumped out the window and ran into Palkia's leg. She then shoved the illegal balls down her shirt, fairly confident that not even it would reach in there.
It bent down and looked into the window, catching her gaze with its beady red eye. It blinked once, and then moved to do some other city-ruling stuff, leaving her to realize that it had accidentally- or perhaps not-so-accidentally- knocked over some house with its tail. She hoped no one was hurt.
Making the decision to leave at once, she scribbled down what was required on the bill, and left a tip before going out. Surely not all the others could be so big.

Route 203 had been rather short; the small group had made it to Jubilife City in minutes. Acuity was relieved. This famous city belonged to Cresselia, one of the three legendaries with a determined gender. She had seen some pictures in picture books she had read as a small child, although they had been cartoony and crude in her opinion. The pictures and information in textbooks seemed far better. Apparantly she was goddess of the moon, rival to Darkrai, and rather nicer than other legendaries.
Some of the people here were very nice: there was Nurse Joy, but that wasn't special, a lot of people who waved at her, and even a fat guy who gave her a free Poketch. Southerners, she thought with a grin.
She wanted to get on to Route 204 soon; she had heard that Shinx lived there. Luxray was among her favorite Pokemon, and she wanted to get one. But Jubilife seemed too good to just run away from immediately, so she decided to set out tomorrow.

((You can tell I'm planning to see Alan :3))

((Long post is longer because of this line))
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