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The Wrath of Mewtwo: Sign-ups.

Name: Anil
Age: 12
Bio: Anil seemed like any other ordinary child, aside from the fact that she was quite bright and started reading and using computers at the age of 3. She has continued her 'ordinary' life after Mewtwo took over Sinnoh, except for the fact that she dropped out of school after 3rd grade. She has the ability to learn stuff on her own anyway, and she was impatient to grow old enough to become a Trainer and begin to unseat Mewtwo. She illegally got a Trainer's Liscense by finding an absentminded person in authority, covering up her size by saying she had a minor type of dwarfism.
Pokemon team: Fermok Arcanine (M) [Flash Fire] Fermok is Anil's childhood companion, bought for her as a puppy when she was 4 years old as a pet. It was shortly after that Mewtwo took over, so Fermok can't really remember anything besides this world. Once he has decided on something, it is second to impossible to change his mind. One thing that he has decided on that Anil never tries to talk him out of is overthrowing Mewtwo, especially to see the blue sky and fluffy white clouds Anil speaks of and the bright orb in the sky. However, he rarely makes public statements and is susceptible to severe stage fright.

Rafflesia Vileplume-f (F) [Chlorophyll] Rafflesia is optimistic and somewhat carefree. She isn't all that bright, but when it comes to mischief, she's the expert. She loves making a fool of herself to make people laugh. She sometimes has mysterious spurts of intelligence, however, and Anil has learned to listen to what she says during those times.

Europa Dewgong (F) [Hydration] Europa is nurturing and motherly. She had many siblings when she was young, but they all died at young ages due to a sudden famine, so their mother couldn't provide the milk they needed to live. She only survived due to her older age, where she could digest the prey her mother caught. Her mother died before she learned to hunt properly, however, for she couldn't catch enough food to support herself and Europa, and she insisted Europa eat her fill first. She had to learn most things on her own, and has grown stronger than an average Dewgong as a result. She is mainly used as transportation on water and for battling in water, but is sometimes used for Anil to snuggle up against in cold weather.
Relation to other characters: Want to ask? Go ahead :D
Name: Blade
Age: 14
Bio: He was six when Mewtwo took power. He hates Mewtwo and the army. He hopes to take down Mewtwo and anyone in his way, alongside anyyone given to help him.
Pokemon team: Moon[Umbreon(M)] Solon[Espeon(F)] [Quilava(M)]
Relation to other characters: None yet.
May I join-eth?

Name: Aiden
Age: 14
Bio: She just moved to Sunyshore, having lived in Hearthome most of her life, however since it was near to the spear pillar, it was hit hard by the takeover. She's lived with Pokemon most, if not all, of her life.
Pokemon team: Min [female, espeon] Rai [male, luxray], Kuro [male, absol]
Relation to other characters: ???
May i?

Name: Angelo Silver
Age: 17
Bio: He was nine when mewtwo rose to power. His parents were killed in one of mewtwo's advances to take over the region and for that reason he wants to take mewtwo off his throne.
Pokemon team: Star [Gardevoir(F)], Frost [Froslass(F)] Blade [Gallade(M)]
Relation to other characters: ??
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