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This just in: Sarah Palin is a fucking idiot.

Re: This just in: Sarah Palin is a fucking idot.

Compatible ideologies. Leninism is Marxism is socialism.

Only in so far as Nazism is fascism is authoritarianism. That is to say, all fascist ideologies are authoritarian ideologies but not all authoritarian ideologies are fascist ideologies and all Nazi ideologies are fascist ideologies but not all fascist ideologies are Nazi ideologies.

Likewise, all Marxist ideologies are socialist ideologies but not all socialist ideologies are Marxist ideologies and all Leninist ideologies are Marxist ideologies but not all Marxist ideologies are Leninist ideologies.

Or another way of saying it is socialism is a facet of Marxism which is a facet of Leninism. But it does not mean that socialism = Marxism = Leninism anymore than foot = leg = dog.
I like how Republicans still think Russia is an evil communist empire ready to invade America at any moment when it can't even govern itself. The Cold War's over, guys. Guys.
I like how Republicans still think Russia is an evil communist empire ready to invade America at any moment when it can't even govern itself. The Cold War's over, guys. Guys.

Besides, everyone knows that terrorists are the in thing now. Russia is so two decades ago. All the hip republicans are in on that.
Besides, everyone knows that terrorists are the in thing now. Russia is so two decades ago. All the hip republicans are in on that.
Even more specific: Muslims! 'Cause, as any sensible republican is aware of, all Muslims are terrorists! All of Islam SCREAMS for terrorism!
Even more specific: Muslims! 'Cause, as any sensible republican is aware of, all Muslims are terrorists! All of Islam SCREAMS for terrorism!

for all many republicans know, the koran is just the takbir printed over and over in giant text with a few pictures of explosions and the twin towers
Yeah but Russia is clearly coming back soon. I expect Russia to become more powerful in the near future given their resource surplus in Siberia.
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