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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Thunderclap Amusement Park

You slide your ticket into the door, which clicks open. You cautiously get in the old-looking cart on the track in front of the door. As the cart creaks to life and does a corkscrew, you see a Ferrothorn hanging on to the tracks in front of you.
Ferrothorn [f]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 2, Sandile, Flaaffy, Bronzor, Mind Plate, Dawn Stone
Current Location: Roller Coaster (inside)
Partner Pokemon: Growlithe

[Whoo, some lucky rolls today!]
I'm not sure what you're really asking, but I'll say you have to start over. After five encounters, you reach the ride you're on, so if you've ignored all five and you had five Poke Balls to start, you could enter the Fun House with five Poke Balls. After two encounters there, you would have been warped into the "outside" area again, and there you would have to catch Pokemon until your Poke Balls ran out.

You were warped back to the entrance due to your Poke Balls running out. So I guess you have to buy more Poke Balls to continue, then you'll have to pay the entrance fee to get in again, and when you do actually get in, you'll be at the place you started last time, so it's kind of like starting over. Also, packages aren't valid in this situation; you will have to buy the Poke Balls and pay the entrance fee separately.
If you continue, the Pokemon and items you got before being warped to the entrance will be held at the entrance for you, and you'll start with just the number of Poke Balls you bought in your inventory. If you stop playing, you can transfer the Pokemon and items you got to the PC.
Okay. Updating first post.
After you're officially finished, you can play again, like starting over.
You toss a Poke Ball at the confused bird, who squawks as she is hit and caught. A Rattata scampers out of the bushes as you continue walking.
Rattata [f]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 4, Poliwag, Tranquill, Insect Plate

Ummmmm... if this were one of the games I'd pass, but I actually don't have one so I'll go ahead and catch it for completion's sake
You slide your ticket into the door, which clicks open. You cautiously get in the old-looking cart on the track in front of the door. As the cart creaks to life and does a corkscrew, you see a Ferrothorn hanging on to the tracks in front of you.
Ferrothorn [f]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 2, Sandile, Flaaffy, Bronzor, Mind Plate, Dawn Stone
Current Location: Roller Coaster (inside)
Partner Pokemon: Growlithe

[Whoo, some lucky rolls today!]

Yay! It took me a good few days to get this in Black! I catch! =D
You throw a Poke Ball at the Ratatta, and it clicks. You realize you're just in front of the Ferris Wheel. You go inside the little kiosk and try to open one of the passenger cars; it's locked. But you have a ticket...
Would you like to ride the Ferris Wheel?
Inventory: Poke Balls x 2, Poliwag, Tranquill, Rattata, Insect Plate
Current Location: Ferris Wheel
Partner Pokemon: None

GODofFLAME howling, you barely manage to toss a Poke Ball at the Ferrothorn before you whiz over the tracks it had been on. Finally, it's over, but before you get out of the passenger car a Drilbur pops out of the bushes by the track.
Drilbur [m]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 1, Sandile, Flaaffy, Bronzor, Ferrothorn, Dawn Stone
Current Location: Roller Coaster (inside)
Partner Pokemon: Growlithe
[For some reason I recall the Sandile holding a Mind Plate, but I guess not.]
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GODofFLAME howling, you barely manage to toss a Poke Ball at the Ferrothorn before you whiz over the tracks it had been on. Finally, it's over, but before you get out of the passenger car a Drilbur pops out of the bushes by the track.
Drilbur [m]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 1, Sandile, Flaaffy, Bronzor, Ferrothorn, Dawn Stone
Current Location: Roller Coaster (inside)
Partner Pokemon: Growlithe
[For some reason I recall the Sandile holding a Mind Plate, but I guess not.]

(Nope. I don't remember a Mind Plate)
I ignore. I need some space for the ride exclusives
...Would you change your mind if I said you're getting off after this Pokemon (which you are)?
Okay... done!
You're warped back to the entrance of the Park, where you hurriedly exit with your Pokemon and items. Your inventory at time of departure is: Sandile (m), Flaaffy (m), Bronzor (x), Ferrothorn (f), Drilbur (m), Dawn Stone. These Pokemon and items are now valid and have been transferred to your PC.

We hope you can find the time to visit us again! *wink*
Okay... done!
You're warped back to the entrance of the Park, where you hurriedly exit with your Pokemon and items. Your inventory at time of departure is: Sandile (m), Flaaffy (m), Bronzor (x), Ferrothorn (f), Drilbur (m), Dawn Stone. These Pokemon and items are now valid and have been transferred to your PC.

We hope you can find the time to visit us again! *wink*

Oh yay. That was unexpected. =P Well, goodbye whatever cool Pokemon eluded my presence! *waves*
You leave the Mienfoo alone, continuing in search of a different Pokemon. You see strange writing on the wall in front of you, and a Y peels off...
Unown-Y [x]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 5
Current Location: Fun House
Partner Pokemon: None

Well, ok. I'll take it.
I'm introducing a new thing called the Encounter Counter, which counts the number of Pokemon you've encountered (not necessarily caught.) When it reaches 5, you're given the choice to get on the ride. At 7, if you're on the ride, you'll have to get off. (It's always been like that, but I'm just changing it to make it easier for you to see when you're going to get on and off the ride.
You toss a Poke Ball at the hovering Unown-Y. As you continue onwards, a pale ghost-light flickers in mid-path, and you realise it's a Lampent.
Lampent [f]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 4, unown-y
Current Location: Fun House
Partner Pokemon: None
Encounter Counter: 3
You catch the lamp, heading onwards. Peering through the dense fog, you realise you're closer to the Fun House than you think! Something flies over your head-- are those sunglasses?
Sneasel [f]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 3, unown-y, lampent
Current Location: Fun House
Partner Pokemon: None
Encounter Counter: 4

[What is with me and Pokemon flying over heads ;;
Also, sunglasses-wearing Sneasel! Nice :sunglasses:]
oh darn I thought I posted here
Do I stop running into Pokemon if I get on the ride? If so, no
If I'd still find Pokemon, then sure
You catch the lamp, heading onwards. Peering through the dense fog, you realise you're closer to the Fun House than you think! Something flies over your head-- are those sunglasses?
Sneasel [f]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 3, unown-y, lampent
Current Location: Fun House
Partner Pokemon: None
Encounter Counter: 4

[What is with me and Pokemon flying over heads ;;
Also, sunglasses-wearing Sneasel! Nice :sunglasses:]

I'll catch her. ^^
You get on the Ferris Wheel and examine the interior of the car. There are comfortable seats as well as two mysterious buttons... and a Pelipper.
Pelipper [f]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 2, Poliwag, Tranquill, Rattata, Insect Plate
Current Location: Ferris Wheel (inside)
Partner Pokemon: None
Encounter Counter: 6

You catch the Sneasel, taking her Darkglasses. You continue onwards to see a Meditite holding a ball of yarn and meditating in the middle of the road.
Meditite [m]
[Catch/Ignore/Take Item]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 2, Unown-Y, Lampent, Sneasel, Darkglasses
Current Location: Fun House
Partner Pokemon: None
Encounter Counter: 5
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