Erif magical
K, so a couple of days back, while I was lurking in the video game sections, and seeing all the "Favorite ____" threads, I thought there should be a "Best ______" thread. SO, I took the liberty of making a Top Villains thread. Obviously, this is a list of the Top Ten Villains of all time, where you can recommend me bad peoplez- who are bad and amazingly tough bosses- and I'll decide if they deserve a spot and where they should be placed. Note, that I said TOP, not FAVORITE. I don't want people giving me any really cliché villains that aren't "Top Ten" material, nor do I want villains just cause you're a fanboy. You need to give me a good reason why they should be put up here, too (not just oMg Sephy FTW!1!!11!). AND BTW, don’t make a top ten heroes list, I’m gonna do that.
Did that make sense?
ALSO, IMPORTANT NOTE. There are going to be SPOILERS, so just a heads up. I want people warn or use spoiler tags before you start spoiling the plot in your post, mmkay?
Things to keep in mind when thinking of a villain for the list:
Redd is pure evil, mang. He makes you struggle to join his Red-tent club, just so he can sell you overpriced furniture! Tom is the epitome of all evil, him and his damn mortgage loans! These furry friends can make GNARville turn to GASHville.
"S" and "Z" shaped tetrominoes - Tetris
Bowser - Super Mario
"Don't fuck with the REAL cru-"
#1. Luca Blight - Suikoden II
"Hoohoohahahaha! Listen, Riou! It took hundred to kill me, but I killed humans by the thousands! Look at me! I am sublime! I am the true face of evil!" - Luca Blight
I know a lot of you are going "Luca Blight? Who the fuck is Luca Blight? WHERE'S MY SEPHY AND BOWSORZ!?!?!" right now, and I understand that. Not a very popular game. But let me tell you, this guy is an insanely awesome bad guy. Let me start off with a little back story; when he was a kid, he was traveling with his mother and father after a ceremony, and was attacked by bandits who were hired by an enemy nation. His father escaped (ran away like a little bitch), to get help, leaving his family instead of trying to defend them himself. Young Luca was forced to watch his mother get raped (which put her in a traumatized state), and that forever burned his mind, leaving him raged at Jowston (the people who hired the bandits), at his father, whom he eventually killed, and everything else in general. So after that, when he was TEN (emphasize), he formed a group to go and help him massacre the bandits. Already you can infer that this kid is going to be fuckin' monster. So, later he grows up, he plans to destroy Jowston, so he frames them for the slaughtering their Youth Army, when in reality Luca killed them HIMSELF. Yes, he and his army killed hundreds of children of their own nation to start an all-out war. Luca is just kill kill kill kill kill. He poisons his father, threatens to strangle his sister, sacrifices a whole town to further power a little toy of his... He can never satisfy his bloodlust, and it's all out of his hatred of that one event in his childhood. Then there’s that matter of his strength. This man is very big, and, oh yam very buff. What I loved about him is that he didn't any "final forms ooh", just a really, really powerful human who- unlike most kings or leaders of nations- actually fought front-line in his battles rather than having his army do all the dirty work. And was probably the strongest soldier in his army. Then there was his death, which by far more legendary than Rayquaza. :P
Luca was ambushed by his enemies' strongest soldiers, the heroes of the story, at night, with only a small amount of soldiers with him. All his men died, and he was shot multiple times with arrows, but he still wouldn't go down without a fight. He took out three parties of six, and then went up against the main team, but lost. He ran away, eventually stopping, backed up to a tree, and was shot again by multiple archers, but he still wasn't out. Then you had to go one on one with this motha fucka, and he finally fell down to the ground dead. But not before saying that awesome quote shown above.
That's the power of Luca Blight, bish. This guy was almost unstoppable, because the ambush was an act of betrayal. If Jowy never intervened, Luca would still be in action and killing some peaceful village, winning the war. THE POWERZ OF LUCA!!1!!111!
#1 Kefka Palazzo - Final Fantasy VI
"Hee hee! Nothing can beat the music of hundreds of voices screaming in unison!" - Kefka
How could you make someone so psychopathic, so purely evil, Square Enix? Here we have Kefka, who is trademarked for his maniacal laugh, who would wipe his ass with Sephiroth. He loses all sanity after a few years of being experimented on, and, as a result of that, joyfully kills and commits countless crimes because of his abuse of his early life, one of his worst poisoning a whole water supply, killing a whole castle's population. His madness drives him constantly for power (btw, he's crazy strong, once took on a whole blast of Espers. And have you seen his final form? It's incredibly intimidating), finally becoming so powerful he earns the title of "God". That just gives me chills. We have here, a merciless lunatic, being so powerful here can earn the title of God. Even though his cause is kinda cliché for villainy (If I can't rule the world, I'll destroy it!), it's different, because Kefka baby can rule the world, he just hates it so much he doesn't want to. That's right, just cause this crazy nigga doesn't want to. As you may already know, in most games the heroes defeat their antagonist before he can take over the world, destroy it, blah blah blah etc. But Kefka actually fulfills his dreams of becoming a dominant ruler of everything, striking down all who oppose him with his might Light of Judgement on the top of a tower named after him. <3 It's great, Square Enix, you've wowed me with you're genius once again. And please, don't tell me you don't see something wrong with him in that picture. If you don't, you need help too.
#2 Ridley - Metroid
"Kill as much as you want! Have fun!" - Ridely
Wow, one of my all time favorite villains, EVAR. I'ma gonna start with his strength; first off, he's always a complete bitch to beat. Srsly, when you fight him in Zero Mission, it's impossible to take him down without being grabbed and tail whipped and fireballed and shit. Fusion was even harder, because he died slower and had stronger and better attacks. The only skill you really needed to fight him with is jump fast and PRESS SH00T BUTTON RITE NAO!1!1! That's what you do; shoot the shit out of him till he dies, and try to hop out of the way during attacks. He's also pretty hard in the Prime series, 'specially Omega Ridely. This is won tough motha lizard (lol, I made a joke). Oh ya, and, plot wise, he cannot die. Literally. His regenerative abilities don't allow it. When you first killed him in Metroid, you thought, well that was easy, but then he comes and stabs Samus in the ass again and again. Cannot. Die. He always has some new crazy form, like Meta and Omega Ridley. That's something I really like about him. And well, why is he such a cool villain? He's a pirate! Sailin' teh ol' seven galaxies to pillage and plunder... OK, that’s a bad reason. He commits crimes for his own selfish need; he’s not trying to rule the world or destroy mankind or anything. He and his pirate buddies bred the deadliest organism in the universe - Metroids, and, even though the Galactic Federation tried to stop him, he was too powerful, and has proven to be too strong for the Galactic Federation. Another thing I think that makes him the top is his that he’s Samus’ perfect nemesis. After he killed her two parents, the Chozo raised her as their own. But the he comes and wipes them out too. Of course, Samus is the only one who can bring the over-sized bird down. But he always comes back to life, and it's a never ending cycle for the heroin. Amazingly, he proves to be the best one on one match up against Sam, other than Dark Samus/SA-X.
An overall bonified badass.
#3 Ganondorf – The Legend of Zelda
Quote - In pending
In pending - I'm too lazy to do this right now, fuck, leave me alone.
#4 Dhaos - Tales of Phantasia
"Heh heh... Hahaha! You think I'm just trying to protect the environment? Do I look like a tree-huger to you? I need the power of Mana for my own purposes, and that's all there is to it!"
- Dhaos
Look at his picture and quote. NOW. Freakin' schmexy, amirite? <3 Anyway, one of my all time favorite villains, and I would put him higher up, but... he doesn't really deserve it. I'm gonna start with his difficulty. Next to his epic death (like Luca's), he is really hard. He's not impossible, but still, kinda aggravating. First off, you fight him five times. Now, the first two times you fight him he's not that difficult, and neither is he the third time, as long as you know what you're doing. Then, for the fourth time, he turns into a freaking monster, and if you make a small mistake, you could be in deep shit. His magic casting is incredibly fast, powerful spells and attacks. He also has some attacks that take no casting time and will just screw you up bad if you let him get them in. Plus it seems like forever to beat this thing. Still, recovering from a spell isn't that hard, and he stands in one place, so that makes it easier. But then there's the REAL monster, Plume Dhaos, his final form. Basically, Yggdrasil from Tales of Symphonia ripped him off, cause he looks exactly like him. What makes him hard: He flies all over the place, making it really hard to cast spells and keep him in one place; his casting time is literally 2 seconds or less, and he casts them way more often than the monster tries to; he sexiness blinds you lol; really hardcore regular attacks, LIEK DHAOS LAZOR AND DHAOS RAYZARR!111!1! (really intense, scary attack). This man is menacing. You have to keep him in the corner, which is kinda hard (good recovery time), and making a mistake could cost you dearly. I haven't played it, but on the PS1 version on Mania Mode=complete wipe-out. And the song playing for this battle is fucking ownage, listening to it now. =D
If you haven't finished this game, please don't read on. Seriously, wouldn't want to spoil such an epic ending. OK, so what I really liked about Dhaos was, his reasoning behind villainy. The Mana Seed, which controlled the world's mana flow, of his world was somehow dying, and he came to the human world because he needed a new one. But keep in mind; he wasn't going to take Aselia's Seed away. No, he was trying to produce his own, by storing up a large amount of mana inside the Yggdrasil tree. Then things went wrong. Aselia was going through an umm... technological age, and they were building machinery that had to be powered by mana. This is magitech, and they needed to harness large amounts of mana for it to work. But, little did the people know, that they were killing the tree Yggdrasil, and with it that Mana Seed, and with THAT everything that was produced by mana; magic and much more. That's why there was no magic in the future, and the tree was withered and dead (Quick summary: Dhaos came to Aselia in the past, and four different heroes stepped forward to seal him away. They did - well, they were close enough - and Dhaos was sealed for 100 years until this nig named Mars came and freed them, hoping for "power" [meaning the boy got smoked like bacon by Dhaos]. So Dhaos goes back into the past, and the heroes follow him, mmkay?). That created problems for D-Man, since they were taking away mana faster than he could produce it. So then he went on to become tyrant, controlling a horde of monsters and set out to destroy or kill anything that had to contribute to Magitech. Then, when he escaped into the future after being defeated by the heroes, the world was practically inhabited by Magitech, so he thought the only solution was to kill everyone. Really, this guy was evil. He was intending to kill the whole world's population until stopped, and even then it was all for “selfish” need. But, in retrospect, if you think about, he was actually helping Aselia out. With the Magitech, there would eventually no mana flowing through the world, destroying its wonders like magic and Summoning, and the altogether existence of mana. Destroying Magitech would be the right thing, but humans were too blind to see that. Dhaos, after being defeated by the heroes, told his story to them, and were burdened with a great deal of guilt. Everyone pictured him as a ruthless tyrant, and he did fit that image well, but after hearing his back story the heroes realized that he was trying to save his world, and ignorant humans were there to mess that up. They had doomed his world. But the fact that Dhaos made them regret everything in the end, that alone is a great feat to accomplish as a villain. The feeling that the truly didn't win.
^Wow that's long. ^^ Well, I'm hoping that was a good explanation because it took a damn long time, and I've been listening to the song that plays during the final battle the whole time. D= Also, I couldn't find a pic of Plume Dhaos, so I leave you with this (Isn't it schmexy? <3)
#5 Wesker - Resident Evil
"Uroboros will be relased into the atmosphere ensuring complete global... saturation."" - Wesker
I haven't played this game, but I've heard enough to know this man is pretty evil. Wesker is a cold, heartless superhuman genius, who abandoned his teammates when they needed him the MOST shooting infected zombies. But that's not all. Wesker bby was one of the causes of the virus. He actually experimented with the virus, himself as the experimentee, and become even less human (and stronger) than he already was. He did all this, to recreate the world in his own, twisted little image. A manipulative, corporate jackass.
#6 Nergal - Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword
Couldn't find a good quote so... ya. Fuck it.
Ahh, Nergal, the main antagonist of Fire Emblem. This man was one of those "good guys gone bad", completely consumed by evil and the lust for power. I had trouble deciding if I should put Ashnard from Path of Radiance(I still can), but I thought Nergal made a a better power-crazed villain. In the world of Fire Emblem, dragons and humans used to live in harmony. But that didn't last for long, for the dragons and man had started to have disputes, and that's how the war called "The Scouring" occurred. When all hope was lost, seven heroes stepped forward and forced dragons into another realm. Awhile after that, Athos, one of the seven heroes (who like lives forever for some reason), met Nergal, and they quickly became friends. They then discovered a small village called Arcadia, and in their shock, dragons and mankind were coexisting together. They settled their for hundreds of years (told ya, lives forever), but they started to drift apart. Nergal discovered a magic that could take the "quintessence", or "life", away from something living. He started experimenting and animals, graduating to using humans. When Athos found out, they banished him from the village. He was still out there, though, building up his power to, of course, rule Lycia. Although, his first reason for turning to dark magic was to open the Dragon's Gate (which basically separate's the dragon realm from the human world) and try to rescue his to children, Ninian and Nils, after he sent them there for protection. Afterwards, though, he forgot what his main purpose was, and just tried to use them for his selfish wants for power. Nergal's goal was to call dragons to the human world and then control them with the vast amounts of quintessence he stored. To get enough, he created creatures called "morphs"- human like figures with freaky golden eyes and dark blue/black hair- to kill important, powerful people and gather energy. He took control of a noble assassination organization, who would only target power-hungry fools and unjust lords, by having one of his sexy, big breasted morphs marry the leader of the group(Click for links). He also had a morph trick a powerful king of a powerful nation to conquer neighboring kingdoms, promising him power in return. Nergal almost practically had the continent under his grasp, but he was blinded by power, and that led to his end.
#7 Lavos - Chrono Trigger
Lavos! An freaky alien parasite-slash-monster from outer space comes from the past, intending to take over your planet, and what do you do? You gather the group who made and drew Dragonball Z and mix them with a bunch of video game designers and script writers, that's what! Lol, is it just me, or does this game look like "Dragon Ball Z meets medieval RPG"? Amirite or amirite? Well, anyway, Lavos only intention was to drain planets of their energy so he could make himself Mini-Lavos spawns. No reasoning. Prolly just cause the thing's alien, but ya. Kinda scary. Imagine our own world suddenly being attack by thousands of small alien parasites, killing everyone and eventually destroying Earth. Weird, right?
#8 TBA
#9 TBA
#10 Gary/Blue Oak – Pokemon Blue/Red/Green
"Smell ya!"
- Gary
Well, actually, I was planning on putting this as a joke, but I changed my mind. This is a Pokemon forums, amirite? But yeah. He taunted you. He was always a step ahead of you. He became the best trainer in the region before you did, you matter how fast you were. Face it: Gary is one badass motha fucka. Smell ya later.
Others I don’t know –
Kuja- I dunno, haven’t finished the game yet.
Sephy- Lol, does he deserve a spot here? I’m not sure.
GLaDOS- I’m unfamiliar with this game. Some people at another forums thought he should of been on the list. Y/N?
Tales- I know Blazing Heart’s is gonna come up in here and start complaining that there aren’t any enough bad guys from Tales games here (lol), but I only know three. Any more I should be aware of?
Wolf- Y/N?
ALSO, I might make this list fifteen, I dunno. If you want to add to the list, switch up numbers or switch somebody out, tell me now.
Did that make sense?
ALSO, IMPORTANT NOTE. There are going to be SPOILERS, so just a heads up. I want people warn or use spoiler tags before you start spoiling the plot in your post, mmkay?
Things to keep in mind when thinking of a villain for the list:
Let's do it!11!111!1. Outright evil. Not necessarily well-justified, but cruelty, devilry, deceit, and all other things that just make us hate them even more.
2. Compelling. A villain driven by some alterior purpose - a character with the strength of will that would match a hero's, thrown into circumstances requiring drastic actions, and thus driven to dark works somehow against his better - or at least, not necessarily evil - nature. We might even sympathize, thus making our last stand against him all the more soul-wrenching.
3. Intimidation. If you've ever looked at a last boss's final form (you know, the 3rd one that usually appears eventually after you fight him normal and then slightly beefier) and thought, "Jesus, what can I do against THAT?" then you know what I mean. If a villain has ever caused your mouth to involuntarily form the words "oh shit", then you know intimidation. If you shiver when you hear the sound at 0:22 in this video, then you know intimidation.

Redd is pure evil, mang. He makes you struggle to join his Red-tent club, just so he can sell you overpriced furniture! Tom is the epitome of all evil, him and his damn mortgage loans! These furry friends can make GNARville turn to GASHville.
"S" and "Z" shaped tetrominoes - Tetris

Bowser - Super Mario

"Don't fuck with the REAL cru-"
#1. Luca Blight - Suikoden II

"Hoohoohahahaha! Listen, Riou! It took hundred to kill me, but I killed humans by the thousands! Look at me! I am sublime! I am the true face of evil!" - Luca Blight
I know a lot of you are going "Luca Blight? Who the fuck is Luca Blight? WHERE'S MY SEPHY AND BOWSORZ!?!?!" right now, and I understand that. Not a very popular game. But let me tell you, this guy is an insanely awesome bad guy. Let me start off with a little back story; when he was a kid, he was traveling with his mother and father after a ceremony, and was attacked by bandits who were hired by an enemy nation. His father escaped (ran away like a little bitch), to get help, leaving his family instead of trying to defend them himself. Young Luca was forced to watch his mother get raped (which put her in a traumatized state), and that forever burned his mind, leaving him raged at Jowston (the people who hired the bandits), at his father, whom he eventually killed, and everything else in general. So after that, when he was TEN (emphasize), he formed a group to go and help him massacre the bandits. Already you can infer that this kid is going to be fuckin' monster. So, later he grows up, he plans to destroy Jowston, so he frames them for the slaughtering their Youth Army, when in reality Luca killed them HIMSELF. Yes, he and his army killed hundreds of children of their own nation to start an all-out war. Luca is just kill kill kill kill kill. He poisons his father, threatens to strangle his sister, sacrifices a whole town to further power a little toy of his... He can never satisfy his bloodlust, and it's all out of his hatred of that one event in his childhood. Then there’s that matter of his strength. This man is very big, and, oh yam very buff. What I loved about him is that he didn't any "final forms ooh", just a really, really powerful human who- unlike most kings or leaders of nations- actually fought front-line in his battles rather than having his army do all the dirty work. And was probably the strongest soldier in his army. Then there was his death, which by far more legendary than Rayquaza. :P
Luca was ambushed by his enemies' strongest soldiers, the heroes of the story, at night, with only a small amount of soldiers with him. All his men died, and he was shot multiple times with arrows, but he still wouldn't go down without a fight. He took out three parties of six, and then went up against the main team, but lost. He ran away, eventually stopping, backed up to a tree, and was shot again by multiple archers, but he still wasn't out. Then you had to go one on one with this motha fucka, and he finally fell down to the ground dead. But not before saying that awesome quote shown above.
That's the power of Luca Blight, bish. This guy was almost unstoppable, because the ambush was an act of betrayal. If Jowy never intervened, Luca would still be in action and killing some peaceful village, winning the war. THE POWERZ OF LUCA!!1!!111!
#1 Kefka Palazzo - Final Fantasy VI

"Hee hee! Nothing can beat the music of hundreds of voices screaming in unison!" - Kefka
How could you make someone so psychopathic, so purely evil, Square Enix? Here we have Kefka, who is trademarked for his maniacal laugh, who would wipe his ass with Sephiroth. He loses all sanity after a few years of being experimented on, and, as a result of that, joyfully kills and commits countless crimes because of his abuse of his early life, one of his worst poisoning a whole water supply, killing a whole castle's population. His madness drives him constantly for power (btw, he's crazy strong, once took on a whole blast of Espers. And have you seen his final form? It's incredibly intimidating), finally becoming so powerful he earns the title of "God". That just gives me chills. We have here, a merciless lunatic, being so powerful here can earn the title of God. Even though his cause is kinda cliché for villainy (If I can't rule the world, I'll destroy it!), it's different, because Kefka baby can rule the world, he just hates it so much he doesn't want to. That's right, just cause this crazy nigga doesn't want to. As you may already know, in most games the heroes defeat their antagonist before he can take over the world, destroy it, blah blah blah etc. But Kefka actually fulfills his dreams of becoming a dominant ruler of everything, striking down all who oppose him with his might Light of Judgement on the top of a tower named after him. <3 It's great, Square Enix, you've wowed me with you're genius once again. And please, don't tell me you don't see something wrong with him in that picture. If you don't, you need help too.
#2 Ridley - Metroid

"Kill as much as you want! Have fun!" - Ridely
Wow, one of my all time favorite villains, EVAR. I'ma gonna start with his strength; first off, he's always a complete bitch to beat. Srsly, when you fight him in Zero Mission, it's impossible to take him down without being grabbed and tail whipped and fireballed and shit. Fusion was even harder, because he died slower and had stronger and better attacks. The only skill you really needed to fight him with is jump fast and PRESS SH00T BUTTON RITE NAO!1!1! That's what you do; shoot the shit out of him till he dies, and try to hop out of the way during attacks. He's also pretty hard in the Prime series, 'specially Omega Ridely. This is won tough motha lizard (lol, I made a joke). Oh ya, and, plot wise, he cannot die. Literally. His regenerative abilities don't allow it. When you first killed him in Metroid, you thought, well that was easy, but then he comes and stabs Samus in the ass again and again. Cannot. Die. He always has some new crazy form, like Meta and Omega Ridley. That's something I really like about him. And well, why is he such a cool villain? He's a pirate! Sailin' teh ol' seven galaxies to pillage and plunder... OK, that’s a bad reason. He commits crimes for his own selfish need; he’s not trying to rule the world or destroy mankind or anything. He and his pirate buddies bred the deadliest organism in the universe - Metroids, and, even though the Galactic Federation tried to stop him, he was too powerful, and has proven to be too strong for the Galactic Federation. Another thing I think that makes him the top is his that he’s Samus’ perfect nemesis. After he killed her two parents, the Chozo raised her as their own. But the he comes and wipes them out too. Of course, Samus is the only one who can bring the over-sized bird down. But he always comes back to life, and it's a never ending cycle for the heroin. Amazingly, he proves to be the best one on one match up against Sam, other than Dark Samus/SA-X.
An overall bonified badass.
#3 Ganondorf – The Legend of Zelda

Quote - In pending
In pending - I'm too lazy to do this right now, fuck, leave me alone.
#4 Dhaos - Tales of Phantasia

"Heh heh... Hahaha! You think I'm just trying to protect the environment? Do I look like a tree-huger to you? I need the power of Mana for my own purposes, and that's all there is to it!"
- Dhaos
Look at his picture and quote. NOW. Freakin' schmexy, amirite? <3 Anyway, one of my all time favorite villains, and I would put him higher up, but... he doesn't really deserve it. I'm gonna start with his difficulty. Next to his epic death (like Luca's), he is really hard. He's not impossible, but still, kinda aggravating. First off, you fight him five times. Now, the first two times you fight him he's not that difficult, and neither is he the third time, as long as you know what you're doing. Then, for the fourth time, he turns into a freaking monster, and if you make a small mistake, you could be in deep shit. His magic casting is incredibly fast, powerful spells and attacks. He also has some attacks that take no casting time and will just screw you up bad if you let him get them in. Plus it seems like forever to beat this thing. Still, recovering from a spell isn't that hard, and he stands in one place, so that makes it easier. But then there's the REAL monster, Plume Dhaos, his final form. Basically, Yggdrasil from Tales of Symphonia ripped him off, cause he looks exactly like him. What makes him hard: He flies all over the place, making it really hard to cast spells and keep him in one place; his casting time is literally 2 seconds or less, and he casts them way more often than the monster tries to; he sexiness blinds you lol; really hardcore regular attacks, LIEK DHAOS LAZOR AND DHAOS RAYZARR!111!1! (really intense, scary attack). This man is menacing. You have to keep him in the corner, which is kinda hard (good recovery time), and making a mistake could cost you dearly. I haven't played it, but on the PS1 version on Mania Mode=complete wipe-out. And the song playing for this battle is fucking ownage, listening to it now. =D
If you haven't finished this game, please don't read on. Seriously, wouldn't want to spoil such an epic ending. OK, so what I really liked about Dhaos was, his reasoning behind villainy. The Mana Seed, which controlled the world's mana flow, of his world was somehow dying, and he came to the human world because he needed a new one. But keep in mind; he wasn't going to take Aselia's Seed away. No, he was trying to produce his own, by storing up a large amount of mana inside the Yggdrasil tree. Then things went wrong. Aselia was going through an umm... technological age, and they were building machinery that had to be powered by mana. This is magitech, and they needed to harness large amounts of mana for it to work. But, little did the people know, that they were killing the tree Yggdrasil, and with it that Mana Seed, and with THAT everything that was produced by mana; magic and much more. That's why there was no magic in the future, and the tree was withered and dead (Quick summary: Dhaos came to Aselia in the past, and four different heroes stepped forward to seal him away. They did - well, they were close enough - and Dhaos was sealed for 100 years until this nig named Mars came and freed them, hoping for "power" [meaning the boy got smoked like bacon by Dhaos]. So Dhaos goes back into the past, and the heroes follow him, mmkay?). That created problems for D-Man, since they were taking away mana faster than he could produce it. So then he went on to become tyrant, controlling a horde of monsters and set out to destroy or kill anything that had to contribute to Magitech. Then, when he escaped into the future after being defeated by the heroes, the world was practically inhabited by Magitech, so he thought the only solution was to kill everyone. Really, this guy was evil. He was intending to kill the whole world's population until stopped, and even then it was all for “selfish” need. But, in retrospect, if you think about, he was actually helping Aselia out. With the Magitech, there would eventually no mana flowing through the world, destroying its wonders like magic and Summoning, and the altogether existence of mana. Destroying Magitech would be the right thing, but humans were too blind to see that. Dhaos, after being defeated by the heroes, told his story to them, and were burdened with a great deal of guilt. Everyone pictured him as a ruthless tyrant, and he did fit that image well, but after hearing his back story the heroes realized that he was trying to save his world, and ignorant humans were there to mess that up. They had doomed his world. But the fact that Dhaos made them regret everything in the end, that alone is a great feat to accomplish as a villain. The feeling that the truly didn't win.
^Wow that's long. ^^ Well, I'm hoping that was a good explanation because it took a damn long time, and I've been listening to the song that plays during the final battle the whole time. D= Also, I couldn't find a pic of Plume Dhaos, so I leave you with this (Isn't it schmexy? <3)

#5 Wesker - Resident Evil

"Uroboros will be relased into the atmosphere ensuring complete global... saturation."" - Wesker
I haven't played this game, but I've heard enough to know this man is pretty evil. Wesker is a cold, heartless superhuman genius, who abandoned his teammates when they needed him the MOST shooting infected zombies. But that's not all. Wesker bby was one of the causes of the virus. He actually experimented with the virus, himself as the experimentee, and become even less human (and stronger) than he already was. He did all this, to recreate the world in his own, twisted little image. A manipulative, corporate jackass.
#6 Nergal - Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword

Couldn't find a good quote so... ya. Fuck it.
Ahh, Nergal, the main antagonist of Fire Emblem. This man was one of those "good guys gone bad", completely consumed by evil and the lust for power. I had trouble deciding if I should put Ashnard from Path of Radiance(I still can), but I thought Nergal made a a better power-crazed villain. In the world of Fire Emblem, dragons and humans used to live in harmony. But that didn't last for long, for the dragons and man had started to have disputes, and that's how the war called "The Scouring" occurred. When all hope was lost, seven heroes stepped forward and forced dragons into another realm. Awhile after that, Athos, one of the seven heroes (who like lives forever for some reason), met Nergal, and they quickly became friends. They then discovered a small village called Arcadia, and in their shock, dragons and mankind were coexisting together. They settled their for hundreds of years (told ya, lives forever), but they started to drift apart. Nergal discovered a magic that could take the "quintessence", or "life", away from something living. He started experimenting and animals, graduating to using humans. When Athos found out, they banished him from the village. He was still out there, though, building up his power to, of course, rule Lycia. Although, his first reason for turning to dark magic was to open the Dragon's Gate (which basically separate's the dragon realm from the human world) and try to rescue his to children, Ninian and Nils, after he sent them there for protection. Afterwards, though, he forgot what his main purpose was, and just tried to use them for his selfish wants for power. Nergal's goal was to call dragons to the human world and then control them with the vast amounts of quintessence he stored. To get enough, he created creatures called "morphs"- human like figures with freaky golden eyes and dark blue/black hair- to kill important, powerful people and gather energy. He took control of a noble assassination organization, who would only target power-hungry fools and unjust lords, by having one of his sexy, big breasted morphs marry the leader of the group(Click for links). He also had a morph trick a powerful king of a powerful nation to conquer neighboring kingdoms, promising him power in return. Nergal almost practically had the continent under his grasp, but he was blinded by power, and that led to his end.
#7 Lavos - Chrono Trigger

Lavos! An freaky alien parasite-slash-monster from outer space comes from the past, intending to take over your planet, and what do you do? You gather the group who made and drew Dragonball Z and mix them with a bunch of video game designers and script writers, that's what! Lol, is it just me, or does this game look like "Dragon Ball Z meets medieval RPG"? Amirite or amirite? Well, anyway, Lavos only intention was to drain planets of their energy so he could make himself Mini-Lavos spawns. No reasoning. Prolly just cause the thing's alien, but ya. Kinda scary. Imagine our own world suddenly being attack by thousands of small alien parasites, killing everyone and eventually destroying Earth. Weird, right?
#8 TBA
#9 TBA
#10 Gary/Blue Oak – Pokemon Blue/Red/Green

"Smell ya!"
- Gary
Well, actually, I was planning on putting this as a joke, but I changed my mind. This is a Pokemon forums, amirite? But yeah. He taunted you. He was always a step ahead of you. He became the best trainer in the region before you did, you matter how fast you were. Face it: Gary is one badass motha fucka. Smell ya later.
Others I don’t know –
Kuja- I dunno, haven’t finished the game yet.
Sephy- Lol, does he deserve a spot here? I’m not sure.
GLaDOS- I’m unfamiliar with this game. Some people at another forums thought he should of been on the list. Y/N?
Tales- I know Blazing Heart’s is gonna come up in here and start complaining that there aren’t any enough bad guys from Tales games here (lol), but I only know three. Any more I should be aware of?
Wolf- Y/N?
ALSO, I might make this list fifteen, I dunno. If you want to add to the list, switch up numbers or switch somebody out, tell me now.
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