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Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Lobby

"I'll be fine, Clover. Like I said, you don't have to worry about me." Felin smiled reassuringly and flicked her tail side to side. She began to walk out of the reception and gestured for Clover to follow.

"I just need to pick a few jobs off that board to keep me busy while I heal back to my pristine strength." She paused and nibbled the side of her waist covered by bandages. It had begun to itch on its own. Bothersome indeed. She pulled her face back and glanced at Clover.

"Do you find battle wrong because those who do it get hurt?" Felin asked. "No one battles for sport because they enjoy the wounds that can come with it. Then again a wicked scar can be a symbol of pride to some."
"Oh, battles can be really fun to watch! And song what people and Pokémon can learn to do with their moves is super cool! I just don't like battling myself." Clover frowned. "Most moves I can learn make me feel icky. I want to make Pokémon happy, not give them nightmares!"

She forced a smile back on her face and blepped a little. "Really, I was just worried that you wanted to start another fight when you've got more bandages than fur showing. If you're taking it easy today, then I think that's okay. I've never understood how fleshy Pokémon heal."
"Oh, battles can be really fun to watch! And song what people and Pokémon can learn to do with their moves is super cool! I just don't like battling myself." Clover frowned. "Most moves I can learn make me feel icky. I want to make Pokémon happy, not give them nightmares!"

"Something like Lick, Scary Face, Hypnosis, Nightmare... you know moves along those lines, don't you?" Felin asked, and she paused for a moment. "Not that I mean to stereotype. Just throwing out a guess there. Tricks are good to have in pocket, but you can always try more other moves if they'll put you more at ease, you know?"

She forced a smile back on her face and blepped a little. "Really, I was just worried that you wanted to start another fight when you've got more bandages than fur showing. If you're taking it easy today, then I think that's okay. I've never understood how fleshy Pokémon heal."

"Oh and don't worry about that either. As much as I enjoy a good challenge, I wouldn't start a fight unless I know I'm at my best." Felinflicked her ears with the rhythm of her chuckle. "Wounds heal much slower in this place, but I won't let that truly stop me."
"Something like Lick, Scary Face, Hypnosis, Nightmare... you know moves along those lines, don't you?"
Clover spoke very quietly. "More like Spite, Grudge, Hex... and Curse. Some Ghosts are straightforward and attack with ghostly energy. Shuppet and Banette aren't. Their moves make people suffer and scream as they die. I was never really welcome anywhere back home. Allowed, sure. But the moment anyone felt angry, I was forced out."

Clover's arms drooped and dragged in the dust as Clover sank. If her cloth body could cry, her eyes would be welling up with tears.

"But I don't know what we're even going to be doing here. Maybe I'll have to battle, burning and cursing and disabling other Pokémon that might not even know what they're doing."
Clover's mood deflating like a punctured qwilfish took Felin by surprise. She hastily reached her green paw, patting Clover on her bolbous head in an awkward motion. After Clover's distressed words seeped into Felin's ears, she extended her arm, wrapped it around the ghost and pulled her close.

"Clover, even if you think your powers are cruel can you say without a shadow of a doubt that they are?" Felin asked, her face brimming with a smile. "If you ask me, you have something special. Picture this scenario: A team of delvers lost in the woods and before them, a rampaging bouffalant."

She moved her free arm in a wave and wiggled her fingers as if she sprinkled dust in the air. "Bouffalant charge on and stampede all who dare stand in their path. These delvers are strong, yes, but their strikes only plink off the unstoppable giga impact."

"Now imagine they had you. Your spite can seal off the bull's giga impact, your curse can wittle down its strength and force it to flee. Worst case scenario, a simple grudge can buy the team time. In the end, your power would have saved those delvers."

Felin prodded a finger at Clover's chest, her ears fluttering as she grinned. "Most importantly, I do not fear you and you don't anger me in the slightest. I can always give you company should you be wanting."
"I think you can do the same thing with an electric attack, though. Almost all my powers come from fear, anger, and even hate, and then that power hurts in ways that Orans can't heal. I think there are other things Shuppet can learn, but it's not easy or natural for us to shoot ice beams. I think I can use knock off, but I never let myself get strong enough to try much that my species normally learns."
"I think you can do the same thing with an electric attack, though. Almost all my powers come from fear, anger, and even hate, and then that power hurts in ways that Orans can't heal.

"Aiyah! You're missing the point, my friend," Felin said, shaking her head and lifting a cloud of dust with a kick of her boot in faux frustration. "I'm trying to say that you shouldn't be afraid of what you have. A curse becomes a blessing if you work to be its master and not the other way around."

think there are other things Shuppet can learn, but it's not easy or natural for us to shoot ice beams. I think I can use knock off, but I never let myself get strong enough to try much that my species normally learns."

"Though you could also try new things and find what meets your fancy," admitted Felin. She let go of Clover and dropped back on all fours. "If you want, we can spar a bit every now and then. It sounds fun." Felin chuckled. "You can certainly count me in."
"I'm not sure you understand what ghosts are capable of..." Clover stopped herself. Why was she moping? She was Clover, the friendly therapy ghost, not one who scared people! She shook herself out, planted a smile her face, and bounced back to eye level to Felin.

"I'm sure I can learn something here, since we're supposed to get super strong or something. Let's try it!"
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Felin opened her mouth for a remark, but stilled her tongue and thought otherwise. If Clover wanted to walk skip past things then it's fine.

"Alright then. How about we go elsewhere and do some light sparring right now?" suggested Felin. "I'll just do my daily round of jobs later."
Clover looked at all the Pokémon running around on their errands. They'd probably get in trouble if they started a battle here.
"We probably shouldn't do here in town, though. Do you know a place?"
"I found an open spot during one of my scouting jobs," Felin said with a soft clap. "You're gonna love the view."

And with that, Felin led the way as they wove through the streets of Frontier town.


Felin brought them all the way out to the outskirts of Frontier Town. It was a quiet stretch of land dotted by pebbles and sparse shrubbery. It neither wowed or stole their breaths away with its view, but one could only ask for so much out in the desert outback.

"This place is pretty much clear of any wildeners that could be trouble," Fellin said, folding her arms and gazing off into the distance. "You should take the first strike. I'll put effort in dodging." She glanced at her bandaged body and snorted. "It's in my best interests too. I don't want to roughen myself up too much."
Clover hadn't actually left town yet, so seeing the dry landscape was a bit of a surprise. The sun was a lot hotter than her native Sinnoh, and it made her inner Ghost uncomfortable to be so exposed.

"Ready? Here I come!" Clover rushed at Felin with her horn pointing out, like a bull fighting a matador.
"Ole, that's the way!" Felin vaulted to the air like a loaded springboard as soon as Clover approached. She flew over the ghost with a grin, landed with a thump and aimed her paw to fire a quick flurry of leaves.
The leaves barely cut into Clover, but the elemental energy still stung. She spun around, her scarf flapping, and charged Felin again. This time, she reached out with a scarf-limb and tried to catch the Sprigatitio in an Ursarang hug.
"Sorry, Clover. I'm a bit hard to get!" Felin cracked a grin at her. Sparks arced and danced across her green fur and she leapt forward straight at the barrelling hug. Would Clover embrace and electrified kitty cat?
Felin gasped with alarm moments before touchdown with Clover. The shuppet wasn't going to dodge. She wasn't going to try, or she didn't know she should. There was no time for Felin to change maneuvers.

She heaved a gasp on contact, her boots propelled like rockets off her legs. At the same time, a powerful jolt would've shot up Clover's body like she'd made contact with a live wire.

"A shocking... twist, eh?" Felin said, though she winced from the recoil biting at her wounds. Not to mention Clover's clean hit on her. With a sudden lurch, she launched off Clover and put some distance between them. A smile plastered across her face as she darted for her boots.

Felin walked with a slight limp, but she looked proud. "You're picking up battle real quick, Clover!"
"I'll be more than glad to take you on for another round," Felin said with a snicker while sliding a foot back into her boot.

"Woo! That got my blood pumping. Say, do you drink?" she asked. "I think I'll hit the bar. Drinks will be on me if you come along."
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