• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Open True Dusk


(CREDIT to Kindling Queen for Rules Outline)
The Big No-Nos:
-No Flaming.
-No Godmodding.
-No character controlling, everyone is capable of typing for themselves.
-No posts can be less than two sentences.
-No pointless Double Posts (except me :3)
-Post at least once every 3 days please

What is Acceptable:
-You can build character relationships; Friendly rivalry, BFF, Master and Apprentice and Love Couples by pming the person you want a relationship with and then pming me with the approval of the other person
-You can use sprites in your form
-You can make your character have his own opinion in things even if it means turning the dispute into a bit of rough housing(fights are fun !)
-You can request through PM something else
-You can get graphic with the battles. Battles are fun :]
-BATTLE, random battles will happen , if you aren't here, you better hope that one of your friends has your back XD
Please Remember to...
-Follow the rules
-Let me know if you will be absent for a long or short period of time so that I don't kick you out.

Fill out this form if you want to join, friends

Pokemon: (must be non-legendary, non-rare (Mew Jirachi Rotom , whatn't )
Age: (your own age)
Other: (any special information you wish to include whether it be about where his/her name came from to the size of his/her feet)

My form:

Name: Big Z
Pokemon: Zangoose
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Personality: Cares about his friends, Loves to fight, Very Fast, He will get violent if he has to. Blood has the frenzy affect on him, except his friend's blood....he must protect his friends.

This will be a free-form RP with a rough outline. after Kindling posts, if she decides to, i will start the story.


use Italics for thoughts put ** after it.

flashbacks use comic sans
let's also turn off sigs. from now on, but i'll more than likely not be able to as i usually use my phone for this
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Name: Figaro
Pokemon: Jolteon
Gender: Male
Age: 7
Personality: Very calm and collected, likes to investigate and is very sly as well as untrustworthy. He acts upon his own thoughts and keeps to himself.
Other: His fur is orange.
Name: Eddany
Pokemon: Weavile
Gender: Female
Age: 18 (if she was human)
Personality: Strong-willed, blunt, and sarcastic, she's also pessimistic. She would be considered a 'bully' to some. She has a fear of water and Water-types(though she claims that both are annoying instead).
Other: She has blue-green eyes instead of red and the ability to foretell disasters in her dreams.
Recently, Big Z had been a very naughty Zangoose.

That's why the pack, didn't want him anymore.

He didn't do it on purpose.

You can't just let people take your family though...

I'm sure anyone else would have done the samething in my position...**
Z jumped from rock to rock as he crossed the stream, the early sunlight reflecting off the slick stones. Z stopped, *tkk* *tkk*

Had he heard that, or....

The slightly annoyed feline jumped as cool water lapped against her hind legs. Its' just the water...i hope
He continued on his way...any way....just not back there....never back there....

He wanted to go back, the thing is...he can't...

"Z-z-Z HELP!''
as Z rushed to the sound of Milkal's voice.

Big Z didn't feel so big anymore.

Z continued finally across the curse-ed cold water. *tss*
God DAMN that water is annoy-**

Z saw a flash of red as something zipped past him... right before he passed out.
Suddenly a flash left the Seviper in teir tracks before a orange figure stood before the Zangoose and a great force of electricity came out shocking each and every Seviper.

"Jolt!" he growled and snorted seeing his work was done.
slowly Z recovered conciousness, it was getting brighter.

"Z-zz-z-AN-GOOSE" ( Th-thank, you...ALOT!)
"Zan zan go?'' (why did you save me?)

Zangoose tried to get up, but he couldn't move.


yelled Big Z as he forced his muscles to work again

"zan, goose Za" (Next time, watch where your electricity goes)

Big Z didn't wait for the strange Jolteon to answer, he continued to walk in the direction he was going previously.

I hope he follows....i'm really lonely, and he's strong**
The orange Jolteon watched him as he started to go. He was alone....not natural for a Zangoose. They were Pokemon of packs. This aroused his interest.

Figaro crept after him quietly watching while hiding.
Name: Faang
Pokemon: Golbat
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Personality: Faang is irritable and impatient and bites when annoyed. He's a ferocious fighter, especially when he uses his fangs.
Other: ?
A Golbat was flying high overhead, staring down at the two Pokemon...

((by the way KQ the animation in your sig is so funny.... if only it was about two seconds longer.))
Eddany growled at the Zangoose and Jolteon. They were in her territory! This was where the Weavile lived, she didn't need two annoying other Pokemon to be in it. She crouched down behind the bush into a position to pounce, claws scraping the ground. Bunches the muscles in her legs together, she propelled herself into the air, her shadow appearing over the two others with a war-cry. "Weavile!" she screeched, her claws pointing straight down to the Zangoose and Jolteon she saw as enemies with her eyes an angry blue-green.
Mehwmew, do you mind if I reserve a spot? I'd like to be a Tyranitar but I'm not in the mood for a whole lot of typing right now.

Z slashed into the Jolteon's side.

"za zan" (sorry, ...)

Zangoose looked up and noticed the Golbat, "Another new one? "
...."Jolteon....I'm sorry, and i feel you need to know....There's a group of Zangoose, who really want to kill me... so if you're going to follow me...i need to know that you won't betray me....I wa-"

Big Z was cut off as a shining-white claw sliced across his ear, cutting the tip off.

"Weavile on your left Jolteon!"
Figaro's sears had been twitching listening to every little sound and had already noticed the Weavile. The fact that it attacked him made him grin. Figaro twisted his torso and countered with an Iron Tail.

"Jol-Jolt!" he smirked at the Weavile and eyed her challengingly.

(heehee, tis my boyfriend XD)
Zangoose barked a challenge towards the Golbat in the sky, recently Z had grown untrusting and he sliced upwards as hard as he could, knocking the Golbat out of the sky with a Razor Wind.
((Um.. I thought you said "no godmoding" in your first post, which is what you just did since I'm about seventy feet up.))

Faang didn't manage to dodge the Razor Wind (it was a WIND, how would he dodge it?), but recovered his flight a second later. He stayed high in the air, hoping not to be caught by the Pokemon's claws.
(( I didn't know that you were that high :\ ))
Zangoose growled his disapproval

stupid winged bloodsuckers...

Z focused his rage on the Weavile
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