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Open True Dusk

Eddany growled at the Zangoose. What was his business to tell the Jolteon that she was going to attack both of them. Why couldn't he just take care of himself?
As her claws clashed against his tail, now hardened, she landed on both feet, one paw on the ground to regain her balance.
The Weavile screeched agian as she charged towards the Jolteon. However, her eyes traveled to the Zangoose from the corners, widening a little as she saw his Razor Wind hit the Golbat so high up. Maybe she shouldn't think of him as a nusence just yet...
..Before he tried to bite her. Yup, the feeling that he was a nusence came back. Though she'd try to attack the smaller Eeveelution first before taking on a larger enemy.
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((uh, i don't know what to describe an Iron Tail like. i always imagined it like a tail becoming harder like iron))

Figaro reared on her and used Double Kick finding this Weavile a bore. He sent an electrical charge as his feet collided with the Weaviles body.
"woah, no need to murder it!"

"Maybe we should try asking it why it attacked us?"
Z looked up at the Golbat

Barking a curse, Eddany flew backwards from the force of the kick, along with the electrical charge that surged throughout her body. The shock of electricution sent adreniline pumping into her, causing her to be a tiny bit quicker when turning around to snarl at the Zangoose.
"It? Sorry if it seems hard to get it through your thick skull but I'm female," she growled, fur on end.
"And I attacked you because you've crossed the border line into my territory."
Figaro stretched and began to walk away. His steps were made quickly. He felt a storm on it's way and desired shelter for now.
Zangoose yelped and ducked the Weavile flying past him

"hey! Why are you attacking us?!"
Zangoose yelped as some of the electricity -still crackling on the Weavile- arched off the Weavile and stung his arm.
Faang swooped down and hung upside down from a nearby tree.

"I do not wish to eat you... usually there are other Pokemon to bite."
Faang nodded. "I didn't eat last night," he hissed, "So I'm looking for a meal even in the day. But I'd have more luck on a sleeping Raticate..." In about two minutes he was asleep on the branch.
She raised an eye, corners of her mouth turned down. "Eddany," was the only thing she said, paws on her hips making her resemble a stubborn teenager. She followed after the Zangoose, her eyes lifting up towards the sky. The dark clouds rolling in... she hoped the night would bring no disasterous dreams.
"Now you know my name, Zangoose. Tell me yours." The Weavile wasn't asking, she was demanding.
...Eddany...My name...was..Big Z, but i'd rather you called me whatever you wanted.

Z waited for Eddany to catch up, then stood close to her..and hesitantly almost reached for her paw...but instead jogged over to his home, "welcome..."
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