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Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [TOWN WIN]

Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Uhh... That doesn't sound very good. Although it does have a pretty amusing visual.

That just made it a lot riskier to vote, not that it wasn't risky before. Er, any thoughts?
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

... So Superbird is innocent, I presume? But hmm, that does sound upsettingly like an alien activation - if so then it's likely we have a vigilante. If they're innocent aligned they should probably Stop Doing That. Innocent-aligned vigilantes shooting on a whim isn't good for anyone! (Usually.) (Remembers her own Mafia game where the vigilante shot the don on night 0.)

I healed myself again, of course, but I probably should have gone with my gut and healed someone else :o( too late. I take it we didn't have any interesting inspection results (assuming Superbird as Drowzee wasn't, in fact, the inspector)?
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

If you're not in the game, please don't post. It's kind of annoying. :(
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

So the flavor text definitely seems to imply alien. Well, now you at least know that the alien isn't me. The question is... who is, and why were they activated?

Now, if a vigilante was involved, who did they target? There was this plan:
I actually had another plan, and that was having a vigilante target Tailsy tonight. If she's not lying, and really can heal herself, then there should be no problem, right? Of course, that plan depends on whether or not a vigilante is even in this game.
but I didn't think anyone was going through with it, and it seems a bit silly to assume that Tailsy could be an alien if she made herself out to be unkillable. (If she was alien, and not activated, she'd want the mafia to target her. Saying that she was the doctor and healing herself would only discourage the mafia from doing so.) So at this point I don't really suspect that possibility.

Maybe, of course, the vigilante just took a random shot? That's a pretty big risk to begin with, but even more so now that an alien is in play. I think maybe the vig should claim at this point, if possible.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

This is going to get me killed by the mafia.

I'm the, or at least one, vigilante, and I haven't targeted anyone due to lack of suspicion.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Sorry. Lots of school stuff.

Again, the POKéMON are thankful that no one has been released. However, the familiar sight of FEATHERs on the ground greets them.

No one has been released.
48 hours for discussion.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]


regarding your role, I have five hypotheses: one, you're a one-shot bulletproof bird/feather-thing who knows when he's been killed because of the flavor feathers; you have been making intelligent posts and thus would be a productive mafia night target. Two, something completely unrelated happened overnight causing the feathers and you know that you've been targeted for a kill because of your role, but you and/or your role are unrelated to the feathers, and you survived the kill without a heal. Three, you're pretending that you're one or two to draw the mafia kill next night and survive somehow. Four, you're gangster, but this seems unlikely. Also five you were healed last night and either receive a list of all actions targeting you or know that you were to be killed. :|

Anyway "familiar" seems to imply Bird Jesus as he's been on the team for longer, but that idea's tenuous at best. The list of Pokemon that could possibly somehow produce feathers is not expansive: traded-away Spearow, DUX, AA-J, and BJ. Because Pokemon claims are banned (as you've just reminded me) I'm inclined to believe that the feathers will be mostly a dead-end, unless an info rule has something from last night re: feathers.

My role is not useful at this point. I will roleclaim if asked to but won't specifics, because that would essentially lead to a mafia win.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

I know that I was targeted because I am a bulletproof who knows when they have been killed.

Earlier I claimed that I was a one-shot bulletproof to lure the mafia into wasting yet another night kill when I was in fact a two-shot bulletproof. Now, of course, I have been reduced to just a lynchproof townie.

Now here's what I believe: We've survived the mafia for four nights. That's certainly enough time for useful information to be gathered. I suggest we roleclaim en masse and start lynching from this point forward. If an inspector received an inspection report for four consecutive nights, then that information can be used to pin down the mafia. Even if they received only innocent reports, we can figure things out by process of elimination.

Please state your roles now. I have held off the mafia to buy everyone else time. Twice I have died for your sins. Do not let that be in vain.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

I am, as I said earlier, a two-shot bulletproof who has used up his immortality.

Alligates, what exactly is your role? You said it was something that would lead to a
Mafia win if you claimed? What exactly does that mean?

By the way, it's important to remember that an alien is still on the loose, probably.
I wouldn't want us accidentally lynching the activated alien and ending the game.
Right now, we should be focused on role claiming but should be cautious in doing so.
Don't immediately assume that a suspsicious-sounding person is mafia.

Just so you know, the clue of the feathers implies someone was killed twice.
Either way, that should say whether or not I am telling the truth about my role now.
So please try to keep that in mind if you are still unsure whether to trust me or not.
Unfortunately, I cannot give you clues as to which Pokémon I am, as per the rules.
So you'll just have to figure that one out yourselves.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Alligates, what exactly is your role? You said it was something that would lead to a
Mafia win if you claimed? What exactly does that mean?

I'm Lover. I was given a set partner, and we could communicate off-thread via PM. However, my partner is unresponsive at the moment, leading to my current not-very-usefulness. If you doubt the existence of Lovers, ILS implied in the first post that there were Lovers with no night action (rule 4) and a role with a PM that allowed outside of thread communication (rule 3).

Revealing my partner would lead to a Mafia win, as if myself or my partner is killed tonight the mafia will be able to win if they make a case for a non-alien to be lynched tomorrow. If there's only one doctor that person will not be able to save both of us, and two doctors opens up the possibility for healclash. Assuming two mafiosi (Superbird's alignment is mostly irrelevant), my revealing my partner would lead to a mafia kill of either myself or that person. If the mafia successfully lynched a non-alien the next day, they would be able to win the following night.

I believe the mafia thought you were alien and killed you again when you didn't die the first time. However, since your two shots are now used up and I have roleclaimed as lover, they will probably target you (active intelligent posts) or me (chance of two deaths). I advise the doctor to heal one of us unless you have sound reason to heal another.

Current roleclaims: Tailsy claims doctor who healed herself n0 and n1 (additionally invited investigation so if mafia, either trust gambit or a godfather-like role), Vanilla Mongoose claims two-shot bulletproof with both shots used up because of the flavor feathers, hopeandjoy claims vig who did not target anyone for all past nights due to lack of suspicion, I claim lover. Superbird, now dead, was Drowzee, which could be a lot of things.

Living players who have yet to claim: Flora, Majora, Maimi. Majora did post in the absence sheet that he would be gone indefinitely, though, so...
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Given what you have said, I think I can piece together who your lover is, but I will not say.

You may be right that you and I are the most likely mafia targets at this point. However, protecting you (assuming that you are in fact lover and paired with a non-OAKiosi) is more important at this point. Still, the mafia will want me dead, as there is no way for them to lynch me during the day, and they are going to have to kill me before they can win the game.

I want to hear everyone's claim, then we should decide who to lynch. I don't think there should be any abstaining from this point forward.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

I want to hear everyone's claim, then we should decide who to lynch. I don't think there should be any abstaining from this point forward.

I'm a roleblocker, though with an odd caveat - I can only roleblock five times total. When I first got my role, I actually figured the game wouldn't last long enough to come close to hitting that limit - but here we are.

I forgot to send in my night action the first phase, sorry. The next night, I blocked VM, and the lack of death made me suspicious (but not enough to roleclaim outright, since that happened the day before as well), so I blocked him again - and then Superbird died, so I was satisfied. Last night I blocked Flora; but since you were apparently hit, VM, I guess that's not worth much. I have two roleblocks left, still.

I have my own thoughts now, but I suppose it's best to withhold final judgment until the other two speak up.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

I forgot to send in my night action last night, so it was probably just as well you're a two-shot bulletproof, VM! (Sorry man.)

I agree that we really need to pin down some evidence to start lynching, but apparently our inspector is either unresponsive (D:) or lying (unlikely). I'm always hesitant to lynch on no evidence, especially since we've had so little deaths, but if Majora is gone indefinitely we may as well lynch them to get them out of the game? [shrug]
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Given that everyone is telling the truth (that, last night,
-Maimi blocked Flora
-VM was targeted for a kill
-Tailsy did not send in a night action
-I and my partner did nothing
-Majora did... something? Probably nothing as he's inactive
-hopeandjoy is one of ? vigilante who did something, or nothing
-Superbird was dead last night), who killed VM? If all of the above is true, then hopeandjoy must have. Did you have a reason? (also I find it uh somewhat not really suspicious-ish that hopeandjoy did not die after claiming unproductive vig? perhaps mafia assumed she would continue to be unproductive, but. imo not enough evidence a tentative vote, just a thing. [your reason for unproductiveness seems valid enough, hopeandjoy, though])

Additionally it would be nice if the inspector claims now. If no living person claims inspector, we arrive at the conclusion that someone is lying (unlikely), there is no inspector (also unlikely), or Superbird was the inspector, all of which are somewhat problematic. Obviously the first two are bad, as the inspector is either nonexistent or dead. The last creates a slight problem with the "alien activation" flavor detail from last last night. The only killers possible that night, if Superbird was inspector, would be hopeandjoy and [mafia] (not strictly mutually exclusive at the moment.) (VM was implied to be targeted for kill last last night? unless I'm misinterpreting someone) IF Omanyte -> Omastar was evidence of an alien activation and hopeandjoy did not target anything as she says, we only have one active killer, [mafia], and therefore unless there are suicidal characters all of Omanyte, Superbird [Drowzee], and VM could not have been killed. (This problem still arises if Superbird were a vig, as two killers cannot kill three people.) (tldr IF Omanyte's evolution was flavor clue as to activation, Superbird existed, VM is telling the truth and was targeted last last night, and hopeandjoy was vig and did not kill anything, there arises a contradiction which signifies that one of the given statements is wrong.)
Therefore, Superbird did not exist AND/OR Omanyte's evolution was not a flavor clue as to activation AND/OR VM is lying AND/OR VM was not killed last last night AND/OR hopeandjoy is not vig AND/OR hopeandjoy killed something last last night. I'm fairly sure Superbird exists. Also this whole thing goes away if Omanyte's evolution was symbolic of something else or nothing entirely (merely a marker of first death?) (There is probably something wrong with this logic please correct me if so)

Basically, I'd like the inspector to claim, for hopeandjoy to clarify her actions last and last last night so we can figure out vaguely what Superbird's role is/was, and lastly for Flora to claim and clarify her actions over the duration of the game so far. From there, we can piece together who mafia is/are at the moment and start productively lynching. Pretty much everyone who's claimed will be a mafia target tonight, so. Both mafia and doc will be taking a chance I guess?

Also also I'm against lynching Majora. He's already inactive so won't be a problem if he is mafia and lynching him would be counterproductive if he were alien or town. it's a waste of a lynch we can use against the mafia if inforole(s) speak up today (cough).

Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Once again, I did nothing. I've actually been away and PMing was difficult on my phone.

The lack of deaths in this game has caused very few accusations, and thus it has been very hard to suss out anyone acting particularly suspicious.

I have no idea why the mafia didn't go after me. Perhaps they didn't believe that VM could take multiple shots?
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