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Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [TOWN WIN]

Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

We'll see whether that has been happening tonight, I guess. If the OAKiosi did double-target Tailsy (thinking she was an Alien when she didn't die the first time, perhaps) then maybe we'll have something to go on tomorrow? The OAKiosi, if they know she's going to heal herself, will probably target someone else.

...so I also vote to wait and see. Abstain.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

well. uh. this is...interesting.

abstain then i guess?
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

I find Tailsy's story to be a rather unconvincing one. I shall now explain why:

My role is that of a bulletproof. I am essentially immune to attacks from the mafia. After the first night, when no one had died, I had initially suspected that the mafia had targeted me. I would have been a very viable target for the first night's kill, and the fact that no one died led me to believe that this could be the case.

When, after the second night, no one had died, I became even more suspicious that I was the one targeted. Naturally, the mafia would want to target the same person twice, to potentially eliminate the threat of an activated alien (I had actually hinted at such a possibility to try and draw the mafia's fire). If there had been an alien targeted on the first night, then they could not have survived another hit from the mafia. The doctor could have healed the alien, but this does not seem very likely. Tailsy could be telling the truth and have saved herself twice, but I do not believe this.

There was absolutely no reason for Tailsy to out herself as the doctor, except perhaps to bait the real doctor into role claiming (by the way, I highly advise the real doctor NOT to claim at this point). Why, exactly, would she claim at that point? If I had been the doctor, I would continue healing myself, in hopes that the mafia would fall for the same strategy.

There are a few other details that make it unlikely. Doctors do not usually have the option to heal themselves. At least, on this forum, doctors normally are required to heal someone other than themselves. Also, it seems very mafiesque for Tailsy to push the abstain vote before hearing what anyone else had to say. It is not always the case, but such eagerness to control the vote often indicates mafia behavior.

None of these points are completely decisive evidence that suggests that Tailsy's story is untrue, but togther, these points render it somewhat improbable. Having made my case, I now point the finger at...


P.S. I believe I have nothing to lose here, as even if the mafia turns against me, I am immune to lynching. I am aware that making such a claim sounds like some kind of alien reverse-psychology ploy, but I can guarantee that voting for me is simply wasting the vote. If new information comes to light, I may reconsider, but for the time being, I am fairly confident that my decision is the correct one.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

While what Vanilla Mongoose just said is really pretty valid, I'm going to go ahead and... Abstain. I'm going to wait a bit before I make any decisions.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Oh, good, I didn't realise we had a bulletproof! That's interesting. As I said, any inspector roles are totally free to inspect me since I'm innocent and my doctor-ly powers just happen to currently extend to being able to heal myself. I'm just bored, since two days with no deaths in mafia is dull as hell. See, now people are actually posting and being interested! Isn't that great. I wouldn't recommend lynching me, although I suppose as soon as I stop healing myself I'm going to get shot. But the Mafia aren't going to know if I ever actually do, so.

I'd like to think that by roleclaiming it's easier to work together but hey. I've never heard of a bulletproof being immune to lynching before, either, although admittedly I'm Mafia-rusty. Hmmmmmmmm. I'm going to heal myself again anyway, so see u on the flipside :o)
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

New evidence has come to light that has made me change my mind. ILS has sent me a private message that indicates that I have only been targeted once so far, lending a lot more credibility to Tailsy being the doctor.

For now I suppose I will have to retract my vote against Tailsy. I think she should continue healing herself as she has been doing, and then we can see what happens next phase. I will probably not be so lucky as to make it to then, as I misunderstood my role to mean I was permanently invincible to night kills, whereas I can only survive one.

Maybe by tomorrow, a cop will have gathered some useful information? Even clearing other players as innocent helps us narrow it down.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]


There's also no proof that you are actually a bulletproof, and one might believe that most GMs on this forum don't simply answer to a player how many times they've been targetted -- that's usually reserved for a role, is it not?

I continue to vote abstain. At least we might be getting somewhere, and perhaps tomorrow the inspector will have useful information for us or something?
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Yeah, I was thinking being both entirely immune to Mafia kills and lynching was kind of ridiculous. But OK, if we continue to abstain until we can get a positive ID on someone...
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Same here, on the impractibility - was going to comment on it while I was at lunch earlier today, but, well... was at lunch.

VM, did ILS give any reason /why/ he was giving you that information? On any "I can't be lynched" claims, the obvious solution if we'd otherwise abstain is to test it out and vote you - since if you're telling the truth, it's an abstain with extra info, and if you're not, you're dead. So, a hesitant VM, but emphasis on the hesitant; especially with
VM said:
as even if the mafia turns against me, I am immune to lynching. I am aware that making such a claim sounds like some kind of alien reverse-psychology ploy, but I can guarantee that voting for me is simply wasting the vote.
Considering we've been abstaining this whole time, I don't see how how it's a waste of a vote at all? Pretty sure if I had an unlynchable role, I'd invite people to test me out to prove my innocence. I'm not sure what kind of fishy that statement is, and with all the alien talk I'm not 100% confident, so everyone doesn't necessarily have to follow me and vote VM. But it's food for thought.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

There's also no proof that you are actually a bulletproof, and one might believe that most GMs on this forum don't simply answer to a player how many times they've been targetted -- that's usually reserved for a role, is it not?
Actually I didn't ask anything. ILS told me because he forgot to say it before. Actually, now that I think about it, that means I must have been targeted on the second night, otherwise I would have already known. Not that that information is really that useful, though.

VM, did ILS give any reason /why/ he was giving you that information? On any "I can't be lynched" claims, the obvious solution if we'd otherwise abstain is to test it out and vote you - since if you're telling the truth, it's an abstain with extra info, and if you're not, you're dead. So, a hesitant VM, but emphasis on the hesitant; especially with (quote).
Considering we've been abstaining this whole time, I don't see how how it's a waste of a vote at all? Pretty sure if I had an unlynchable role, I'd invite people to test me out to prove my innocence. I'm not sure what kind of fishy that statement is, and with all the alien talk I'm not 100% confident, so everyone doesn't necessarily have to follow me and vote VM. But it's food for thought.

Yeah, I see. I have no objections to this plan, especially if it proves I am telling the truth. Although I can't really convince you I'm not the alien. I'll vote myself though anyway.

I actually had another plan, and that was having a vigilante target Tailsy tonight. If she's not lying, and really can heal herself, then there should be no problem, right? Of course, that plan depends on whether or not a vigilante is even in this game.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Actually I didn't ask anything. ILS told me because he forgot to say it before. Actually, now that I think about it, that means I must have been targeted on the second night, otherwise I would have already known. Not that that information is really that useful, though.

Yeah, I see. I have no objections to this plan, especially if it proves I am telling the truth. Although I can't really convince you I'm not the alien. I'll vote myself though anyway.

I actually had another plan, and that was having a vigilante target Tailsy tonight. If she's not lying, and really can heal herself, then there should be no problem, right? Of course, that plan depends on whether or not a vigilante is even in this game.

...Let's not; you're an experienced player and therefore are valuable to have around. And if you are the Alien, we don't want you winning now, do we.

Also, I'd like to put forth that the latter plan you described might not work. Sometimes a healer can prevent one assassination attempt, but not two -- if Tailsy is doubletargeted, she might die anyway and then we'd have lost our healer.

I still think abstaining is the wisest option here.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

...Let's not; you're an experienced player and therefore are valuable to have around. And if you are the Alien, we don't want you winning now, do we.

Also, I'd like to put forth that the latter plan you described might not work. Sometimes a healer can prevent one assassination attempt, but not two -- if Tailsy is doubletargeted, she might die anyway and then we'd have lost our healer.

I still think abstaining is the wisest option here.

I don't think "valuable to have around/experienced player" is really relevant here. If VM is innocent and therefore valuable to have around, he won't die. If he's lying, and therefore likely not (innocents don't lie, is the generally given thing) valuable to have around, he'll die. The alien part is a risk, I admit. Up to you whether you think it's worth taking.

That's pretty far-fetched, though. I mean, first that puts forth that caveat, which probably depends on flavor (Tailsy, input?), and then we need not one, but two vigilantes to both listen/read and target Tailsy. We can't even trust in one. The main downside of it is that it calls Tailsy's bluff into question - the mafia isn't left guessing, they /know/ Tailsy's going to heal herself or else she has a much larger risk of dying on her own, so they'll probably target whoever they want. Therefore, there's a much larger chance that our streak of no deaths ends. But the hope of no death tomorrow isn't something we could count on anyway.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Given that we've had two nights with no deaths I'd be a little concerned about test-lynching someone who has claimed innocent for obvious alien reasons, personally. But otherwise I'm not sure what you need my input on if not that :O Flavour text?? I mean, if I had to I would guess that VM may have been targeted last night which has 'broken' his bulletproof/activated alien if he's lying, but I don't exactly have proof other than the word 'commotion', so. (Also weird, since you'd think if the mafia didn't manage to kill someone on night 0 they'd have targeted the same player again if they were being sensible - yet if VM has only been targeted once like he said... ??? that seems like a silly decision for the mafia to make.)

I'm not changing my vote, though.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Given that we've had two nights with no deaths I'd be a little concerned about test-lynching someone who has claimed innocent for obvious alien reasons, personally. But otherwise I'm not sure what you need my input on if not that :O Flavour text?? I mean, if I had to I would guess that VM may have been targeted last night which has 'broken' his bulletproof/activated alien if he's lying, but I don't exactly have proof other than the word 'commotion', so. (Also weird, since you'd think if the mafia didn't manage to kill someone on night 0 they'd have targeted the same player again if they were being sensible - yet if VM has only been targeted once like he said... ??? that seems like a silly decision for the mafia to make.)

I'm not changing my vote, though.
Flavor text, yeah! Yours, specifically. Do you think your method of healing would fail if you were hit twice? Since being killed is "releasing," not sure how exactly you're supposed to be able to prevent that...
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

I'm not sure! It doesn't state specifically in my role PM what the limits of it are - just that my form of healing is a pungent smell, if flavour means anything which it might not. So possibly it can't fail even if I'm targeted twice. But I don't know, sadly :(
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

At least today there was some actual discussion.

No one has been released.
48 hours for PMs.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

The POKéMON wake up only to see DROWZEE leaving, and the LORD HELIX ascending into the sky, slowly transforming into an OMASTAR.

Superbird has been released.
72 hours for discussion.
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